Sick to my stomach...

Jun 25, 2016
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This morning a friend of mine and fellow Solo owner told me that 3D Robotics was abandoning Solo. I sure hope that is a bad, bad rumor...I have looked around the forum, read post, but have not seen definitively that 3dr is abandoning Solo. Maybe I don't want to believe it since I just bought mine about 3 weeks ago...just curious if they will continue make replacement parts, such as blades, motors as needed...are will my next crash possibly my last if there are no parts to fix my Solo?? I bought the Solo thinking it would have a bright future for my really,wondering if I made a bad decision....also wonder if BestBuy will take it back since it has not been 30 days that I owned it..have to double check I see that people have sent their logs in when there is a crash, issue due to Solo and a replacement sent out...wonder if they will still honor that?? Man, I hope
Went to the 3DR website...looked at their news. Nothing about it....sooooo, fingers crossed...heck latest thing in the news was an agreement on 11July with another company, that has to be good right?
Are ya'll not aware that 3DR is using the solo as part of their enterprise efforts. Solo ain't going anywhere, imo.
Are ya'll not aware that 3DR is using the solo as part of their enterprise efforts. Solo ain't going anywhere, imo.
Hoping so....seems everything I see say "Solo Enterprise"...for the agreement with Autodesk, and most recent...that's why I asked...friend I mentioned said the owner of 3D Robotics put out a statement saying they were done supporting solo and moving to bigger drones....again, just hoping he was wrong...that's for the reply BTW.
to clearimagemedia,
If 3DR closed up shop tomorrow, we all got the best Photo/Video Smart Shots, Well built, Fun flying machine For a Good price!
Stop crying & go play with your toy!
Why are some people on here such Asses when someone ask a question...I love this drone, and will fly it as much as I can till parts run out...and no crying here Ass

Just because you have been here longer, have more post does not give you the right to be disrespectful...cause promise you will get it right back!! Remember, this started out civil till you got condescending...
discussion on the subject has been non stop here.
so some folks are like, wow catch up and get a clue.

so you were just late to a well beaten horse dialogue
I would not take as a personal attack

good news is, a lot is going on without 3DR you just have to know where to watch.
just bought my second. not giving up on it anytime soon
discussion on the subject has been non stop here.
so some folks are like, wow catch up and get a clue.

so you were just late to a well beaten horse dialogue
I would not take as a personal attack

good news is, a lot is going on without 3DR you just have to know where to watch.
just bought my second. not giving up on it anytime soon
Pyrate, it was just a question and I figured why not ask the people that I figured were in "the know"...the person that told me this morning is a pretty credible friend. I did my due diligence, searched, thinking maybe I missed, I come here looking for answers...seems a few on here are too big for their britches, keyboard commandos...I have seen other newer people come here looking for answers and they are chastised for it...that is what a forum is for...I know you know this but understand my frustration also...came here for answers and got more frustrated than before I asked....I know I am not the only one that feels this way....night
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First, I must apologize to SteveReno, I am sorry for my words and tone. I consider myself a Christ Follower and if I choose to claim that I must also act like it...So, Steve, sorry...from my heart!

I still feel frustrated....guess my friend was wrong...I only asked because he said it was a statement, like a press release issued Friday...I searched all over the web, the forum with no luck....that is why I felt maybe someone here heard the statement and could confirm...

I think I will choose to lurk, since it seems that asking a question here is a very dangerous place to put yourself

So, again SteveReno I apologize......I'll be lurking
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First, I must apologize to SteveReno, I am sorry for my words and tone. I consider myself a Christ Follower and if I choose to claim that I must also act like it...So, Steve, sorry...from my heart!

I still feel frustrated....guess my friend was wrong...I only asked because he said it was a statement, like a press release issued Friday...I searched all over the web, the forum with no luck....that is why I felt maybe someone here heard the statement and could confirm...

I think I will choose to lurk, since it seems that asking a question here is a very dangerous place to put yourself

So, again SteveReno I apologize......I'll be lurking
No need to apologize, I was a bit strong with my words, but from all your posting, it's just reminded me of Chicken Little LOL
Just wanted to let you know everything is going to be fine.
Good nite my bother...
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No need to apologize, I was a bit strong with my words, but from all your posting, it's just reminded me of Chicken Little LOL
Just wanted to let you know everything is going to be fine.
Good nite my bother...
Thank you...and the "Chicken Little" part was from the fact that I just bought my Solo...Love it!!! To hear what was relayed to me as "fact" not conjecture this morning made my heart drop...For me this was a researched investment, an addition to my business equipment and hearing what I heard made me wonder what I could have

Anyhow, I did need to apologize and thank you for being gracious and accepting. Happy Flying!!
You both are why I like this forum. You can speak your mind, and if it gets a bit testy you can mend things and go on. I commend you both. I have seen things like this on other forums drag on for days, and it eventually gets very old. Also, with all the rumors regarding the future of Solo, just think about the alternatives available to us, and you will realize it is still the best platform out there for commercial as well as hobby fliers. Just my $.02.
You will find that both here on various Facebook groups, certain people will take one small piece of information about something at 3DR, and turn it into something entirely different. Then perpetuate it as a hard and fast, well established fact that only an idiot wouldn't know about. When in reality, it's an assumption and conjecture based on some slightly related and incomplete facts. Happens quite frequently. Sometimes, it is right. Sometimes, it is not.

If you take out the emotion and drama, you can usually find your way to the facts and reality. My understanding of those actual facts backed up by official statements from 3DR current or past employees is as follows: 3DR has said they're going to be getting out of the consumer product business and focusing only on enterprise products. A lot of their staff that work on hardware and software development with a consumer customer target have been let go over the past 6 months. Sales has not been what they had hoped for, and it apparently isn't sustainable. That does not say "Solo is dead", nor does it say 3DR is closing tomorrow. There is no public timeline on any of this. So anyone who proclaims 3DR and/or solo just died is being a drama queen.

I don't believe we'll be seeing any new big feature updates for the consumer Solo and app beyond 2.4 and it's related bugfix updates. In my opinion, we'll probably see Solo continue to be sold on the consumer retail market until the supply runs out. And we'll see the consumer warranty service continue until the last consumer product purchase is 366 days old. After that, your guess is as good as mine if they will still offer consumer tech support at all, or just wash their hands of it completely.
You both are why I like this forum. You can speak your mind, and if it gets a bit testy you can mend things and go on. I commend you both. I have seen things like this on other forums drag on for days, and it eventually gets very old...
I think you have to have a thick skin to participate on social media sites - all of them. Some have those, some not... and so it mushrooms.
This morning a friend of mine and fellow Solo owner told me that 3D Robotics was abandoning Solo. I sure hope that is a bad, bad rumor...I have looked around the forum, read post, but have not seen definitively that 3dr is abandoning Solo. Maybe I don't want to believe it since I just bought mine about 3 weeks ago...just curious if they will continue make replacement parts, such as blades, motors as needed...are will my next crash possibly my last if there are no parts to fix my Solo?? I bought the Solo thinking it would have a bright future for my really,wondering if I made a bad decision....also wonder if BestBuy will take it back since it has not been 30 days that I owned it..have to double check I see that people have sent their logs in when there is a crash, issue due to Solo and a replacement sent out...wonder if they will still honor that?? Man, I hope

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