In a holding pattern

Sep 8, 2015
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I don't know how many times over the last month I was about to pull the trigger on a Phantom 3, but something held me back. I follow the forums for both the Phantom 3 and Solo, so I am aware of the issues with both products and their companies. Logic tells me to just get the blasted Phantom and be done with it... But there is something about the Solo that is holding me back. I can see a ton of upside to the solo. It seems to be well made and the possibilities for future mods seem promising,

Now that the gimbals are finally shipping and the bugs are getting ironed out, I am thinking that my waiting may have been the best thing to do, I have been traveling a lot on business, so it's not like I can fly right now anyway. Let's see what the landscape looks like by the end of October.
This response includes my OPINION only.

What are you buying the Solo for? Simply because of the ability to expand upon it some time in the future? I see this excuse used time and time again. Personally I do not see much value in that because technology moves so quickly that with the money you may save, you'll be able to have the latest and greatest each time it hits the market. I ask because at this point in time I think that the Phantom is a much better value (get 2 Phantoms for the price of 1 Solo if you don't already have a GoPro Black) and the DJI Go App is far better in all aspects; bird and camera control.

Smart Shots are now available for the Phantom by both DJI and 3rd Party Vendors, so the smart shot value has been significantly decreased. The most promising 3rd party software is AutoFlight Logic.

Support from 3DR is good. Not so much with DJI. The fly away warranty is a major plus but as time goes on and 3DR gets it's sh*t together with the Solo. That warranty will be less and less of a factor especially since many fly-a-ways are operator error.

I'm nearing the end of my love affair with Solo and in 29 days, I'll make my decision to keep or take back. I have to be completely honest, the Solo is loosing most of it's luster - to me. The major sticking point right now for me is that it's a whole hell of a lot smaller than my Inspire 1 and a whole hell of a lot cooler looking than a Phantom however; I can get a black shell for a Phantom and then it won't be so bland.
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I don't know how many times over the last month I was about to pull the trigger on a Phantom 3, but something held me back. I follow the forums for both the Phantom 3 and Solo, so I am aware of the issues with both products and their companies. Logic tells me to just get the blasted Phantom and be done with it... But there is something about the Solo that is holding me back. I can see a ton of upside to the solo. It seems to be well made and the possibilities for future mods seem promising,

Now that the gimbals are finally shipping and the bugs are getting ironed out, I am thinking that my waiting may have been the best thing to do, I have been traveling a lot on business, so it's not like I can fly right now anyway. Let's see what the landscape looks like by the end of October.

I was in the same place. I struggled with the DJI Customer Service issue at the time. I know at some point (s) I'm going to crash the bird and need help. Great thing is that local shops that service the Phantoms are available to step in with parts and repair help.

Flyaways spooked me....RTH was joked on the lists to be flying back to China. (Perhaps a small amount ever suffered this problem)

No intent to flame - perhaps all of that, is or might be in the process of being sorted out.

Then came the 3DR Solo. Twin processors made sense to someone that has 31+ years in the IT and Photography/Videography field. The idea of a way to allow a community to develop was light years beyond waiting for a new patch.

I read about these options with smart shots and I preordered. Yes, I wanted to invest my next $1600 to purchase a quadcopter from a company going that direction. Today, what I have sitting in front of me is AWESOME! First releases and all! Great conversations with helpful customer service that are patient and helpful. I was in no hurry to get the gear, and figured with first release there would be delay. Don't get me wrong, 3DR has some growing to do to fix legitimate issues with communication and promises. Still, product is in our hands and it works great! (See attached, to authenticate that I'm just not BSing you)

DJI vs 3DR vs ????? etc...... For us, regardless of what company is your best pick, we are now enjoying more and better competition. In the end, who knows - but I think we're all better because of it!

I'd weigh out what works personally best for you. If you have a chance visit some of your local shops and fly 'em! Good luck with these awesome choices, and all the other manufacturers offerings coming out!!

Whatever you decide, I'll be happy to fly in the same field and get in some laughs! Happy hunting!!


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Until dji finally decides to be creative again and at least change phantom up a little cosmetically I have a hard time finding it appealing at all. There's really nothing phantom does that solo can't or won't be able to, but the opposite can't be said. I've been debating to keep riding this out or not and even if I give up on solo for right now I can't see myself getting a phantom. I love my solo it flies great and I have 0 complaints function wise, plus it looks top notch, not to mention how tuff it's proven to be. I'm just not thrilled with how 3dr has handled all this with lies. I'll likley wait a bit longer but their really making me feel foolish for doing so after all this.

My p2 does everything I'd use p3 for exept fly indoors and it looks identical, Inspires nice but it really doesn't do a whole lot p3 doesn't, does it?

I don't know, I know looks shouldn't be huge but I like that everyone loves solo, be it in or out of the hobby comments are all wow your other one seems like a toy compared to this. In a lot of ways flying them it kinda feels like a toy as well compared to my solo. Much as I'm fed up and tired of waiting I just don't see another option that interests me like solo has.

That said if I just was buying my first bird I'd likley grab a phantom, like I did actually. Even getting a p2v+ Or p2 h3-3d now for a few hundred bucks like I see pretty often would work if it's a first quad. So really it's all about what your needs are all of the above can get great video with a good pilot or a bunch of practice. Time to pick your poison really the ups and downs of both companies are pretty widely known now. Just hope I see my gimbal soon so hopefully I don't need to deal with either company for a while. Solo or p3 are both great birds that come from companies with some issues but personally I just wanted something new and different not an upgraded clone.

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