Solo Submarine - Awaiting 3DR response.

The Solo controller does transmit a recordable FPV video to iOS devises. It works at 720K since IOS devises only support up to 1080 playback
Not sure what exactly you mean!? Are you saying that you can only record the live video feed on iOS devices!? That's how it used to be, but I thought they now support that on Android. Next question is, does it record the video only, or the entire screen? I don't need the feed only as I am recording that anyway on the GoPro AND it doesn't have the telemetry data...

Sorry about your Solo.

There is a reason why I never fly without recording my screen (AZ Screen recorder does a fantastic job). Once recorded, I have fast access to altitude, distance, amp draw, battery level, flight mode, Sat count and a few other things. All that without pulling any logs. To 90% that's all the telemetry information I need...

Most importantly is the fact though, that if something like this happens, I have done footage too show what happened... On top of providing the logs.

Everyone should at least install a screen recorder and try it.

Speaking of screen recorder... I thought the Solo app offers this feature by now!? I have it enabled, but do not find the footage.

The Solo app offers Camera roll (screen recording) on both iOS and Android since 1.3 release.

Interesting story. Lesson learned: set Solo performance to "rabbit" if you fly in windy conditions. Sorry for your loss. And thanks for posting.
The Solo app offers Camera roll (screen recording) on both iOS and Android since 1.3 release.

Interesting story. Lesson learned: set Solo performance to "rabbit" if you fly in windy conditions. Sorry for your loss. And thanks for posting.
Like I said, I saw that, but for some reason it doesn't work. Our maybe it does work and I can't find the recorded video!? Where is it recorded to!?

Like I said, I saw that, but for some reason it doesn't work. Our maybe it does work and I can't find the recorded video!? Where is it recorded to!?

Don't have mine in front of me, but I believe on my Nexus 7 they are in a directory titled 'Videos', and I accessed them through the 'My Files' program on Android.

Don't have mine in front of me, but I believe on my Nexus 7 they are in a directory titled 'Videos', and I accessed them through the 'My Files' program on Android.
Interesting. I would think that the videos show up in your Gallery, just like DJI and AZ Screen Recorder videos do, but they don't. Anyhow, I searched around a little bit and found them in:


Quality is pretty low though AND it does not show you any telemetry data. That said, I prefer to use a screen recorder app so I have all the info handy I need...

I had the performance set to "rabbit"/very fast in the solo app. If anything, this worsened the situation as the drone rapidly lost altitude (22m or over 60ft in under 8 seconds) attempting to gain forward speed.

If the max speed was set slower, maybe a higher percentage of the available power would have been applied to maintaining altitude. At least in the "anyone can fly it, no experience necessary" auto mode, the only way you should be able to cause a descent is with the left stick.

Of course I'm biased because my Solo decided to take up swimming.
I had the performance set to "rabbit"/very fast in the solo app. If anything, this worsened the situation as the drone rapidly lost altitude (22m or over 60ft in under 8 seconds) attempting to gain forward speed.

If the max speed was set slower, maybe a higher percentage of the available power would have been applied to maintaining altitude. At least in the "anyone can fly it, no experience necessary" auto mode, the only way you should be able to cause a descent is with the left stick.

Of course I'm biased because my Solo decided to take up swimming.

I agree. The Solo should not descent just to keep its speed up. If anything, it should slow down to maintain altitude.
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3DR reviewed the logs and tested their drone in similar conditions. They determined that the Solo shouldn't have descended so rapidly and were unable to replicate the behavior. They agree that this is not typical behavior in alt. hold or loiter, which will prioritize altitude over speed.They suspect mechanical failure and have sent me an RMA #.

I'm incredibly impressed with their tech support, especially given the benefit-of-the-doubt involved when my hardware is unrecoverable.
Awesome news! 3DR is a stand-up company. Outstanding!

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