Solo Controller getting really warm and emitting high frequency noise

Nov 27, 2015
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Gold Coast, Australia
I noticed today after using my Solo yesterday when the controller for some reason got really warm, that now my controller is emitting an audible high frequency noise.

You do have to put the controller close to your head to hear it over background noise.

Is this normal? Can someone else please confirm that their controller also emits high frequency noise?
Steve - I did disconnect the battery and try the reset but still have the noise.

Can anyone please confirm if they put their controller near their ear that they can't hear any high frequency noise?
Steve - I did disconnect the battery and try the reset but still have the noise.

Can anyone please confirm if they put their controller near their ear that they can't hear any high frequency noise?
Definitely no noise- it's broke.o_O
Just a thought...Check that your antenna connections are fully engaged. But sure, no noise should be emitting from the controller, at least not loud enough to hear easily.
In an area with a high noise floor you have to put it near your head, but late at night with the tv off in my lounge room is when I noticed it. Anyways it didn't do it until a couple of days ago when I noticed it getting unusually warm when I was using it.

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Interesting. I heard a high pitch sound also but only when the remote was plugged in for charging.

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Hmm...i will be trying to get it replaced. Before I had this problem I never noticed it during normal use or when charging.

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My mom used to complain about noises under the hood of her car, I told her to turn up the radio as I found nothing wrong....;)
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Thanks guys for your input. I have sent logs and info to 3DR so all aboard the merry-go-round...

I will let you all know how I go.

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