Solo BMS requirement questions

May 9, 2017
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Hey folks -

Been pondering the 'battery problem' we Solo owners will all be facing eventually on the one hand. On the other hand been seeing some pretty High Amp BMS on various sites.

So, my question here is what all would be required on a Solo/Ardupilot-compatible Flight Battery Management System [i.e. something you could plug in and just use]? A Charge management system and coulomb counter with SMBUS? Or is it more than that?
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Hi just_bruce, I was searching on AE these BMS with SMBUS but didn't find enough Amp for Solo. There was some BMS board just for safety without SMBUS .

So if you give me some links to the BMS, I can help you to analyze.

for short : enough Amp, 4S (or more if you whant to transplant Solo), SMBUS v1.0 but I think v2 is compatible too. And of course ask the vendor for the unseal password to program the capacity.

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I'm not talking about using something that is complete off the shelf. I'm asking what is required by Ardupilot/Solo for plug-n-play. Charge and discharge safety can be handled by OTS BMS boards, Coulomb counting by a single IC, and both of those can be monitored/reported by a microcontroller. I just need to know which messages and such Ardupilot is looking for, or where to find such info.
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Sorry for my bad understanding...It's more complicated than using smbus protocol. Ardupilot should query smbus for broadcasting standards values like: voltage, current, relativeStateOfcharge, absoluteStateOfCharge, remainingCapacity.

You can dive into src code and find all files using batt_smbus.cpp (
ArduPilot/PX4Firmware) then search what ardupilot sends to batt_smbus.
Yes, I know it is more complicated. Hence the question. That bit of source did little to inform my knowledge of required reporting.....
Well thanks @Saijin_Naib . I'm mostly seeking information here. I'm having a devil of a time just tracking down what Arducopter needs/wants to see. Hard to get started without that info.
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