Recognizing, avoiding, and responding to botched landings

No and it wasn't meant to discount your post warning of landing hazards. All points you made were valid, thank you for taking the time explain the various conditions. Just adding content examples of landing, very few videos showing actual landings. My apology if you were offended in any way, was not my intent.

Seems people have little clue on the art of landing in a variety of situations and are scared to practice. It is the most difficult procedure for any flying craft, toy sized or full sized. I put the video together a few months ago when it was recommended to only land in Fly:Manual. Hogwash. I recommend to new pilots to practice landing over and over. Touch and go's, just like any pilot training. They learn quickly nose into the wind provides better landing control. Especially with Solo's longer stance and weight distribution front to back. Not intuitive unless shown first.

"...nose into the wind provides better landing control. Especially with Solo's longer stance and weight distribution front to back... " IMHO more powerful or useful words not spoken.
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