National Ski Association areas banning drones

Not a big deal where I am, just have to hope others don't keep trying to do the same.

I'm sure this can be done with those on their resort property, but couldn't one still fly where they want if they take off from the areas surrounding the resorts. Not to start anything, I'm just curious as I'm sure other businesses will attempt to follow in these footsteps and sooner or later wel be banned most everywhere if this keeps up.
I hope that when Part 107 is complete it'll make things easier for everyone. Even with a 333, one still cannot fly without local permission, of course.
It's unlikely we'll be banned from "most everywhere" but of course in places that are concerned about safety, privacy, and noise, it'll become a toss up. A wedding facility in Lancaster, CA won't allow drones overhead/registered as a "No Fly Zone" but does for example, allow their own wedding people to fly drones for wedding photography. I'd submit it's a control + fear issue for most people. If you can help reduce the fear factor and demonstrate that they'll have control, I'd wager that most would let an experienced, well-spoken pilot fly.
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I hope that when Part 107 is complete it'll make things easier for everyone. Even with a 333, one still cannot fly without local permission, of course.
It's unlikely we'll be banned from "most everywhere" but of course in places that are concerned about safety, privacy, and noise, it'll become a toss up. A wedding facility in Lancaster, CA won't allow drones overhead/registered as a "No Fly Zone" but does for example, allow their own wedding people to fly drones for wedding photography. I'd submit it's a control + fear issue for most people. If you can help reduce the fear factor and demonstrate that they'll have control, I'd wager that most would let an experienced, well-spoken pilot fly.
Yea in all honesty I've had only positive and interested reactions in the couple years I've been flying. Actually solo is normally the center of attention wherever I go since there aren't all that many flying around here yet. I'm just hoping that idiots don't ruin things in too many places for us as drones keep gaining popularity. I'm happy to register and do what's necessary to help curb this type of behavior and hope that regulators are also willing to use some sense when setting these blanket bans on areas. Thanks for the info eye

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