Solex for Solo

Hi, I'm new to Open Solo 3.0 and like to know how I can reassign the short/long-press buttons.
You said you use JuiceSSH to edit the solo's /usr/bin/extSettings.conf file. How exactly can I do this with JuiceSSH ??
Some step by step instructions would be really helpful.
If you need step-by-step instructions you probably shouldn't be attempting it, methinks.
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So I bought the Geotagging app add-on, and I must be stupid today or something. I can't find in Solex where "Update Firmware" is.

"Under the "Firmware Updates" item on the main menu"

Where is that? I've check "advanced mode" and that didn't make it appear.

I am using version 1.6.3 - Dec 3, 2017

I'm experiencing same problem! Did you ever resolve this? Where is the "Firmware Update" option located in the main menu? Assuming the "main menu" is the 3 bar hamburger in upper left screen...?

I'm using v1.6.7 - Jan. 19, 2018
I see mavlink cam control in solex settings now, is that a way to trigger a 3rd party cam or just for the GoPro?
The reason I ask is I'm planning on mounting a ndvi cam on a cheap storm32 gimbal on the back and am looking for the best way to trigger it from solex any thoughts on this would be welcome and appreciated
If you need step-by-step instructions you probably shouldn't be attempting it, methinks.
I don't agree. We all need to share how to do things and editing the extSettings.conf file is the only way to get access to the new long-press features that Open Solo opened up to us.
As it is now, Solex doesn't have a way to do it (yet?), and editing the file is not that hard to do.

Besides, if the original Solo app dissappears from the app store, it'll be the only way to program Smart Shots to the buttons because Solex doesn't do it.

I'm out of the country on a business trip, but as soon as I return I'll write up a simple to follow step-by-step.
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Just a laundry list of issues... sure wish Kelly used a bug tracking tool. Much easier to navigate than 1000+ messages in a thread or FB forums.

Solex Bugs and Feature Requests

  • Bug: Timeout on download of any firmware prevents downloading of any further files without cleanup procedure and restarting all over again. Allow resume capability. Allow failed download not to require wipe of all downloaded firmware.

  • Usability: Enable access to firmware downloads page without first onnecting to copter. This is entirely unnecessary and causes "fighting for control" as Solex attempts concurrently to connect and communicate with both vehicle and internet.

  • Usability: Add Home to navigation menu. Requiring user to use back button to get to home screen is tiring and overly complex. Menu shoud allow direct navigation to any available page.

  • Usability: Either Refesh button on Firmware page does not work or it does not repaint list on success. No indication that it actually functions.

  • Bug: After failed firmware download attempt, downloading a different file causes the counter to start with the previous byte at which the download failed. No indicatication of progress.

  • Usability: Takeoff and RTL waypoints do not appear on the map. It is understood that these may differ at time of actual flight, but it is very useful for planning purposes to have a planned mission "home" position.

  • Usability: User selection of preferred map type does not persist application restart.

  • Usability: User selection of preferred map type is reset to Satellite when switching to Mission planning. There appears no way to set it from there. Impacts usability since some map type show useful information such as property boundaries and other datum.

  • Bug: Firmware download is unreliabile, always resulting in timeout. Used on relaible high speed network. Workaround: in Android wifi settings, click on SoloLink_ wifi connection and select Forget. This seems to make Solex stop trying to communicate with Solo, resolving contention.

  • Feature Request: Allow sharing of missions.

  • Feature Request: Allow use of alternate folder for storing missions, logs, etc. Google Drive or Dropbox can be extremely useful in this regard for use with multiple pilots, for data backup, etc.

  • Usability: Allow zoom to flying locations for purposes of creating geofences.

  • Feature request: Allow use of alternate map providers.

  • Feature request: Allow import of Google Maps saved places to flying locations.

  • Bug: Missions from QGroundControl v. 3.2 do not import. "Error importing" returned.

  • Bug: Missions: If screen orientation is changed, map location is reset to current and current mission plan is lost (all waypoints wiped).

  • Bug: Add-on Doc for Missions fails to show documentation sometimes.

  • Usability: Actions to upload and fly missions is not intuitive. This should be available from the mission planning screen. Instead, one must go to the Fly screen, turn on the missions layer, select the mission, send and then arm.
Usability: User selection of preferred map type is reset to Satellite when switching to Mission planning. There appears no way to set it from there. Impacts usability since some map type show useful information such as property boundaries and other datum.
This one is a big problem for me when I try to use Solex to do a simple survey.
I have to use the property lines map on the Google Maps app, switch over to Solex Mission Planner and try to remember where I saw the lot lines.
It would be so much easier if Solex would let us set the map type on the Mission Planner.

The other thing I wish Solex could do is map all of the buttons on the Artoo with everything available with Open Solo, including Smart Shots.
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I recently got the Solex app, great product. Having said that I find it disturbing that you pay $30.00 for this app only to find out if you want the ability to do missions your going to have to shell out another $20.00 to get that feature, then there is anouther feature that costs $10.00 if you want that.

This is redicules as they don’t mention those features missing until you have bought what you thought was all of those features. Like I said Solex is great, but speaking for myself had I known those features were not included I would have stuck with Side Pilot, which has a lot of the same ability. It’s not quit as polished, is a very good alternative to Solex and it has Mission planning in it for $12.00. It’s only available for Apple products, but Tower is also a good product for Android and that is free.

