Send me your best videos

Correct. If people put their video up and publicly share it as well as check the box to enable embedding, then they can't complain. I think perhaps its just the way you approached this that sounded like you wanted people to give you their videos so you can upload them to your own YouTube account. If that's not the case and you just wanted to build a blog site of cool drone videos, my apologies.
Yeah thats it mate . Thats all I want to do . Maybe people got the wrong idea at first. There's no way I would ever put someone's video on youtube. But doing it as more of a blog page instead of a FB page is not a bad idea.
Thanks for the advice
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Hi Guys,

I just made a FB page named Ultimate Drone Adventures.I want people to send me there best vids so I can post them up. I fly a solo myself but don't care what the footage is taken with. I just want to start a video page that is dedicated to drone flyers and not particular brands . Thanks

I think that this is a great! idea. Using FB, Tumbler or any blogging platform would work fine. What the hell use both.. Lol. I see nothing wrong with a site/page that showcases captivativitng and creative aerial footage from around the world and share thoughts and ideas of flight paths, camera angles and places to fly. Why not share your work with those that do not fly.?......Why not share with others that have the same passion for drone footage? The simple act of adding a watermarked logo in the corner along with a comment is enough if you want credit for your work... I would be first to send you footage. These geeks act as if you asked for there soul... Don't let them discourage you. "Fly. Be free"
All it takes is for someone to spot him/herself in a video taken with one of our evil drones - accidentally on our part - to start the the invasion of privacy, etc., lawsuit. Doesn't matter if you actually took the video yourself or not. You've put it out into public for everyone to see.
All it takes is for someone to spot him/herself in a video taken with one of our evil drones - accidentally on our part - to start the the invasion of privacy, etc., lawsuit. Doesn't matter if you actually took the video yourself or not. You've put it out into public for everyone to see.
Not sure what you are trying to say here. But 'Invasion of Privacy' is specific to where you have an expectation of privacy. Walking the streets or sunbathing on the beach would not apply. If you were in your back yard with a privacy fence around you, then you would have an argument. As far as a lawsuit, the first thing that would need to happen would be a lawyer 'cease and desist' demand to remove the offending video. Then if you were told to 'go pound sand', you would have the basis for further action. A judge could then order it removed, unless the server is outside the US, then you have a whole new set of issues.
Just my opinion. YMMV..
All it takes is for someone to spot him/herself in a video taken with one of our evil drones - accidentally on our part - to start the the invasion of privacy, etc., lawsuit. Doesn't matter if you actually took the video yourself or not. You've put it out into public for everyone to see.
If someone has already put their vidoe on youtube I guess then the privacy issue's ain't a problem for them . I have a simple answer to this problem . Don't put your work on youtube so people can't share the content .
Also youtube will remove a video straight away if they see it to be an invasion of privacy. I had a request for some footage to be taken of a homestead in New Zeland which was also a very sacred maori area. I put my video to private on youtube and only emailed those who wanted to see the video. There are ways to put you stuff on private to only share with certain people if you want your videos to remain private.
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I guess I was kinda murky - lemme clear things up a tad.
Say you take a video and post it. It includes a brief glimpse of someone who isn't exactly your biggest fan. Maybe it's just someone who hates drones (or a Democrat).
Now, I'm not saying there is a likelihood of true legal trouble, such as a privacy issue or whatnot. The simple fact is that someone can very easily cause you a huge amount of inconvenience and aggravation by simply claiming they've been damaged in some way. True or not, it can result in pulled videos, extra scrutiny of future videos, suspensions - all kinds of not-really-officially-illegal garbage that simply makes your life difficult.
I've had this happen to me a few times, in fact. Believe it or not, years ago while filming with an RC plane at low height I actually caught a mailman being bitten by a miniature Schnauzer. Absolutely hilarious, and I posted it.
Zap! Somehow, he found out about it - and I spent the next two weeks arguing with YouTube and just trying to hold onto my Director's status.
I think there's easily going to be cases of people posting videos where they've flown in space they shouldn't have and someone will alert authorities to the video.
Are y'all serious? They are already doing what he's talking about in Instagram with stills and video.. Why are y'all Soo scary... If that's the case.. Why even own and fly a drone.. If you think something is infringing on ones privacy... Guess what? edit it out! Post. And keep it moving... Jeesh!
I guess I was kinda murky - lemme clear things up a tad.
Say you take a video and post it. It includes a brief glimpse of someone who isn't exactly your biggest fan. Maybe it's just someone who hates drones (or a Democrat).
Now, I'm not saying there is a likelihood of true legal trouble, such as a privacy issue or whatnot. The simple fact is that someone can very easily cause you a huge amount of inconvenience and aggravation by simply claiming they've been damaged in some way. True or not, it can result in pulled videos, extra scrutiny of future videos, suspensions - all kinds of not-really-officially-illegal garbage that simply makes your life difficult.
I've had this happen to me a few times, in fact. Believe it or not, years ago while filming with an RC plane at low height I actually caught a mailman being bitten by a miniature Schnauzer. Absolutely hilarious, and I posted it.
Zap! Somehow, he found out about it - and I spent the next two weeks arguing with YouTube and just trying to hold onto my Director's status.
theres nothing to argue about,,photography in public places is not a crime
Well maybe I fly drones for a different reason to most of you, I don't do it for money. I do it because I love it and If I capture an awesome shot I want everyone to enjoy it. After putting up this post i realise what people are really like now. Everyone is talking about lawsuits and trying to screw the next person over . Life's to short for all that bullshit..
Whats the drama here guys?? Theres a share button on the YouTube videos anyway so anyone can share the link. Basically if you post something online you can forget about any sort of exclusivity anyway.
Whats the drama here guys?? Theres a share button on the YouTube videos anyway so anyone can share the link. Basically if you post something online you can forget about any sort of exclusivity anyway.
I think the initial concern was it wasn't phrased as send me a link to yoyr vid. It was more send him the vid to be uploaded. Once clarified it was all good.

