Ipad Mini 2 still a good buy for Solo?

Nov 8, 2015
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Nashville TN
All those using IPad mini for theor solo. Since the release of the mini 4, prices on older mini's have dropped. I have an opportunity to get a mini 2 16g pretty cheap. If I'm only plannin on using this for the solo, is the mini 2 still a good buy? I'm one of those guys who usually has to get the latest and greatest, so it makes it hard to think about buying something a couple generations old.

Thanks for the replies
Yes! I use a Mini 2 for my dedicated Solo use. Same retina screen as the newer ones. In fact, except for a fingerprint reader like the third and fourth, there's really no performance difference unless you use the internal cameras.
Any reason I'd need more then 16gig? I have an iPad Air, so that's my dedicated carry around iPad. Wanted a mini for dedicated solo use.

Thanks for the fast reply
Nope, 16 should be fine unless you need to store lots of video.
Mine was a tad more, only because I went with one that also has Verizon service. Between my iPhone, iPad Air, my wife's iPad mini and now my mini 2, we have 10gigs of data and I still seem to use less then 2 a month. Been into filmmaking for a number of years so already have a Mac Pro of video editing. Can't see a reason I'd need to keep video on my mini 2. It will stay in the flight case (backpack)
You need an iPad with cellular capability to get 'follow me' to work as it requires GPS and the wifi only iPads don't have the GPS hardware.

You don't actually need to have the cellular service active, it just has to be the version that includes that capability.
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You need an iPad with cellular capability to get 'follow me' to work as it requires GPS and the wifi only iPads don't have the GPC hardware.

You don't actually need to have the cellular service active, it just has to be the version that includes that capability.
Awesome! thanks so much for this info.
I fly my Solo all the time with a wifi only mini and can do all smart shots.
You need an iPad with cellular capability to get 'follow me' to work as it requires GPS and the wifi only iPads don't have the GPS hardware.

You don't actually need to have the cellular service active, it just has to be the version that includes that capability.

Good point... and what about orbit mode when you need to use the map? I guess you would have to cache the map first if you don't have wifi in the area. You could always tether the ipad to your iPhone to cache the map. And if you already have an iPhone or whatever you can just use that for follow mode. So i guess there are a couple hurdles but it can be overcome.

Personally, I would like the ability to use way-points which currently aren't available on the iOS platform. Are there any good Android based tablets out there that have GPS in this price range?
No, it is not following the controller, there is no GPS hardware in the controller so it does not know where it is.

It has to follow a GPS capable device, and that does not have to be where the controller is, merely close enough to connect to the wifi router in the controller.

A wifi only iPad can't be that device as it lacks the GPS hardware.
Going out right now to test. Taking iPhone 6+ and iPad mini wireless only.
Make sure your iPhone is not connected to Solo wifi at the same time or it will use the GPS from the phone...
Good point... and what about orbit mode when you need to use the map? I guess you would have to cache the map first if you don't have wifi in the area. You could always tether the ipad to your iPhone to cache the map. And if you already have an iPhone or whatever you can just use that for follow mode. So i guess there are a couple hurdles but it can be overcome.

Personally, I would like the ability to use way-points which currently aren't available on the iOS platform. Are there any good Android based tablets out there that have GPS in this price range?
Nexus 7 (2013), 16 GB, at Amazon for $149. (New)
Great for running Tower but I don't know if it has GPS.

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