Pano's, What am I doing wrong?

didn't know there was a google+ page I Know Phu Nguyen the main guy overseeing the updates is on the Facebook page a lot.
do you have a link for the google+ page?
never mind i googled it and found it...

Only because I cannot access the Facebook page, Don't know if Its even monitored but I was told to go there when running the Beta.
haha I know the feeling, I did exactly the same, since then I have possibly reset 5-6 times? I know what will fix my issue so why not jump kind of thing. I will consult with them before biting the bullet, can't imagine much support on a Sunday haha
I don't think they 'chat' on Sat and Sun. Same problem I had when I foolishly waited over a weekend to do a factory reset. The problem is, if you still have issues with 2.3.0 across the platform, it may be a 1.6.0 issue and I don't know how you can go back to 1.5.3.

Anyway... I signed up on Google+ and left my comments - basically copied and pasted my earlier post from this thread.
I've also got this problem, I tried reinstalling 3dr services, beta app..Did a factory reset and tried again still no go. I have since done another reset and installed release firmware and all is good.
whoever is having this issue should go to the solo beta test face book page and report it as of 5 min ago Im the only one who mentioned it
If you're running 1.6.0, and if that version is the problem, then it's likely a factory reset won't help.

That above Facebook link doesn't work, but if you have a direct/working link to Solo BETA Testers Facebook Page, I'll go contribute my 2 cents.
I can't figure out how to link a Facebook page if you search Solo Beat Test it should come up.
you will need to join the group
I can't figure out how to link a Facebook page if you search Solo Beat Test it should come up.
you will need to join the group
Nope, and I'm one of the best searchers I know. Should be able to select and copy the Facebook address in the browser's address bar and paste in to the link tool in a reply.
So I joined, and now I can discuss things - or send my issues to a 'beta' email address. I don't want to discuss stuff on Facebook; I want to report the issues, and have 3DR fix them! I discuss enough here at 3drpilots and already blew my entire day at the keyboard.

After my martini I will send email to 3DR Beta with what I've discovered relating to this thread.
mine refuses to take pictures to the sd card
good news is stability is back flew rock solid today
zipline is awesome
Follow me is much improved
Return to me is fanatastic
A factory reset fixed my own issues, as well as many on the facebook group. However, out of curiosity I fired up the beta again and went back to latest haha. So I'm going to sit on the latest firmware for now and see how it develops, I can remove stills from the 4K video for now :)
Just installed it, looks like the photo issue is fixed
Just installed it, looks like the photo issue is fixed
Please tell us what "it" is exactly that you installed. Version numbers and dates look the same on the Play store. What FW are you running in the Solo and controller.
I opened the beta app and was told a software update is available.
Just did a quick flight had no issues with anything
Please tell us what "it" is exactly that you installed. Version numbers and dates look the same on the Play store. What FW are you running in the Solo and controller.
I opened the beta app and was told a software update is available.
Just did a quick flight had no issues with anything

I can also confirm. New version is 2.4.1-6 and works a charm, full control. Change log seems to suggest this update was to fix this issue specifically.
I opened the beta app and was told a software update is available.
Just did a quick flight had no issues with anything
I can also confirm. New version is 2.4.1-6 and works a charm, full control. Change log seems to suggest this update was to fix this issue specifically.
Okay, thanks. I just updated through the old Beta App 2.4.1-5 with the update notification and like you R3, have:
  • Solo and controller at 2.4.1-6,
  • AP 1.2.1,
  • Gimbal 1.3.6,
  • controller FW 1.2.11
  • App remains at 2.4.0-beta.program 2.
Haven't tried taking photos, through the App, but will take your word that it now works - which means your Pano problem should be resolved. Now, to see if 3DR Services 1.6.0 keeps crashing... or not.
Okay, thanks. I just updated through the old Beta App 2.4.1-5 with the update notification and like you R3, have:
  • Solo and controller at 2.4.1-6,
  • AP 1.2.1,
  • Gimbal 1.3.6,
  • controller FW 1.2.11
  • App remains at 2.4.0-beta.program 2.
Haven't tried taking photos, through the App, but will take your word that it now works - which means your Pano problem should be resolved. Now, to see if 3DR Services 1.6.0 keeps crashing... or not.
I flew 1 battery everything works fine,did 1 pano and even selfie is fixed

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