Solo for track days

Oct 28, 2015
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Hi, am am considering buying a Solo for filming my track days.
Has anyone experience filming cars at high speeds on a closed track?
Don't expect the solo to fly faster than 35mph while in any mode but manual. Besides that it should be great
If you want it to hover and spin in circles while filming, great. Other than that drones aren't good for that.
This has been discussed before- there is a camera system on a tripod that works well for that but I can't remember what it's called.
This is what was discussed in the other thread about racing,, and what rthe other guy wanting to fim himself racing decided on.


Don't know how it worled ou though.
I'm a big track day fan (is my avatar any clue?) and the track day that I host is coming up on the 13th. It will be the first track day I'm hosting since I got my Solo.

The plan is to do some cable cams along the straight-away with the speed cranked up as high as possible. With a little help from the control sticks, I should be able to track the cars. I've been practicing alongside a highway near my house and it looks doable. Solo just has to rotate as the car is passing it up. Naturally, as it rotates, the camera has to point down, then up again. That's the tricky part.

Also, there are a few tight turns at one end of the track where I could stay stationary and track a car through about 230+ degrees.

If I get some good stuff, I'll post it afterwards...
Seems like the standard cablecam preset would handle some of that... set point A with desired camera orientation, set point B with same, and adjust speed. Should work fine!
I just shot a video for a friend. She wanted a slow "action" shot for a university project. The idea was, have the camera focused on the steeple of a huge towering church - from about five feet in front of the spire - then zoom away, back, and executing a turn down, speeding now for a picnic table in a park roughly four hundred feet away. On arrival the camera would approach and film her close-up, already talking. Soundtrack to be added post of course.
Point A and B! Worked great!
Still gotta insert that sound though.
So the follow mode is not doable because the car is too fast?
I was thinking it could fly high, then lower as the car approached, turning the camera as it passed by and then flew up again, so the car would always be in shot.
So the follow mode is not doable because the car is too fast?
I was thinking it could fly high, then lower as the car approached, turning the camera as it passed by and then flew up again, so the car would always be in shot.
That would probably work. At a certain altitude, you will be able to see the entire track and follow the cars easily.
Do a test flight ahead of time to find the best altitude for what you want to do.
That's certainly one way to do it. I don't know if I'll use that because these guys really like to see their cars in action, so the closer I can get to them (within reason), the better...
That's certainly one way to do it. I don't know if I'll use that because these guys really like to see their cars in action, so the closer I can get to them (within reason), the better...
I totally understand- just not sure how to get a Solo with GoPro close enough & still be able to track a car like you want to.
Yeah - check out the behind the scenes on Furious 7 from GoPro GoPro Behind the Scenes of Furious 7 | GoPro News

i've already tried the suction cups on my car and depending on where you place your GoPro's on the car WITH a cool (really slow) tight Orbit widening the orbit at the same time as increasing Altitude OR the reverse similar using Cable cam set up with start and end camera angle and throw in an Orbit to the left or right as it's pulling back and up.

the final edit would be super cool switching back and forth between your GoPro's on the car and the SOLO above!

i really want to see what you end up doing.

side note... crowd shots, over heads and lead-ups to the cars right as they take off and cross the finish line build the energy before you race! good luck!
oh - i forgot to mention the time lapse pit crew // crowd building scenes are always cool. and get the sun rising and setting over the track as a sweetener. ;)

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