My SOLO is lost

I just went to the 3DR software page and mission planner isn't there. Just Solo, dronekit, tower, 3DR services and dronecode. Where can I find mission planner? I'd like to learn it in case of problems.
OK here are the three logs from the controller. Quickly messing around with them I do not see my flight which started/home from my friend house just east on the map. I notice one of the log show home in the middle of the field? Does the solo carry more then 3 logs as It appears these are telling nothing about incident.
Here is where you will find more of your logs..
Great news so far seems now three for three finding list solos at least if we have issues there being recovered. Even a crashed ones better than a flyaway especially with warranty.

Sounds like your home point got moved somehow since you mentioned it said returning to home and it landed upright. How far from where you took off was it when ya found it? Any chance you took off in manual and when it got gps lock it made that it's home point? Just guesses I try not to before lock but in some places I've taken off before gps lock since I takeoff and land in manual, just an idea if you do this too. Seems most all the bugs or glitches I've had have been under 20 feet so I try to keep in manual below that.
OK, so I found and downloaded mission planner. Now, to prepare for any future flyaway, I'm pretending that my Solo is lost. When I try to submit a support ticket from my tablet it says I need to connect with Solo, which I wouldn't be able to do if it was lost. Also, I can't find any flight logs on my tablet. Where are they and how can I access them?
OK, so I found and downloaded mission planner. Now, to prepare for any future flyaway, I'm pretending that my Solo is lost. When I try to submit a support ticket from my tablet it says I need to connect with Solo, which I wouldn't be able to do if it was lost. Also, I can't find any flight logs on my tablet. Where are they and how can I access them?
Here is where they are in Android. Not sure on Apple products.
Just found the "tlogs" folder under droidplanner. There are 6 log_udp files. Are these my last 6 flights?
I got it all figured out. This is super cool! Thanks for the help! Now I'm looking forward to losing my Solo. Well, not really, but at least I'm prepared.
I got it all figured out. This is super cool! Thanks for the help! Now I'm looking forward to losing my Solo. Well, not really, but at least I'm prepared.
Awesome Jon, glad it worked out.
I did get it back. Right where the log last GPS cord were. plugged them into my phone and walk right to it. Undamaged but wet from the rain. Took it apart, blew excess with compressed air and have it sitting in the morning sun. I'll coat it with CrorrisionX before assembly. Worked great on my P2V+ after a swim.The battery shut off and still has 80%. Thanks Earldgrayjr on the log naming. I mess with the other two log now. Curious to see why she landed on me and not return to home.

Even with my 1st glitch/malfunction still love the SOLO.
Fantastic!! REALLY glad you got it back. CorrosionX is great before, but not as good after something is wet in cracks etc...

Don't forget to open it up, and consider the rice. It works
OK here are the three logs from the controller. Quickly messing around with them I do not see my flight which started/home from my friend house just east on the map. I notice one of the log show home in the middle of the field? Does the solo carry more then 3 logs as It appears these are telling nothing about incident.
It looks like the 3 files you have are it sitting in the field, with only one going armed. they may be as it was losing and regaining coonnection. The actual flight looks like aprevious log file.

If you have an android device, here is some info on getting more tlog files..

There are also flash files on the unit that have even more (internal to Solo) info, but are harder to get at/ and download.

My bet is the tlogs have the info you need to undestand what happened.
Thanks Earl,

I see nothing else on the Galaxy Tab. I also looked on my S5 and see no history as explained in the above thread. I'll keep checking as I might have missed something. The issue is no Solo will not power up. I here a lttle beep and it shuts right off. Both batteries will power cup on their own but not in Solo. So I really would like the flight logs as my craft is now dead. Filed a support ticket.

Thanks Earl,

I see nothing else on the Galaxy Tab. I also looked on my S5 and see no history as explained in the above thread. I'll keep checking as I might have missed something. The issue is no Solo will not power up. I here a lttle beep and it shuts right off. Both batteries will power cup on their own but not in Solo. So I really would like the flight logs as my craft is now dead. Filed a support ticket.

Yikes. Do NOT try to start your unit before drying it out. 99% sure it is because it is wet. Hopefully nothing got fried by trying to start it. Water is thin and can hide between IC pin legs, under components etc.

Blowing it out is a good start, but not nearly the end. My advice is to take it apart. There are video tutorials here on how to do that in regard to replacing the Wifi card. Again.. If it were me, I would get a very large bag of rice. I have had great success with this in the past, even when there was water in displays etc. In extreme cases I have warmed the rice to 200 deg F in an oven, placed the items in the rice, and then turned it off. This may be one of those cases. When I do this, I also let things set for at LEAST 24 hours, move it all around, and then wait another 24 hours. I then inspect the parts with a magnifying glass looking for wet spots under components etc. if it all looks good on close inspection, only THEN do I put it back together and try to start it up.
Thanks Earl,

I see nothing else on the Galaxy Tab. I also looked on my S5 and see no history as explained in the above thread. I'll keep checking as I might have missed something. The issue is no Solo will not power up. I here a lttle beep and it shuts right off. Both batteries will power cup on their own but not in Solo. So I really would like the flight logs as my craft is now dead. Filed a support ticket.

