Pushback and Evil Eye...

Jul 16, 2015
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The Solo is the first quadcopter I have flown (many RC planes/cars/boats before). I have used it at a few events and have also showed it to some of my friends and neighbors.

Most folks think it's cool and are excited to see it. The problem is that far more people than I would have guessed have a very negative opinion of them. Most cite the Alabama shotgun incident where the person that shot it (while it was allegedly spying on his teenage daughter sunbathing in the back yard) was prosecuted, while the operator was not. Others fear that there will be many in the sky and there will never be outdoor privacy again. There are also passersby that give me the evil eye while I'm packing or unpacking.

Have any of you experienced this pushback?
Yep only good for me too, I've got it looks like a real drone not a toy like your white one or other good positive feedback nothing negative yet but since it looks less like a toy it will get more attention no doubt. Everyone's seen a phantom this will make folks curious since they aren't everywhere yet.
Yes, some negative. I have to say the negatives came from older folks and women. Guys younger than 60 in general love it.
I have not had any negative comments while flying, but a lot of curiosity and questions. When the negative press issue comes up, I just tell them that there are many more responsible pilots than there are idiots piloting these UAV's, and to remember that the press will more readily report the more negative aspects of our hobby than the positive ones that are out there.
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I've a had a VERY negative response from a young women at the park. I was just flying around when I first got my Solo and getting the hang of the controls. She approached me and asked what it was referring to the Solo. I called it a quadcopter and she says "no that's a drone". And then she started ranting saying things like "drones kill people". She even said " if you were flying a plane or helicopter I wouldn't care because those connect people to one another but drones only kill people". I told her that "drones" are used in aerial mapping and farming etc, she said "GMOs kill people too". She then said "mama earth is dying because of this". I was respectful at first and carried on conversation with her but then I got annoyed as I was legally flying without putting anyone in danger and beside her and her son, the park was empty. At that point I told her she needs to take issue with car manufacturers because cars can be used to hit people as well gun manufacturers, Lockheed Martin for making fighter planes, and Monsanto for making the crops needed to sustain the 6 or so billion people on earth. She then said "look I can't stop you from flying because this is a public area but you need to understand that these companies are making these things to lure kids into war and then kill people". I told her she was exactly right that this is public space and that I was going to continue flying. Sadly be this point my battery was down to about 40% so I wasn't able to fly for much longer.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area so I guess I'm more likely to face this type of push back but its just so annoying to be harrased when you are just trying to enjoy a hobby.
I've a had a VERY negative response from a young women at the park. I was just flying around when I first got my Solo and getting the hang of the controls. She approached me and asked what it was referring to the Solo. I called it a quadcopter and she says "no that's a drone". And then she started ranting saying things like "drones kill people". She even said " if you were flying a plane or helicopter I wouldn't care because those connect people to one another but drones only kill people". I told her that "drones" are used in aerial mapping and farming etc, she said "GMOs kill people too". She then said "mama earth is dying because of this". I was respectful at first and carried on conversation with her but then I got annoyed as I was legally flying without putting anyone in danger and beside her and her son, the park was empty. At that point I told her she needs to take issue with car manufacturers because cars can be used to hit people as well gun manufacturers, Lockheed Martin for making fighter planes, and Monsanto for making the crops needed to sustain the 6 or so billion people on earth. She then said "look I can't stop you from flying because this is a public area but you need to understand that these companies are making these things to lure kids into war and then kill people". I told her she was exactly right that this is public space and that I was going to continue flying. Sadly be this point my battery was down to about 40% so I wasn't able to fly for much longer.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area so I guess I'm more likely to face this type of push back but its just so annoying to be harrased when you are just trying to enjoy a hobby.

