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Heres a thought, create and insert your logo as a 'bug' in the corner of your vids..problem solved

As a video pro, one of my biggest pet peeves are the Facebook aggregators who don't embed videos so that the original content provider gets the hits, the credit, and opportunities for more traffic; but rather rip and post as their own content the works of others. What makes it more sinister is that these aggregators are usually radio stations, other media outlets, and commercial schemers.

That said, the OP is not doing that here. From his post he's merely linking to or embedding videos provided to him or that he finds. IMHO, this it completely acceptable and even creates a distribution opportunity for those who would like it.

For video for which I want to restrict access and distribution I use Vimeo, and turn off embedding.
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This is a weird thread for sure... I mean, Youtube isn't a private video archive, it's a video sharing site. Presumably, if your video is on Youtube, it's because you wanted to share it, either with friends and family or the whole world. Either way, sharing it again on Facebook isn't that big of a deal. I've been sharing aerial video on Youtube and Facebook, since October of 2007!

Dude, if you want to share any of my videos on your Facebook timeline, go right ahead, that's the whole point of why I put them on Youtube in the first place. Now yes, if you copy my videos and post them as your own, which has happened twice to me, I will come down with the hammer of the gods on you, but that's not what you were talking about.

Here's a link to my channel... enjoy!
jasmine2501 (RC product reviews, aerial videos, help and how-to, gun stuff, random stuff, share anything you want! That is what it's there for.)
Uh, curse much?? Although I certainly don't agree with every post made here, surely there's a way to express oneself without digressing to this point. Who recently said that this forum has little moderator action?? Most even have automatic filters to catch some of this flowery language before it's posted. Let's try to keep our exchanges civil and professional, SVP.

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