Problems galore..

Aug 14, 2015
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Took the drone to the lake yesterday for the first time, hoping to get some wake boarding footage. Problem after problem occurred.

Booted up the controller and Solo. Solo would connect to the controller for about 5-10 seconds, then the controller would go back to "waiting for Solo." Turned everything off and back on multiple times. Each time, the iPad connected to the wifi just fine AND I could get a video feed from the GoPro (yes the controller still said waiting for Solo. Killed half a battery doing this. Swapped batteries, booted up, everything worked fine. Got a good flight in and some good footage. Landed, swapped another battery, same problems. Charged the battery that worked for 30 minutes... same problems again.

Did some forum search and decided to try to re-pair Solo to the controller. Never once could I get the controller to display "detected new Solo" or whatever the exact verbiage is supposed to be. More forum digging, decided to do a factory reset. After I did this, I read all the things that say don't do a factory reset. Well shit.

I am now sitting here with a controller that says "Preflight update require" and Solo that looks just fine. While trying to do the preflight update (with solo and controller turned on) I opened the app, went to software update, downloaded it, and hit begin. 10 seconds later, "transfer failed." Tried this countless more times in different ways (turning on the controller then Solo, reversing that order, rebooting the iPad, etc),

More forum digging. Decided to reinstall the solo app. Now, while on the Solo wifi, I go to software update, and it says "disconnected." I am absolutely stumped. I sent a ticket to 3DR, but I figured I could try here while I wait.

1. Controller does show all 3 lights inside the vents. 1 red, 1 orange, 1 green. All Steady. Solo motor lights are currently normal: 2 white, 2 red, steady.
2. During the Solo factory reset, the little orange light blinked rapidly for about 30 seconds, then blinked about once per second indefinitely. I waited 20 minutes and never heard beeps, nor did the motor lights flash.
3. This was not caused by an update. I flew solo about 2 weeks ago and had no problems. Haven't changed a thing.
At any point did you try pulling controller battery

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I've had times when I had to try the reset to factory settings a couple times.

+1 on pulling the controller battery.

Probably not related to this issue, but you should pull your GoPro battery before a flight also. When I don't I'll sometimes have GoPro problems, but pulling the battery makes GoPro operate better.
Negative on pulling the controller battery.

You fly the GoPro without the battery? Doesn't effect gimbal with that missing weight?

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Ahhh ok. I very very rarely have any GoPro issues. When I do, I pull it out of the gimbal, power cycle, put it back in the gimbal. I'll remember this tho

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You think I should pull the controller battery now?

Edit: Pulled and reconnected battery in controller. No luck. Still won't connect with the app for the update.

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"waiting for Solo." happened when tried to launch from a boat.
Tried that too. I'm updating the controller via command line. Will post an update shortly.

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Ok controller is now updated via command line. Solo app on iPad is showing the controller being connecting once I join the wifi. Can't get Solo to pair.

This is new: When I boot up Solo, it has those standard beeps right after i hit the power button. After the green lights go off, and the white and red ones come on, roughly 30 seconds later solo does a triple beep. The light next to the pair button is blink orange at 1 flash per second. Thoughts?

After 3 attempts to pair (press button for 1 sec, wait for 30 seconds, repeat) the controller finally detected Solo! Pair them. App wouldn't see Solo though. Was able to update Solo via command line. Everything is up and running now and just did a quick 5 minute flight!

Good to go!
Pairing is odd sometimes seen it take as long as 15 minutes sometimes

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fwiw, I to had an issue with my controller not seeing Solo this weekend after about 12 different flights with no issues. Like previously mentioned, I removed the controller battery and all was fine thereafter.
Could be heat related, it was pretty frig'in hot in central Texas.

This is only the second time having done this since ownership. I'd offer pulling the battery is the best initial approach, saves lots of frustration if it works....which it has in my case.
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fwiw, I to had an issue with my controller not seeing Solo this weekend after about 12 different flights with no issues. Like previously mentioned, I removed the controller battery and all was fine thereafter.
Could be heat related, it was pretty frig'in hot in central Texas.

This is only the second time having done this since ownership. I'd offer pulling the battery is the best initial approach, saves lots of frustration if it works....which it has in my case.
It would be nice if there was an actual on/off switch on the controller. One that disengages the power totally instead of going into a low power/sleep mode.
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It would be nice if there was an actual on/off switch on the controller. One that disengages the power totally instead of going into a low power/sleep mode.
Interesting, I presumed it was powered off, but now that you mention it I understand.that it is in low power mode.

Another interesting thing I noticed, with the battery in Solo and off, the first three leds were very dimly lit in pitch darkness. Low power mode as well?
That is interesting. I haven't seen that and I usually keep a battery in Solo. Have you tried multiple batteries?
That is interesting. I haven't seen that and I usually keep a battery in Solo. Have you tried multiple batteries?
No and I failed to notice which battery it was, I have four in working rotation. Will attempt to duplicate this evening. Further, I normally remove my batteries when not in use or while transporting.
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Interesting, I presumed it was powered off, but now that you mention it I understand.that it is in low power mode.

Another interesting thing I noticed, with the battery in Solo and off, the first three leds were very dimly lit in pitch darkness. Low power mode as well?
One of my batteries did the same thing with the 3 LED's very dim. I noticed this happen after a very hott flight. It went away a few hours later and hasn't done it since

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