Looks Like They Accept Us....

Mar 11, 2017
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At Babcock State Park in West Virginia- they give drone operators a window to fly within- and only 1 distance request. Simple instructions so we can enjoy our hobby. Cool97FBE3A2-CA04-4547-B109-64CBF1344672.jpeg818BBC1C-5DC8-462B-9CE0-C008F9AC5151.jpeg
Park Rangers told me I can fly the drone anytime I want around the 19 acre lake- they just put time restrictions around the grift mill because it gets a good amount of visitors and the parking lot is a little busy- anywhere else- have at it just watch the people and their cars-
He said a bunch of visitors get a kick out of seeing them-
You are very lucky in my opinion, in my part of the world feels more like as soon as they see an object capable of flying, phone in hand ready to dial police. Parks are hit or miss and depending on who is working they may tell you to hit the road. I haven’t even flown in months because it has become such a downer. Lol feel like I’m looking over my shoulder waiting for someone to confront me about “what I’m doing”.
Where are you located? It’s not like this everywhere- most Federal & State Parks are off limit for drones- this park, was a breath of fresh air!
not here in good old N.J. Federal, State, and county parks are off limits the first time I flew my solo didn't know it was a county park if you want to call it that 2 soccer fields and a dog walk the ranger came out of no where in like 30 sec saying no remote vehicles at all in the county parks town owned is ok

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