Newbee Dumb Questions

Man, DroneNerd.... you better watch out for all them trees and buildings around yer flying place!

I know. I've got ample space between them and the Solo. I want to get comfortable and experienced enough to be able to shoot video of scaling up the side of a building or shooting a panorama of a structure with the Solo an appropriate height above it so I don't lose line of sight between it and the controller. I also want to get a feel of the Flight Planning app that I can download onto my laptop. I've been amp'ed to do this.

But, today, I'm bummed out. Sent this email to support a few minutes ago.

I got my new Gimbal today for the Solo. Installed it and went out to test it only to have the Controller display tell me that my GoPro needs a firmware update. It says to update to 3.0.
So, I disconnect and remove the Hero 3+ Silver, and power it back on, the version says, 3.02 on the teeny display.
I turn on the wireless and connect to it using my iPhone and the GoPro app, tap the wrench and in the Camera Info section it says my version is HD3.10.03.02.
I don’t understand. All indications say it’s past the 3.0 version string that the Solo Controller tells me. When I dismiss the message, it tells me that it can’t detect an HDMI stream from the camera.
HELP. What do I do now?
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Actually, I was a bit surprised as I watched your vids that you were actually successfully using a Hero 3+.
So, your flights were without the gimbal, and it was only after the install that trouble began? I ask because the 3+ can rarely be made to work at all. It's one of 3DR's most aggregious goof ups they didn't let folks know in enough time beforehand.
Anyhow, I've only got three GoPros and only the 4 silver and black are compatible. However, there's tons of guys here with pretty much all of them.
But if all else fails, you miiight have to trade up. Serious bummer, but it really is worth it in the long run. Chin up - if there's a solution you're in the right place!
You've likely checked this out, but if not take a gander:
Updating Your GoPro | 3DR | Drone & UAV Technology
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Actually, I was a bit surprised as I watched your vids that you were actually successfully using a Hero 3+.
So, your flights were without the gimbal, and it was only after the install that trouble began? I ask because the 3+ can rarely be made to work at all. It's one of 3DR's most aggregious goof ups they didn't let folks know in enough time beforehand.
Anyhow, I've only got three GoPros and only the 4 silver and black are compatible. However, there's tons of guys here with pretty much all of them.
But if all else fails, you miiight have to trade up. Serious bummer, but it really is worth it in the long run. Chin up - if there's a solution you're in the right place!
You've likely checked this out, but if not take a gander:
Updating Your GoPro | 3DR | Drone & UAV Technology

Maybe, I've got my terminology wrong. The first two flights were with the OOTB GoPro "holder". The "gimbal" that allows you to use the controller to toggle video view up and down is what arrived today and which I installed. Thanks for the links, already been there. Already hearing my conscience tomorrow when I go and buy the Hero 4 Black. I'm hoping lady luck will throw something my way down the road to help make up for the unexpected expense. Fiance and I talked about having 2 GoPros anyway but, not this soon.
You can save yourself about a hundred bucks and go with the silver if you don't really need ultra-ultra-ultra high quality video. The silver works perfectly for pretty much anything I've ever needed.
Plus, there's that cool touchscreen that's great for quick setting changes, wireless access, etc.. I took both mine out on my first day and never used the black again (on Solo).
Just my thoughts!
Ugh. I think I recall a setting inthere somewhere, where you can specify to start recording as soon as you start flying. To be confirmed.

In Smart Shots, cable cam at least, there is a slider labeled "allow Solo to control camera". If you set that to "on" it will start recording when you begin the shot. It will also allow the gimbal angle to change during the shot if you set it up to do so.

But I don't think it stops recording when you exit out of the shot.
One panic moment I had during the second flight was, I became temporarily disoriented between the controller and the drone. It was only at 15 feet high and about 30 feet from my spot. When I toggled the joystick for the Solo to move forward, it moved backward instead. For some reason, I froze and kept my eye on the drone and tried to pilot based on my line of sight. I realized then that I should have more trust in the iPhone display because essentially, I can see what the drone sees, and use that to stay oriented. Anyway, weird moment.

I have been practicing landing the Solo myself because I intend to use it when I am fishing offshore. The boat deck is small and the consequences for missing it are large. I have found that when trying to control the drone while looking at it is much easier if you face the drone AWAY from you. Left is Left, Right is Right, Away is forward and Closer is back.
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I have been practicing landing the Solo myself because I intend to use it when I am fishing offshore. The boat deck is small and the consequences for missing it are large. I have found that when trying to control the drone while looking at it is much easier if you face the drone AWAY from you. Left is Left, Right is Right, Away is forward and Closer is back.
Hey guys, I thought I'd give you all a good laugh tonight. It's okay to laugh. I don't mind. So, I fixed the problem with my gimbal, and I'm real happy I don't have to go through the RMA/Exchange process. So, how did I fix it? Simple.


You knowp? When you turn the Solo on, it makes the red light on the GoPro light up and blink. I could've sworn I went through all the documentation and videos there was to watch, and I did! Perhaps, I just missed the part where you're told to just press the power button on the GoPro. Obviously, I got video feed to my iPad mini, at last. To conclude ladigs and gentlemengs of the newbees audience, I personally can confirm and attestate and attestation of confounding amazement that, the red light blinking on the GoPro at Solo start up does not, and I repeat, does not, EQUATE, to a fully powered GoPro.

I feel stupid but not AS stupid because not once did 3DR's tech support ask if the GoPro was on. LOL. So, now tech support is going to be THAT much better because of a newb like me. Haha.

You guys ever heard the GE tech support horror story?

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