Leaving the group

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Bravo...sometimes some people need to be offended. If it causes them to collapse and melt...then the better for the rest of us. Some people need to grow up and thicken their skin. There...I feel much better.
It's true............... I've........... I've been hurt before.........
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By an Elephant ?
Ah here now.... there's no need for that, she wasn't THAT big.. I mean, it's not like she'd jump in the air and get stuck or anything. Or her Christmas family photo had to be taken with Google Earth... and it just finished printing.... They hung it on the wall and the wall fell over....
The Elephant REALLY sat *around* the house? Talk about trunk in the junk....
Matt is just butt hurt because I have more solos than he does..... And whose Search Foo is weak because every time we have interacted and we have we fight! The Man Child can't shut his mouth to save his own life.
A few of the really smart folks are still butt hurt on this forum because Solo "the slayer of everything DJI" didn't quite get the job done. They are so smart, in fact, that they forgot that hobbyists are what supports this platform and other platforms like solo. Guess what, all of you really smart people, hobbyists are people with varying levels of skill, knowledge and tech savvy. In your arrogance of being so smart, you contributed to the failure of the solo platform by alienating most of the hobbyists. I'm not sure that not liking being humiliated on a public forum is being a snowflake as much as it being human nature. Yes, I can understand being frustrated with some of the questions asked but there are a few on this forum that seem to truly enjoy embarrassing people, and yes there are some folks that can be too sensitive, also. I sold my solo a couple of years back and the elitist attitude of this forum just makes me feel better about my decision. I am one of those people with limited tech savvy that may need a little extra push in the right direction now and then and don't feel like asking a question just to be ridiculed on a forum. I have moved on to a platform that realizes that hobbyists are what supports these platforms not semi professional or professional users. No surprise to me that after three years there is only 12,000 members.
A few of the really smart folks are still butt hurt on this forum because Solo "the slayer of everything DJI" didn't quite get the job done. They are so smart, in fact, that they forgot that hobbyists are what supports this platform and other platforms like solo. Guess what, all of you really smart people, hobbyists are people with varying levels of skill, knowledge and tech savvy. In your arrogance of being so smart, you contributed to the failure of the solo platform by alienating most of the hobbyists. I'm not sure that not liking being humiliated on a public forum is being a snowflake as much as it being human nature. Yes, I can understand being frustrated with some of the questions asked but there are a few on this forum that seem to truly enjoy embarrassing people, and yes there are some folks that can be too sensitive, also. I sold my solo a couple of years back and the elitist attitude of this forum just makes me feel better about my decision. I am one of those people with limited tech savvy that may need a little extra push in the right direction now and then and don't feel like asking a question just to be ridiculed on a forum. I have moved on to a platform that realizes that hobbyists are what supports these platforms not semi professional or professional users. No surprise to me that after three years there is only 12,000 members.
This entire rant is complete and utter fiction. Fake BS. The only part that isn't BS is the part about you being unable to cope and selling all your stuff. Looking at your post history is all that's required to see it. Whining and complaining over and over, even through you don't even own the product this forum is for. If anyone should be leaving...
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You know I grew up in an Engineering environment mostly with men. It was accepted as normal that if someone proposed something or had something wrong it was challenged directly. This culture was needed so that the bridge you were designing did not fail killing a bunch of people. But the challenges were not done with malice. You could get into some spirited shouting matches but it was never personal.

Every once in a while we would come into the Engineering class rooms in college and the chairs were all in a circle. That is when we knew the "touch-me-feel-me's" had a class in there before. Liberal Arts majors had a different culture. There WERE more sensitive. The fields they were pursuing required greater sensitivity as artists, musicians, writers and videographers. Their culture requires being sensitive.

This forum has a mixture of people. You can choose to knowingly present yourself in a course way and knowingly comes across as hard and unfriendly or you can choose to be tolerant and helpful. Yes it may take a little more work to get along but is not this a microcosm of life itself? Do you wonder why politicians cause wars? Do you like to see people get upset and leave. Is it always their fault entirely?

We all need to choose how to treat each other.
Respect isn't gift wrapped with a ribbon and given away. Respect is earned. If you feel you're not being respected here, well, maybe you didn't take the time or make the effort to be respected. Maybe when your posts are nothing but attacks on other members here, then expecting everyone else to respect you is a bit of a big ask. In turn, if you're not happy with how you're being treated by other members, maybe that's because they aren't happy with how you've been treating the other members here yourself. You're reaping what you sow in other words.

As for those who have expressed their dissatisfaction with this forum and the people on it...... I will defend this forum and say how great it is. In any OTHER forum it would have descended into the Hitler argument already, NOT SO HERE!
See? We're evolved!

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Liberal Arts majors had a different culture. There WERE more sensitive. The fields they were pursuing required greater sensitivity as artists, musicians, writers and videographers. Their culture requires being sensitive.
I completely agree. People of the Liberal Arts culture do not fair well in an environment that requires technical skills and direct technical discussions...that is just a fact. They are the exact type that should have gotten a drone that does NOT require technical skills and direct technical discussions...because Solo DOES require that...that is just another fact. I'm sure that none of the people here who have had "their feelings hurt" are Engineers or other technical types. If you are...let it be known, so we can laugh at you :p.
What I really enjoy about this forum is that it allows those of us that have a desire to be one of those creative people and be better at the technical side too to learn from people who have gone before us in both aspects. Even when I come across a post that seems harsh it was while I was reading a thread to learn from someone else. I just used the grocery store approach and took what I needed. Without this forum I would probably have blown up my Solo or worse because I had nowhere else to turn for the great info found here. Actually without this forum I wouldn't HAVE my Solo because of the inside info on the Black Friday Deal I saw here.
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This entire rant is complete and utter fiction. Fake BS. The only part that isn't BS is the part about you being unable to cope and selling all your stuff. Looking at your post history is all that's required to see it. Whining and complaining over and over, even through you don't even own the product this forum is for. If anyone should be leaving...
You must be proud to be one of those that helped this platform fail. Your response just corroborates mine and others opinion of this forum. You should rename it RC Groups on Steroids. Enjoy what you have created.
Clint Eastwood called this the vagina generation. Take it how you want, but those were his words.
You must be proud to be one of those that helped this platform fail. Your response just corroborates mine and others opinion of this forum. You should rename it RC Groups on Steroids. Enjoy what you have created.
Bigskyflyer: I'm not asking for specifics...but in general, what field do you work in?
You must be proud to be one of those that helped this platform fail. Your response just corroborates mine and others opinion of this forum. You should rename it RC Groups on Steroids. Enjoy what you have created.
What a whiner. I am flying my Solo and fixed wing this weekend. The platform didn't fail, the company made some decisions that didn't go so well
The tech is still evolving. mRO splintered off of 3DR. The founder and engineering team there were the architects of Pixhawk and Solo Link.

I have to agree with the Clint Eastwood statement. My sons agree and they are
26, 29, and 31 years old.

Not all are wussies. Just the majority
All from giving kids trophies and praise when they didn't deserve it. And damn my generation didn't whine when we were bullied. We hit them back
....and not over react like some.of the wussies do now.
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