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That whole post was very strange to me. This is a strange world we live in. People have gotten so uptight. If someone wants to post my aerial videos feel free to do so and I would be honored. I feel the same way. I fly for the sheer enjoyment and for profit when I can:) I think things are easier said on the internet than face to face and I like to read the post in this forum but I do not take myself to seriously.
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That whole post was very strange to me. This is a strange world we live in. People have gotten so uptight. If someone wants to post my aerial videos feel free to do so and I would be honored. I feel the same way. I fly for the sheer enjoyment and for profit when I can:) I think things are easier said on the internet than face to face and I like to read the post in this forum but I do not take myself to seriously.
Now I'm in trouble
Thanks everyone for words of encouragement and thanks to all the haters. I had this on hold but going to go ahead with it now. If people want me to put their links up I will most definitely . If people don't like what im doing then stiff. For me it's about sharing awesome shots with people. Cheers guys
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Thanks everyone for words of encouragement and thanks to all the haters. I had this on hold but going to go ahead with it now. If people want me to put their links up I will most definitely . If people don't like what im doing then stiff. For me it's about sharing awesome shots with people. Cheers guys
Yes we're haters because we don't want to give you the rights to use our hard work.

Yep that seems righy
I just don't understand why people post things to public sites and then get upset when people use it. If you want to keep your stuff private, leave it on your computer and actually keep it private. Or just don't bitch if people link to it or heaven forbid, download it onto their own personal system. It's just how it is. You have 100% control of your works, and where you choose to display them (or not). If you upload them to a sharing site, you give up your control. Don't get mad when others follow the rules of whatever site it was you uploaded it to and link to it. They are following the youtube TOS. Maybe some people need to read the agreements they are signing before they sign and understand them. They told you up front; you agreed and therefore now you have an account. Bitching after the fact is just ignorance and quite trite.
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