problem with my 3DR solo no fly no start motors

Obviously you're going to need to show us more than just the GPS error. You're inside. The GPS error will always be there. Go outside where the GPS will work. We need to see what error is there BESIDES THE GPS.
That is a possibility. But there are several other things it could be too. And 3DR not making the app show this stuff is extremely annoying.
Any idea if it's possible to have an app do such? As in, if we throw enough money at @Kelly Schrock, would he be able to create a screen for such in Solex?
Yes. I think Kelly has it on his to-do list.

Wait, which thing? Pre-arm failures? (Sorry, todo list has a fair number items in it. :) ) I definitely want to display those, and thought I was... I get them on "Unhappy gyros", etc. on occasions when that happens. Maybe I'm filtering them too much? I'm only displaying warnings and above. I'll make it a setting where you can get "verbose output" where it will show INFO-class messages too.

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