So buyer beware, if you want a complete product Solex is not it, unless you shell out another $30 bucks. I think I’ll get my money back and stick to Side Pilot.
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I recently got the Solex app, great product. Having said that I find it disturbing that you pay $30.00 for this app only to find out if you want the ability to do missions your going to have to shell out another $20.00 to get that feature, then there is anouther feature that costs $10.00 if you want that.

This is redicules as they don’t mention those features missing until you have bought what you thought was all of those features. Like I said Solex is great, but speaking for myself had I known those features were not included I would have stuck with Side Pilot, which has a lot of the same ability. It’s not quit as polished, is a very good alternative to Solex and it has Mission planning in it for $12.00. It’s only available for Apple products, but Tower is also a good product for Android and that is free.

So buyer beware, if you want a complete product Solex is not it, unless you shell out another $30 bucks. I think I’ll get my money back and stick to Side Pilot.
Best 50 bucks I ever spent.
It's makes more since if you were a long time Solex user. As an alternative to 3DRs Solo it was great at $30. I still used Tower but several of us wondered if Solex could do missions too. Enough begging took place and with a lot of work, Kelly crafted mission capabilities into Solex and offered that as an add-on for the very reasonable price of $20. If you were involved at that time you would've been as happy as the rest of us. Now if we could only geotag our images. A couple of months and a $10 fee later, we got it. That's what is so great about Solex.
It is unfortunate that the add-ons aren't advertised specifically but there really isn't an advertizing plan here other than the online "word-of-mouth'. I understand your disappointment. But that's how it happened. As for IOS apps. I'd have to spend hundreds to get a platform to use them.
Best 50 bucks I ever spent.
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Couple of Mission questions:

In a multi waypoint mission will a ROI set between two WPs remain active for the remainder of the mission unless changed by a subsequent ROI?

Can "Touch" ROIs be changed on the go multiple times during a mission? If so will they override saved ROIs for the duration of a mission or until a waypoint is reached with another saved action ROI?

My Nvidia K1 cuts off the bottom of the Mission flying screen ( with the tablets navigation buttons) and I cannot see or seem to access the lower buttons on the inset ROI box below the "None", "ME", "Touch" area. What is there? And does anyone with a NVidia K1 have a way to get around this?
Just a quick there a chance Solex could be ported over to Chromebook OS? Would be nice to use a chromebook instead of a Note 5
Just a quick there a chance Solex could be ported over to Chromebook OS? Would be nice to use a chromebook instead of a Note 5
There is a good chance that in a soon to released version of ChromeOS, it will just work. In fact, you should see if it is already in the store. Google has been working a lot to make Android apps "just work" on ChromeOS.

Usability: Takeoff and RTL waypoints do not appear on the map. It is understood that these may differ at time of actual flight, but it is very useful for planning purposes to have a planned mission "home" position.

I second this. It'd me nice to know where the Solo is going to come back to before I press the button. Because sometimes the "home" location isn't exactly where it left from for random reasons. (i always wait for GPS before arming).

I also noticed that I cannot zoom out on the map. when I pinch to zoom out, a few seconds later it zooms right back. Not sure which setting makes it stop that.
I got it and it runs funny on an LG G5- bought it specifically to run SOLEX- 4GB RAM you thought it wouldn't hiccup..... was hoping for more- sorry
is there a system minimum requirement- thanks
I am trying to setup a CHDK trigger for mapping. Would Solex be able to send a trigger command when using missions and geotagging?
I couldn't get Follow/Me (engaged from Solex) to start. It says it has started and I have a speed set, but the Solo just hovers in place when I move around.
I don't have a gimbal...but it should still follow me right?
I couldn't get Follow/Me (engaged from Solex) to start. It says it has started and I have a speed set, but the Solo just hovers in place when I move around.
I don't have a gimbal...but it should still follow me right?
Does your Phone/Tablet have GPS enabled? It needs to be in order for the SOLO to follow your device around, it also seems to be a little quirky at times and you need to really move around not just by walking a few feet. I had attempted follow me once and the solo somehow locked onto my neighbors device a block away? It took off like a bat out of hell in that direction unfortunately a tree jumped right into its path and before I could even react it smacked said tree and rode down its trunk, but no real damage aside from scuffed Master Airscrew props. All this happened while I was using Tower so it might be partly to blame just be careful using follow me mode..
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Yes it was GPS enabled, and the location teaching icon was present while flying. I'll try moving more next time.

Yes it was GPS enabled, and the location teaching icon was present while flying. I'll try moving more next time.


This is from the solex user manual Solex User Manual

Follow Options:
All Follow modes have a similar set of options. Look at target determines whether your vehicle actually tries to follow the target around, or just sits still in the air and "looks" at it as it moves.
Ah ha! That's my issue. I thought follow me meant...well follow me. I'll look at that too. Thanks
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I have just updated the solex app and now it appears that in a mission I can no longer move the points I have created on the map. I am using a 10" Note 2014 and haven't had any issues before.
I have just updated the solex app and now it appears that in a mission I can no longer move the points I have created on the map. I am using a 10" Note 2014 and haven't had any issues before.
I saved the mission, closed the app again (to post here) went back to the app and loaded the mission and it now works.

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