Sounds like she's been brainwashed or baked her brain at a younger age than she's at now. These kind of people don't listen to reason or anything for that matter and while normally I'd say try to make folks comfortable, that's never going to happen with these type of clinical cases. I just feel sorry for her daughter life in a weird hippy type cult must be terrible for a kid. Lol. Good luck and safe flying
I've gotten gawkers every time I've taken it out of the box around people. I fly it in very suburban places (large open parks, over the river going through our city, reservoir, etc.) Most guys come up with big grins and ask questions (I've even handed over the controller a couple of times depending on location). I've yet to have a negative comment, but sure I'm sure it'll happen at some point.
I've a had a VERY negative response from a young women at the park. I was just flying around when I first got my Solo and getting the hang of the controls. She approached me and asked what it was referring to the Solo. I called it a quadcopter and she says "no that's a drone". And then she started ranting saying things like "drones kill people". She even said " if you were flying a plane or helicopter I wouldn't care because those connect people to one another but drones only kill people". I told her that "drones" are used in aerial mapping and farming etc, she said "GMOs kill people too". She then said "mama earth is dying because of this". I was respectful at first and carried on conversation with her but then I got annoyed as I was legally flying without putting anyone in danger and beside her and her son, the park was empty. At that point I told her she needs to take issue with car manufacturers because cars can be used to hit people as well gun manufacturers, Lockheed Martin for making fighter planes, and Monsanto for making the crops needed to sustain the 6 or so billion people on earth. She then said "look I can't stop you from flying because this is a public area but you need to understand that these companies are making these things to lure kids into war and then kill people". I told her she was exactly right that this is public space and that I was going to continue flying. Sadly be this point my battery was down to about 40% so I wasn't able to fly for much longer.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area so I guess I'm more likely to face this type of push back but its just so annoying to be harrased when you are just trying to enjoy a hobby.
Wow Janmit, That is incredible. I was thinking there must be an institution nearby with an escapee until you said where you lived and realized you are more apt to see those people than the rest of us. Be careful out there..
It's the negative press. I had a friend's mom say negative things about mine, she was worried about people spying and looking in windows and over fences.

I told her that if a person was a peeping Tom, binoculars are cheaper and quieter and don't attract attention. Most pilots are not peeping toms just like most men are not child molesters. There will always be bad people doing bad things and the news likes to sensationalize things to get ratings.

She said "I guess you're right" and the subject never came up again.
oh Boy, I just have to Psyche my mind for all the questions I will receive when I take mines out in the public. Or what I could do is add Hello Kitty, Apple, Android, Superman, and Gopro stickers all over my Quad just to ease the mindset of the public eye. Hmmm!!!
Yes, the press likes to sensationalize everything these days as well as take little snippets of stories without putting out the entire truth.....sad part is, people are duped into believing it.

The first thing my brother said when I told him I had a quad with a GoPro mounted on it was "are you going to spy on your neighbors while they sunbathe nude at their pools"? LOL

I told him most of my neighbors are senior citizens and I probably would not want to do that (or see that).:eek: I live in a small community in the country and have flown it all over. I have not had any problems with folks but I do tend to not fly it low over my neighbors houses.

To me, it's just another RC hobby and some of the fear mongers need to realize that.
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Yes, the press likes to sensationalize everything these days as well as take little snippets of stories without putting out the entire truth.....sad part is, people are duped into believing it.

The first thing my brother said when I told him I had a quad with a GoPro mounted on it was "are you going to spy on your neighbours while they sunbathe nude at their pools"? LOL

I told him most of my neighbours are senior citizens and I probably would not want to do that. I live in a small community in the country and have flown it all over. I have not had any problems with folks but I do tend to not fly it low over my neighbours houses.

To me, it's just another RC hobby and some of the fear mongers need to realize that.

Very True, Plus as noisy as all quads, RC cars, planes and rockets are. How Silly would we look trying to quote on quote spy on a neighbour? lol. The power of the media I tell you.
I've a had a VERY negative response from a young women at the park. I was just flying around when I first got my Solo and getting the hang of the controls. She approached me and asked what it was referring to the Solo. I called it a quadcopter and she says "no that's a drone". And then she started ranting saying things like "drones kill people". She even said " if you were flying a plane or helicopter I wouldn't care because those connect people to one another but drones only kill people". I told her that "drones" are used in aerial mapping and farming etc, she said "GMOs kill people too". She then said "mama earth is dying because of this". I was respectful at first and carried on conversation with her but then I got annoyed as I was legally flying without putting anyone in danger and beside her and her son, the park was empty. At that point I told her she needs to take issue with car manufacturers because cars can be used to hit people as well gun manufacturers, Lockheed Martin for making fighter planes, and Monsanto for making the crops needed to sustain the 6 or so billion people on earth. She then said "look I can't stop you from flying because this is a public area but you need to understand that these companies are making these things to lure kids into war and then kill people". I told her she was exactly right that this is public space and that I was going to continue flying. Sadly be this point my battery was down to about 40% so I wasn't able to fly for much longer.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area so I guess I'm more likely to face this type of push back but its just so annoying to be harrased when you are just trying to enjoy a hobby.

After the first 5 mins, I would have pushed the B button to activate the friggin lasers on my SOLO and fried the crap out of her with my war machine....
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