Prop guards for Solo, what do you think?

Jun 17, 2015
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I just saw these in an ad here on this site:

3DR Solo Prop Guards

Unfortunately, their web site doesn't have a video or other details yet.

What do you think? I wonder if they are as strong as the rest of the Solo? ;)
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Interesting though I don't think they'd be that useful. Since solo is very temperamental in the GPS reception department I think you wouldn't want to be flying anywhere near a wall or something that a prop guard would be effective against. I suppose if your into manual flying or acro then it probably wouldn't be a bad idea. For fifty bucks I'd hope they would be strong.

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Unless these have a lifetime replacement warranty against breaking, the price is a bit high IMHO.
I used the prop guards on my P2 and P3 for a while. I no longer uses them. I left the snap-on mounts on the birds because of the shell cracking issue some of those folks are experiencing.

IMHO, they do have a big impact on overall performance. The aerodynamics of the bird was affected quite a bit with them on. I wouldn't run them on my Solo unless I was flying in very close quarters or I had people around. I don't choose to fly under those conditions anyway.


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