New Leg Extensions

Hi Jubalr. I also have the GP case. Did you order the straight, or the bent leg extensions? I don't think it will make a difference on the Solo fitting in the case with them on, but I just wanted to check with you....Thanks
Yes I got the bent legs and think that you would have trouble with the straight. Since the legs extend from the body at an angle, you would actually need a wider distance to slide in to.
Can you make them so the rubber feet go on them? After you take off the Solo will they still stick?

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Glad you like them and it's funny how the little things can mean so much. It's much better to have them on there and protect a $400. gimbal.
On a side note I noticed that you had Gowdy Brothers help you with a 333, how were they to work with and roughly what does it cost? I'm trying to decide who to go with to get my 333
I have them available for $5.00 plus shipping $3.00 for first class( I thought is was less but my wife just came back from the post office) or $6.75 for Priority Mail. Send payment via paypal to [email protected]
Just ordered mine.

Ah ha Recieved my extensions today and they look and fit great, thanks a bunch. Now my static gopro sits safely above the grass wah wahh. Hope to have a use for them soon but until then they make solo look even badder azz than it already did.

Above post is a good idea if it's not too tough it would be nice to still have the rubber feet be useable. May experiment a bit on my own as well.
Got my leg extensions for both Solo's. Really great! Thanks for the help with a real need.
Hi Rick,

Do you still have these for sale?

I just got my 3DR Solo and am new at this Drone stuff, but It seems these are a must.

I do not really like the green ones from PolarPro, read that they show up on the video.


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