No SSID broadcast from controller

Aug 31, 2016
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When I power on the controller, there is no broadcast of the Sololink-xxx SSID, so I can't even connect to it...any ideas?
Just fresh out of the box. I had the controller error and I did the fix I found for ssh-ing into the controller to calibrate the control sticks. Flew it for the first time and I got to close to a fense. It hit and dropped about 3 feet. Vehicle looks completely fine. Reboots fine without errors. But since then, I don't see an SSID from the controller. .
I did pull the battery. but no luck. There is a red led from inside the controller. I tried to factory reset, but it won't do it.
that is odd a crash should not impact the controller
chat with 3DR tomorrow
seems the next step would be a factory reset but I would not do that without talking with them first
So, last night, I just powered the controller down and plugged it in to charge (it was at ~60%). This morning, I powered the controller up and there was the SSID. I had to pair the vehicle to the controller and now everything seems to be back to normal. I'm going to fly it tomorrow and hope everything powers up and connects again. Not sure what the problem was last night. Maybe it just had to sit with no power for a while?

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