motors wont shut down

Feb 1, 2019
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big bend florida
dflew perfect the time before, i never let it auto land, always landed it myself and when it landed just held the throttle down like the manual says and the motors would stop, now i land it and it wants to take off again, i have to press the a-b and pause or it just flips over, never did this before, i ve tried resetting, calibrating everything, just shy off using it as an anchor( frustrating)
anyone found a solution for this?
not the problem, reset everything so it said height 0 and when i pressed fly button to start motors it started then they sped up and it flipped over
This sounds like something more than mishandling a landing. To make sure I understand this correctly... You held the fly button to arm. It armed. And without you pushing the button again or moving a stick, it throttled up on its own and flipped over?
hello p2p, i hold the fly button and it arms the motors, if i don’t take off eventually they shut off(i know this is normal) when i take off whether pushing fly or using throttle it take off like it should, no problems, when i go to land, i’ve always landed manually with the throttle cause i haven’t let the batt get low enough to auto land, is when i land it, i always landed and held the throttle down and it would disarm, now when i land and hold the throttle down it doesn’t disarm and it i let go of the throttle it takes off hauling buttt to the side or just flips over, i did notice that when i land it says on the height 3.3 ft , i will try it today again and pist the results, fwiw im ising side pilot but also done it with the 3 dr app and running the reg software and it is connected to 10 satellites

thank u for replying
tried it today and there were times that they shut down like they’re supposed too and other time i had to press a-b pause
guess i’ll just get used to pressing those from now on
It sounds like the bird doesn't know it is landed. Solo is supposed to have landing detection [via arducopter] but it is dependent on a number of sensors including the IMU. Do you have any tlog files from the flights in question?

Also, try doing a level calibration. It might add some useful data, especially if you can't successfully complete it.....

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