RTH Parameter in Auto vs Smart Shots

Aug 8, 2015
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Perth Western Australia
Recently I posted a query (which I subsequently discovered was a more common query) regarding the change to the RTH parameter and whether this affected the normal RTH function if Solo went out of range. The answer was that missions, such as Tower missions are auto and changing the parameter for missions does not affect normal RTH.

But... it has been suggested that Smart Shots are an auto mode, for example receiving way point data in Multi-Point Cable Cam.

So the question is whether changing the parameter for missions affects smart shots? In other words, if the drone goes out of controller range whilst in a smart shot - will it still return home with the change of parameter?
I don't think RTH would change. I'm wondering how you would get that far away from Solo during a smart shot.o_O
Not sure what you are asking, but the RTL (RTH) is a specific parameter that can be changed through the Solo or Tower App. A change in that parameter will effect both apps until changed again. It will determine the height Solo will return to home regardless of how it was triggered; ie; pressing the home button or loss of controller, etc.

Here is additional information on that specific parameter..
smart shots do not use auto mode, they all use guided. guided mode is best mode for controlling solo pragmatically. also rth parameters are the same regardless of mode. they are in effect as long as solo has a home point and a gps fix.

now failsafe options will affect the solo differently when in auto mode vs a smart shot. for instance FS_GCS_ENABLE can be set to 'disabled', 'enabled always RTL' and 'enabled/continue with mission in auto mode'. if this parameter is set to 'enabled always RTL' and you lose signal in a smart shot or mission solo will rtl. if this parameter is set to 'enabled continue with mission in auto mode' and you lose signal in a smart short, solo will rtl. But if you are in a mission, solo will continue the mission.

FS_THR_ENABLED has the same options plus the additional option of 'always land'.
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