Release of New software features announced at NAB

Apr 1, 2016
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Florida Space Coast
Out of curiosity I sent an inquiry to Customer Support at 3DR:

"I have read in the 3DR SOLO User Forum that during the NAB convention 3DR announced some new software features (Pano, Zipline, etc). I would like to know when these new capabilities will be included in the shipped SOLO's and also, will these feature be included in the flight simulator software, and if so when?

Thanks you in advance for your reply

This is the reply I received back yesterday (Monday, May 2nd, 2016):
"Thank you for contacting 3DR Customer Support.

I hope you are having a great day; Regarding your question, the new software will be available to download via Solo App by Fall, in regarding the flight simulator, unfortunately, we don't have any further information.

Best Regards,

Yazmin Ramirez
3DR Customer Advocate
3D Robotics

Not sure I understand their logic in announcing the new features, which obviously they have already developed, and even showing them on their website yet not making them available until sometime in the Fall !!! I sure hope they aren't following in Yuneec's footsteps the way they keep slipping their release date of the Typhoon H. I was hoping to order a new SOLO in June with it having ALL of the latest features incorporated.
not sure where the fall thing came from. I can tell you the next release is HUGE above and under the hood.
I know it is being tested. I know there are still some issues

As for when it will be ready, I admire that 3dr takes the old Joomla approach. It will be ready when it is ready and not until then.

Updates are not that big a deal, and solo already has some very cool features. Multipoint Cable Cam will keep you busy for a long time
Don't wait on the lastest firmware get flying
not sure where the fall thing came from. I can tell you the next release is HUGE above and under the hood.
I know it is being tested. I know there are still some issues

As for when it will be ready, I admire that 3dr takes the old Joomla approach. It will be ready when it is ready and not until then.

Updates are not that big a deal, and solo already has some very cool features. Multipoint Cable Cam will keep you busy for a long time
Don't wait on the lastest firmware get flying
Their reply sounds like maybe out sourced customer service running amuck ;-)
Are you volunteering to be a beta tester, sacrificing your own Solo as a test pilot? Are you volunteering to do all the coding, debugging, modifications, etc on your own personal time? Because it's not like this is a magic wand that gets waved and poof, it does new things.
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Are you volunteering to be a beta tester, sacrificing your own Solo as a test pilot? Are you volunteering to do all the coding, debugging, modifications, etc on your own personal time? Because it's not like this is a magic wand that gets waved and poof, it does new things.
Sweet :)
Are you volunteering to be a beta tester, sacrificing your own Solo as a test pilot? Are you volunteering to do all the coding, debugging, modifications, etc on your own personal time? Because it's not like this is a magic wand that gets waved and poof, it does new things.
What are you actually trying to say ???
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I'm a little confused as well - maybe if someone can clarify. There was a massive post about the updates to Solo at NAB... which went a little off topic (surprise surprise) which included Zipline, Pano, Leash mode etc... My questions are not so much about the timing, but what exactly was announced, because there was a hint at "but wait there's more...
  1. Were any of these available in the latest Solo software update?
  2. What (if any) were the additional software updates above the handful initially announced?
It all got a bit confusing with all of the nay-sayers and supporters all chiming in at once.

  1. What have we already got?
  2. What are we getting?
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Some of these features have been released, such as the new Follow modes (leash, spot lock, etc). Zip Line is still in beta testing, coming soon, once it is solid and reliable for public use.

What are you actually trying to say ???
You're complaining about how long it takes to release new features. So I was asking you if you were planning to volunteer your own time and money to beta test and speed the process up.
Some of these features have been released, such as the new Follow modes (leash, spot lock, etc). Zip Line is still in beta testing, coming soon, once it is solid and reliable for public use.

You're complaining about how long it takes to release new features. So I was asking you if you were planning to volunteer your own time and money to beta test and speed the process up.
Obviously you totally missed the point of my original posting but then with all of the negative comments getting posted by others I guess I can understand the quickness to respond in like. I suppose if I had been around as long as you have my patience will wear thin also.
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Obviously you totally missed the point of my original posting but then with all of the negative comments getting posted by others I guess I can understand the quickness to respond in like. I suppose if I had been around as long as you have my patience will wear thin also.
On the contrary, Our patience has evolved, with the knowledge of proper release time(s).
We have learned that updating anything as delicate as this 3DR system is " Hardware, Software, firmware " & not to send it to users till it's ready, Is a virtue among most of today's Hitech Industries.
Some users DO NOT have patience, they are not willing to wait, so some just complain "It's not here yet"
Pedals2Paddles Also Just trying to help some understand the update process.

So do as he suggest, & learn your Solo with all of it's new features & the updates that you must have, will be available soon enough & most important, a good experience with the Update.
Hey Pyrate,

Any news on the next release? I saw you said it would be huge, but I have not had the time to check it out. Any chance you can post up some of the highlights? And yes rebasing to Auducopter is huge! but how much will be available in the Solo app??
It is in beta testing by users. I am on the group but right now they are testing IOS only, with Android to follow so hope to get involved testing at that time
It is all the stuff they talked about at NAB
Plus it is a rebase of solo to arducopter.
Now solo is running its own branch of arductopter that is solo specific.
When they merge, solo will basically run on arducopter and evolve with the development going forward.

That is huge
Arducopter will be updated for years to come, insuring the long term investment in solo

Boat mode is part of it, and so is EKF2, EKF2 is where the stability and magic happen.
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For those that do not know, 3DR was a big part of getting pixhawk 2 funded and developed.

But now it is on its own, the next time you see pixhawk 2 it will be in a different drone and available to custom builders.
should have news something around July according to the face book page
Sounds good. I already have 2 *Hawks. One in a Walkera QR X350 Pro body, and one on a stretched flamewheel 450. I had new center plates CNC'd. That way I could mount the *Hawk in the center on a anti-vibration mount, the new size is 500mm M-M. The QR X350 gets about 18 minutes flight on a 5200 3S, could be good mapper. The other one is almost ready for maiden. That one is for medium range FPV and should be a blast. The Solo is for AP/AV and hopefully will help pay for this hobby.
Hope to have an X8 heavy lifter soon.
just having issues with the solo right now and cant get it straight.
did have a brand new relish ribbon to install and guess what, no feed.
Removed it to see what was going on and one end fell right off.
Done with ribbon cables, I have my stock cable routed correctly back in it. Now if I can just figure out why cable cams just crash and lose signal for no reason. This is the first time that I have been anything but blown away by service. On going
You're complaining about how long it takes to release new features. So I was asking you if you were planning to volunteer your own time and money to beta test and speed the process up.


Although I'm not a professional, I am a alpha and beta tester. I've beta tested every release that 3dr has put out. Unlike some of the counterparts, they're not much different from the most recent release. I've got the latest beta on my Solo and I'm not seeing any of these new features. Maybe I'm on the wrong beta?

not sure who on here is testing.
it is a closed group, they asked for volunteers and then cut it ouff when they had enough.

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