Solo motors lifespan????

If you'll read the manual.....

.....You'll find that 50 hours is the expected MTBF
If you'll read the manual.....

.....You'll find that 50 hours is the expected MTBF

Bruce... Noticed this thread and always wanted to ask .... What would be a recommended motor replacement for the Solo? I would have to imagine there are some very good motor replacements out there.
Many folks went with the T-Motor 2216/800KV or 900KV when they were still manufactured in Japan. There has been some speculation that the OEM motors are actually the SunnySky 2216/880KV.

The recommended replacement is a 3DR motor pod, but you have to have been forward thinking enough to buy parts birds or genuine replacement parts when they were available. Which is why I posted part numbers above.

.....Or, I know @RichWest has advocated for bearing replacement on the OEM motors, as that is really the only part which wears out.
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Thanks ! .... That was going to be my next question on just replacing the bearings as long as the motor windings are still good .. ....
Figured that would be a lot cheaper than trying to replace the motor ... However, with the technology moving faster than before ... a new motor replacement might be the answer ... When the time comes I'll have to make the decision then ... I'm one that like to be prepared and have spare parts available for the "Just In Case" ...

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