One motor pod is not working. No signs of burning.
Yikes. Do NOT try to start your unit before drying it out. 99% sure it is because it is wet. Hopefully nothing got fried by trying to start it. Water is thin and can hide between IC pin legs, under components etc.

Blowing it out is a good start, but not nearly the end. My advice is to take it apart. There are video tutorials here on how to do that in regard to replacing the Wifi card. Again.. If it were me, I would get a very large bag of rice. I have had great success with this in the past, even when there was water in displays etc. In extreme cases I have warmed the rice to 200 deg F in an oven, placed the items in the rice, and then turned it off. This may be one of those cases. When I do this, I also let things set for at LEAST 24 hours, move it all around, and then wait another 24 hours. I then inspect the parts with a magnifying glass looking for wet spots under components etc. if it all looks good on close inspection, only THEN do I put it back together and try to start it up.

It was dry. I have enough experience with saving sensitive wet electronic devices. This also helps me understand why I could not reconnect while it was sitting in the field as it was powered off-before it rained.
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Submit the files to 3dr. It shouldn't have happened. And if you have damage from rain and lose a board then they owe you.
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3DR already got back to me looking for more specifics via email. Sent it their way. Most of my comments on this forum have been a cheerleader for 3DR after dealing with the incompetence of DJI support. Let's see if the extra money is worth the SOLO. I will keep all in touch. I believe they will hold up to my expectations else I'll be buying something else at the UAV expo in Vegas this Oct

Use 99% rubbing alcohol to clean the boards and electronics and then let things dry. You can use a blow dryer to speed up the drying process. The alcohol will not harm the boards. It will get under the cops and components to help force water out. I own two electronic repair shops we do this every day to bring back laptops and phones. The rice method is a myth it doesn't really help much. The water has minerals in it and the second the minerals dry out they become hungry to eat your solder balls, joints, and copper contacts causing corrosion. The alcohol will neutralize the minerals and clean them away while preserving the integrity of the components.
Be sure to get 92 to 99.8% rubbing alcohol. The typical store brands have additives to help protect your skin and higher water content in the lower percentages. Fry's has 98% I think and some grocery store chains like Von's have been knows to carry 92 and 98%.

Use a toothbrush and give it a good bath and scrub any corrosion away. You want all minerals neutralized and all corrosion to be removed. Every day that passes the more damage will occur to your boards. It's imperative to clean it properly and let it dry asap.

Also do not use an air compressor to blow it dry unless you have ESD safe moisture filters removing the moisture or you will be damaging things all over again.
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Use 99% rubbing alcohol to clean the boards and electronics and then let things dry. You can use a blow dryer to speed up the drying process. The alcohol will not harm the boards. It will get under the cops and components to help force water out. I own two electronic repair shops we do this every day to bring back laptops and phones. The rice method is a myth it doesn't really help much. The water has minerals in it and the second the minerals dry out they become hungry to eat your solder balls, joints, and copper contacts causing corrosion. The alcohol will neutralize the minerals and clean them away while preserving the integrity of the components.
Be sure to get 92 to 99.8% rubbing alcohol. The typical store brands have additives to help protect your skin and higher water content in the lower percentages. Fry's has 98% I think and some grocery store chains like Von's have been knows to carry 92 and 98%.

Use a toothbrush and give it a good bath and scrub any corrosion away. You want all minerals neutralized and all corrosion to be removed. Every day that passes the more damage will occur to your boards. It's imperative to clean it properly and let it dry asap.

Also do not use an air compressor to blow it dry unless you have ESD safe moisture filters removing the moisture or you will be damaging things all over again.

I Agree Monster Shot. If I felt this water was contaminated I would have rinsed it in tap water then several dunks and rinses in RO water. Dry on the cast iron heater for 24 hours. Today was clean water - yes to the human eye. Blew the water out with mild compressed air - dry not ESD filtered and set in the warm sun for 2-3 hours. It was very warm but not damaging hot. Any h2o would have evaporated where ever it laid. All connectors coated with CorrisionX with concern towards the pcb and connectors. I did not spray in to the motors but nor did I treat it as a caution when spraying near them. I have used this stuff around several high torque motor and even into it them with no harm. Hopefully the CorrisionX didn't burn me this time. But the real issue is I should have had my solo in it's MicroRaptor case for the ride home night before it rained. My f-ups after the point should not kill a companies commitment to excellence in customer service. My actions did not send the craft earthbound. I believe 3D values me as a customer and really looking forward to visiting/meeting the team at the UAV expo. DJI left me feeling like a spittoon. I've been in customer relations for over 30 years of kissing A$$ myself. I get a feel for when other are good at doing the same thing for their customers. Sorry so graphic.

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