The post says "almost." What is still technically missing, aside from the gimbal firmware that is coming soon?

Does this help with producing aftermarket batteries?
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The gimbal is a work in progress. Legal matters being sorted out regarding NDAs with GoPro and Texas Instruments. Coming soon. Not anticipating a problem. It's mainly a lengthy exercise in paperwork.

The other thing not out yet but being discussed and worked on by the team is the Android and iOS apps.
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This is great news! I can't wait to see what the community is able to accomplish in this new era of Solo... The green cube, with ArduPilot 3.5+ was great news in and of itself... Now with 3DR "gifting" the code and development tools to the community, I cannot wait to see where things go from here. Gimbal and Smart Battery development, for me at least, is what consider to be the holy grail at the moment. Now, with 3DR working to release the Gimbal code, and hopefully soon, the Smart Battery code (didn't see it on the list, so not sure if it is in the works or not?), the Solo will undoubtedly live on :)
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Hey i am new to this, what is open solo and codes that i see everyone talking about?

Basically the "OpenSolo" code consists of all of the major software components that run on the Solo Drone and Solo Controller devices. The Solo Drone and Solo Controller both have Linux computers inside, that runs this application/code to do things such as allowing you to control the Gimbal up/down movements with the control knobs on the Solo controller, Solo Gimbal/GoPro "SmartShot", as well as other required functionality, and will allow anyone with enough knowledge/programming skills to write future software updates for the Solo/Controller/Gimbal to allow for new/advanced functionality that the Solo may not currently support.... Basically with the release of the "OpenSolo" code, 3DRobotics is allowing the community of Solo owners to have access to the software bits and pieces that ensures the Solo as a product/solution may *never* become outdated and die.

In regards to the "Gimbal Code", once this code is released, it will make the process of designing/building a replacement Gimbal, that also supports the Solo specific "SmartShot" functionality 10,000 times easier than it would have been if the Solo/Gimbal code wasn't released.
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Basically the "OpenSolo" code consists of all of the major software components that run on the Solo Drone and Solo Controller devices. The Solo Drone and Solo Controller both have Linux computers inside, that runs this application/code to do things such as allowing you to control the Gimbal up/down movements with the control knobs on the Solo controller, Solo Gimbal/GoPro "SmartShot", as well as other required functionality, and will allow anyone with enough knowledge/programming skills to write future software updates for the Solo/Controller/Gimbal to allow for new/advanced functionality that the Solo may not currently support.... Basically with the release of the "OpenSolo" code, 3DRobotics is allowing the community of Solo owners to have access to the software bits and pieces that ensures the Solo as a product/solution may *never* become outdated and die.

In regards to the "Gimbal Code", once this code is released, it will make the process of designing/building a replacement Gimbal, that also supports the Solo specific "SmartShot" functionality 10,000 times easier than it would have been if the Solo/Gimbal code wasn't released.
Thank you soo much
Is this related to 3DR also opening its world to DJI to make Site Scan available to Phantom 4?
Reinforces my decision to buy the Solo (and then Solos), even with how it turned out from a commercial standpoint. This is the best news since Solex!
So while this is obviously great for the Solo, what are the chances this will ultimately enable the creation of basically a Solo clone using something like a Raspberry Pi Zero as the on-board computer and a PH2.1 flight controller? Just considering the benefits of picking up another Solo or two vs. banking on the Solo's capabilities tricking down to the DIY market over the next few years.
So while this is obviously great for the Solo, what are the chances this will ultimately enable the creation of basically a Solo clone using something like a Raspberry Pi Zero as the on-board computer and a PH2.1 flight controller? Just considering the benefits of picking up another Solo or two vs. banking on the Solo's capabilities tricking down to the DIY market over the next few years.

I don't think the general purpose is to make the Solo last forever, but more the concept of the Solo last forever. Spares for the exact hardware used will still eventually run out, so inevitably the solo in it's exact form will become extinct like any other piece of hardware, but an open platform multi-rotor with advanced smart shot capabilities can still continue to be developed on the codebase released.

I guess to answer your question, there is a 100% chance of DIY drones ending up with this codebase running it.
I guess to answer your question, there is a 100% chance of DIY drones ending up with this codebase running it.

That's what I've hoped and assumed would ultimately happen. Really exciting future!
The immediate benefit is all kinds of new developments and enhancements for the Solo itself. Anyone so-inclined can making changes and upgrades to the code. And we can cut the cord to 3DR's firmware servers.

The long term benefit is migrating the smart shots, video infrastructure, etc over to ArduPilot's APsync companion computer.

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