Solex with no calibration options available

May 11, 2017
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Hello mates, I have just installed OpenSolo on my stock Solo by using Solex app
Following the instructions, as final step I should calibrate imu and compass...but these options, on my Solex menu, are greyed out and NOT available!!
I tried everything (reboot both controller and solo, reboot my tablet, used my Android phone...) but nothing worked...I followed the istructions word by word
The other Solex options works w/ no problem at all...I can connect with my Solo, see the GoPro streaming and record from it...I can also change the "vehicle parameters" and, for example, the "battery section"...

FYI, the controller shows me the "Open Solo" string on booting...

What could be wrong?!

When you open up Solex and connect to the drone, make sure Solex has downloaded all the parameters before you open the options menu to calibrate the compass and imu. It takes a few moments for the options to become available.
Yeah, I did it mate... I saw the massage "parameters downloaded" (or something like that) and waited for several minutes (like ten, once) but the options remain grey outed...
Damn, sorry to hear about your troubles. I have a number of solos, some green cubed, some not, some running open solo, some not and honestly, I've never come across this issue (other than temporarily). The fact that you're using different devices and having the same issue leads me to suspect the drone not the program.

Did you install Open Solo on both the controller and the drone?
Did you install any other options or was it just the Open Solo option? (for instance did you install ArduCopter parameter package or the ArduCopter firmware package?)

Go to the Solex vehicle settings menu, make sure it's saying Controller and Vehicle 3.0.0. Controller FW should say Open Solo 3.0.0. And autopilot FW should say 1.5.4 for a stock cube, and 3.5.4 for a green cube.
Thanks mate, in order

1- yes, just installed open solo on both drone and controller

2- I have installed only the two open solo files, as the istructions said me.. Anything else..

3- On Solex info page I can see a slightly different thing about the version... My "controller fw" form write "3.0.0" and not "open solo 3.0.0" like u said (and the guide too)... Sincerely I dunno why...

How can I see the firmware version on my drone? How can I be sure the Open Solo was installed?

Thanks again
No worries, not sure I can help you with the issue, but at least I can get the info in order so someone else can make a full diagnosis.

1: Good!

2: REALLY GOOD! (people usually have an inability to follow instructions and that can cause issues)

3: Go to the Solex vehicle settings menu, scroll all the way down to the bottom and it should tell you what the Vehicle Firmware and Controller Firmware are (along with the Autopilot firmware). When they refer to "Open Solo 3.0.0" they are actually referring to the version Firmware. The 3.0.0 is what you're really looking for. If you're only seeing controller FW I'm wondering if you're actually communicating with your drone properly.

Have you tried reloading open solo to your drone (you won't need to reload it to your controller since that's already working it seems). You could always try reloading and literally sit on your hands for 10 minutes (use a stopwatch). One of the issues that often happens is people rebooting or pressing buttons during the install because they just didn't wait long enough. I don't think you've anything to lose by trying!
No worries, not sure I can help you with the issue, but at least I can get the info in order so someone else can make a full diagnosis.

1: Good!

2: REALLY GOOD! (people usually have an inability to follow instructions and that can cause issues)

3: Go to the Solex vehicle settings menu, scroll all the way down to the bottom and it should tell you what the Vehicle Firmware and Controller Firmware are (along with the Autopilot firmware). When they refer to "Open Solo 3.0.0" they are actually referring to the version Firmware. The 3.0.0 is what you're really looking for. If you're only seeing controller FW I'm wondering if you're actually communicating with your drone properly.

Have you tried reloading open solo to your drone (you won't need to reload it to your controller since that's already working it seems). You could always try reloading and literally sit on your hands for 10 minutes (use a stopwatch). One of the issues that often happens is people rebooting or pressing buttons during the install because they just didn't wait long enough. I don't think you've anything to lose by trying!
Thanks mate... But Solex says, for the "controller fw", only "3.0.0" and not "open solo 3.0.0", are u sure the problem is the drone and not the controller itself??

Can I see, for example by Mission Planner or other app, the firmware version truly installed on both controller and drone?
From Solex I see "3.0.0" but it is not very...informative... I'm seeking for something more "self explanatory" to be sure the firmware is correct...

Just tried... And it worked (both imu and compass calibration) !!
Now I wonder why Solex doesn't...
Hi, I am having the same issue with the buttons being grayed out. How exactly did you resolve it?
Hi, I am having the same issue with the buttons being grayed out. How exactly did you resolve it?
I just used another app to calibrate my Solo instead of Solex...
I used Tower but you could do the same with original 3DR Solo app or Mission Planner (on pc)
Reporting the same greyed out options on v 1.7.0 of solex.
I too can confirm. I just upgraded my stock Solo to Open 3.0 on both copter and controller. No issues with install but IMU and compass are greyed out. One thing I was able to do was quickly hit connect, open menu and click on IMU or compass quickly and it would start the routine. You have to be real fast to catch it as after a second or two both options grey out.

I haven't flown yet but everything seems to be working well. I plan to test tomorrow. I'm doing this pre install of a green cube and want to make sure there is nothing wrong before going all the way.
I too can confirm. I just upgraded my stock Solo to Open 3.0 on both copter and controller. No issues with install but IMU and compass are greyed out. One thing I was able to do was quickly hit connect, open menu and click on IMU or compass quickly and it would start the routine. You have to be real fast to catch it as after a second or two both options grey out.

I haven't flown yet but everything seems to be working well. I plan to test tomorrow. I'm doing this pre install of a green cube and want to make sure there is nothing wrong before going all the way.
Yup! It's true....or simply use another app (Solo stock app, Tower, Mission Planner on pc)
I did manage to replicate this issue (at random). I reloaded open solo onto the drone, opened solex (but I did manage to calibrate), but exiting the app, re-entering, exiting and entering it again eventually led to the calibration options being grayed out. Strange, because the app still worked and I could access the drone controls and camera. Will play around more to see if there's a specific way to replicate the problem and resolve.

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