Solo Disappearance - Now RECOVERED

i havent viewed the log but which way is home? thru the tree or back across the River?
Not through the trees Chris. Home would have taken him back in the clear.
Not through the trees Chris. Home would have taken him back in the clear.
is it safe to assume he was still standing at the launch point, not that it got satellite back quickly and flew back home?

When i flew 1.6 miles I had an Oh sh!t moment when it finally lost signal, it said RTH, then i got it back momentarily and if flashed NO GPS fly:manual, then signal was gone. So i made a good effort to walk that direction in order to get the signal back, thinking it was likely drifting until i could hit fly again or until it returned itself to GPS mode. Well nothing in about a minute so i threw my daughter in the car and quickly drove in that direction hoping to reconnect. Turns out when i got signal back it had already passed me on its RTH path. Before i could turn around and maintain connection it was at the initial take off landing.
I had a similar moment with Phantom once. But I am pretty sure he was still at launch point as its a construction zone (bridge) and he was at barricades with workers. He shared this with me email. The logs show the Solo at 90 degrees for a couple minutes. He also say leaves/branches in last video glimpse.
I was not at the launch point, I was by the bridge at that point. The launch point was right near my vehicle next to a big "road closed" sign (they are nearly done rebuilding the bridge) so I would have seen it. Plus there's no way I wouldn't have heard it - by myself in the middle of the country, the drone is the loudest thing.
I had a similar moment with Phantom once. But I am pretty sure he was still at launch point as its a construction zone (bridge) and he was at barricades with workers. He shared this with me email. The logs show the Solo at 90 degrees for a couple minutes. He also say leaves/branches in last video glimpse.

I launched from the launch point showed some workers, then walked up to the bridge while flying as they took off for the day (due to the flooding) and were on their way out.
Well everything between you, drone and launch point is the clear direction right?
I've not looked at the logs yet but just to advise loss of GPS isn't the only time the Solo would auto switch to manual, it would do the same with a compass problem, for example.
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Well everything between you, drone and launch point is the clear direction right?

Right, more or less. Of course, if RTH lands instead of returns while in Fly:Manual, it could have just as easily dropped it into tree branches, though I didn't have it that close (at least from my vantage). Who knows, the whole thing is so messed up. I really wish I had been recording the whole flight to the iPhone as well so there was something to review other than memory and correlate with logs.
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I've not looked at the logs yet but just to advise loss of GPS isn't the only time the Solo would auto switch to manual, it would do the same with a compass problem, for example.
Ian you need to post more often. So we can argue with you and then give in to you being right :)
I've not looked at the logs yet but just to advise loss of GPS isn't the only time the Solo would auto switch to manual, it would do the same with a compass problem, for example.

What would cause a compass problem? Was anyone aware of a magnetic field shift yesterday?
One Question, no one asked, What had you changed the default RTL alt to be?

15, 1500, 49?
Does anyone know how to see the motor spin rate in the log graphs?
150 feet (4572 cm)
Ok so you did use the value in cm...Id really advise checking back along the ditch where you took off from, if you were at or near the bridge and didnt see a crash perhaps it drifted through the limbs which if it bumps or drops you would think it would power up higher, then at that point if it clears it would rise to 150 and head back.
Well I went to look again. The flood waters have receded but man the mud is thick. I tried approaching from the south as its closest to where I am, but apparently the flooding caused the road crew to have to tear some things back up and the bridge was no longer accessible. I then drove several miles around to try from the north, with the closest entry to the field some ways up the road. Trekked a good long ways through the mud in the cornfield (between rows of corn taller than me) but eventually got to a creek that I couldn't get past. No bueno.
Sorry to hear that. Well hoping that there was an issue and 3dr can see it. They are up to speed on what is going on and know what to look for.
Sorry to hear that. Well hoping that there was an issue and 3dr can see it. They are up to speed on what is going on and know what to look for.

I've no doubt there was an issue. It shouldn't go into Fly:Manual mode while it has 8+ satellites (I would think). Now whether 3DR sees it that way, there I have my doubts.
I've no doubt there was an issue. It shouldn't go into Fly:Manual mode while it has 8+ satellites (I would think). Now whether 3DR sees it that way, there I have my doubts.
Hi Jason. Hope it dries out enough and you are able to locate your Solo. I have gone through your logs and feel fairly confident in what happened. I have made a video for you to show how I came about my opinion. It's just my opinion, but I think you can see how I came to it. You are probably not going to like it, but I am just stating my opinion.
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