Just ordered a gimbal from Best Buy


May 19, 2015
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They have stock. Ordered for delivery since a close enough store didn't have it.
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Just got mine on order and says pick up today, waiting on confirm.
Was just in that store picking up props not an hour ago
No gimbal
I just ordered mine via the best buy website as well.My confirmation email says that I should have it on friday. We shall see what happens.
I just ordered mine via the best buy website as well.My confirmation email says that I should have it on friday. We shall see what happens.

Mine said Friday too. Sometimes with free expedited shipping it arrives sooner, but I'm just happy to finally have had a chance to order it and make good use of all those gift cards I had.
Wow. My order is already marked as shipped w/tracking number and an expected delivery of tomorrow.

I wonder if it shipped from a nearby store? I could have drove about 40 miles to pick one up but didn't want to deal with traffic.
Well just saw this. They are already sold out.

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Dunno but with any luck all these folks that got lucky are ahead of me in whatever odd line or dartboard they pick who's next from on 3dr direct orders.
Well at least we know there coming..
You would think but don't be so sure they've been coming forever, I'm all out of optimism at this point. There's no rhyme or reason to anything they do and I've not seen this many obvious lies ever in business. Not that most companies don't lie, I'm not blind but at least normal companies tell lies that are possible or believable, they care enough to attempt to pull it off, 3dr doesnt even bother. Then blames retailers or blames us for not re authorizing our card from their Fk up or whoever is sitting closest to them when the questions asked.

Sold out in under an hour, really and there's not many people sitting on these forums waiting like us here, that tells me they got an incredibly small number of gimbals. Likley just to make a showing at best buy or maybe just to fulfill a contract obligation minimum of some kind. Seems like more of the same $hit to me but maybe they'll get more and prove me wrong, not holding my breath.
Even though I want it to be a brand spanking new working unit, I'm fully aware this little 2 hour we have gimbals window could be returned units. When I was originally chasing solo from best buy and rang the random store who had one that day and tried to get them to ship it to a closer best buy, found out they were returned units a manger had checked over a declared ok. I'm keeping my BH preorder running till I establish I have a working gimbal
I would think that they need to make at least one gimbal for each Solo that the built. So they know how many to manufacture.

If BB got 1,000 Solo's in the initial shipment, then they should get 1,000 gimbals, and so on for each retail outlet.

But who knows how this really works.

I had one on order with 3DR, so I called and asked the status. Mine was ordered about 9/9, so it's been about a week. They told me that gimbals are about up to 6 weeks out with them. So I cancelled the order, and ordered one from BB, my expected delivery is now next week.

We'll see if my logic works, or if I end up waiting longer. LOL.
I'm pretty sure bb got far fewer gimbals than even the small first solo shipment cause the three stores near Cincy that got solo Recieved 0. They had 3 at one 2 at another and a single solo at a third store locally when they came out, gimbals though a big 0. According to them at least and at this point I'm believing best buy over anything I hear from good ol 3dr.
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Even though I want it to be a brand spanking new working unit, I'm fully aware this little 2 hour we have gimbals window could be returned units. When I was originally chasing solo from best buy and rang the random store who had one that day and tried to get them to ship it to a closer best buy, found out they were returned units a manger had checked over a declared ok. I'm keeping my BH preorder running till I establish I have a working gimbal

If that's true that's terrible, how the hell can a best buy deem a solo or gimbal in good working order. I doubt they know it's name much less how it functions, the power buttons about where best buys expertise on a multi ends. I actually had to spell 3 d r and solo a few times when asking managers before release.
Sad thing is I've caught myself saying how overwhelmed and unprepared for the huge success they are, but when partnering with best buy wouldnt you at least plan to have enough to put a few in each of the 400 decided stores complete, plus at a minimum the early preorders. I mean if I'm partnering with say wal mart I'm kinda expecting I'm going to have to have a pretty good size order just for that one account and I'm going to be hiring and planning on a boom upon release not just wait till its out and oops were really selling these things. Better start hiring people now that we're months behind, it really seems like this company run by very smart people have no one who's ever run a business before or even uses common sense on staff. I think they mean well and some things can't be controlled but they really had a chance to take a huge chunk of the market from DJI and now they'll be lucky to take a quarter of that potential.

Everything just seems off I'd love to be a fly on the wall and see what's actually gone down through this nightmare. They had big investors so it's not money, I assume they knew they had a really cool product that was going to sell well, so what link in the chains hooked on drugs or just broken is what I wonder. It has to be very bad decisions from somewhere but unless it's from the top you'd assume that link would have been replaced by now. If a limbs dead you amputate it and move forward right?

Hope 3dr gets it together they have huge potential and I'm still trying to stick it out but they aren't making it easy even for the most devoted to their bird and brand. So how's joe consumer who's never even heard of em supposed to stay on board.

Fly 3dr
Fly safe
Have fun with your gimbals those who got em.
Well I got a shipping notice for the one hour special out of turn gimbal bb deal, henceforce dubbed the unicorn gimbal. So that bit is real it would seem.
I have to say without this forum I'd still be waiting forever for my BH preorder. Thanks NYG.

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