Need help I messed up with solex 3.7 upgrade

Aug 31, 2017
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Hi All

Hadn't flown my solo for probably ....well since i got the mavic pro 2.
Anyway decided to take it up during hurricane Dorian, which I did succesfully but I decided I should upgrade from 3.5 to 3.7 solex...

I didn't read the instructions properly and updated the controller first....then I tried to install the copter upgrade and it got partway through it then nothing was happening for 20+ minutes so I power cycled it and when it came back up all the LED's are green and it made no happy sound. I tried coupling with the solex app but it never finds the vehicle, (yes I pushed the connect icon) tried power cycling several happy sounds here...


Updating the controller first won't cause any problems. But you'll need to be way more specific about what you had before and what steps you took when you tried to upgrade.
Updating the controller first won't cause any problems. But you'll need to be way more specific about what you had before and what steps you took when you tried to upgrade.

Okay, sorry
I have the green cube install with version 3.5 I believe, the here gps install. Open Solo.

Was flying okay previous although position hold never really worked well or Loiter.
So downloaded and installed the 3.6/3.7 controller upgrade. Then went to install 3.7 dev and it started to load up, had red LED's on left side and one white on rear and blue forward right. Never rebooted so after 10-15 minutes I power cycled and it booted up to all green led's and no happy sounds...

Which 3.7-dev package did you install? There is a first time install and firmware only.
I don't honestly remember seeing first time install when I was looking for downloads. I downloaded 3 packages, one for controller and two for the copter.

perhaps I should just pull the SD card and disc image it with a good version on github?

flashing orange lights under the green cube, now have board completely out of shell, trying to get mission planner to talk to the cube but it doesn't seem to automatically see the USB connection (tried different cords) Someone mentioned you need to load drivers, I assume you mean to the mission planner software somehow, still trying to access that info on "getting MP to talk to green cube via usb"

Oh the IMX board is disconnected as well

Well the install packages are pretty clearly titled and together.


But without following any instructions, including the instructions the installer package directed you to read, I have no idea what you did and I guess you also don't know what you did. So all I can do is take some guesses at how to fix what might be wrong.

The cube has orange lights flashing, then it does not have proper firmware installed on it and it's indicating an error. Or it is in bootloader mode because the IMX is trying to load something and failing. You probably won't get the USB connection to work because the IMX is probably also connected to it's USB connection to the cube. So you may need to unscrew and disconnect the IMX from the carrier to get the USB connection working. Once you get the USB connection to the cube working, you can manually load firmware using Mission Planner.

I don't know what you mean by "the IMX is disconnected".
Okay looks like I was able to boot it up again using QGC app the MP app has always proved difficult to connect for me.

It makes the happy sounds again. I will update the firmware using QGC.

Now that I see those packages you posted yes, I did try to install the first time install, perhaps I didn't wait long enough for the solo to reboot on it's own?

Anyway thanks for your help, it's appreciated
So, I spoke to soon.

says it's connected to vehicle now, made the happy sound on start up

Now it's stuck on reading vehicle parameters....

mmm let me guess I never loaded parameters....shit
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So, I spoke to soon.

says it's connected to vehicle now, made the happy sound on start up

Now it's stuck on reading vehicle parameters....

mmm let me guess I never loaded parameters....shit

No. That's not a thing. At some point, I suggest reading and following the instructions. You'd see that loading parameters is not one of the steps. I'm not going to keep chasing random screwing around, it is impossible to diagnose. If the cube is back to life and the app is connecting, you should run the first time install as per the instructions on github. If you do something else instead, you're on your own.
I did read the instructions, I did as described the first time.
The unit got hung up somewhere along the process I don't know what to tell you. Trying to find all of the information in one spot is difficult.
Anyway, it's back up and running. still will not hold position worth shit even with the here gps and green cube.

Thanks for the input.
did read the instructions, I did as described the first time.
The unit got hung up somewhere along the process I don't know what to tell you
Per your very first post describing the problem, you said the opposite of this.

Anyway, if you have the here and it's position holding it's kind of drunk, it is most likely a vibration problem. Check your propellers for nicks being all chewed up. Try that different set of propellers.
Per your very first post describing the problem, you said the opposite of this.

Anyway, if you have the here and it's position holding it's kind of drunk, it is most likely a vibration problem. Check your propellers for nicks being all chewed up. Try that different set of propellers.
please help iam trying to update the controller to 4-dev but the install button will not press
please help iam trying to update the controller to 4-dev but the install button will not press IMG_3595[1].JPG

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