I'm hogging the board...


Aug 7, 2015
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Boonies, South Dakota
Retired. All you guys are working and I'm celebrating the Marine Corps Birthday. I put 38 years into working everyday just to enjoy this moment. Six years of active service in the USMC. Went in on my 17th birthday, came out a Man. Learned a lot. Mostly, how the other half lives. No running water, no toilet, no sink and certainly no TV or internet. Wow, how the world has changed! Be happy folks. The world is a better place but always be cautious of comfort.

I've been digging the heck out of this Solo. It's not quite there yet but it's getting close. We'll all keep working at it and we will make it better. It's places like this that bring things to fruition. People like you and me that actually force change. Maybe that is the new world order, force change.

I want every one to leave me alone in my little space in this world. Far removed from everyone else. Retired. Paying out 35-40% of what I'm supposed to get from the sale of my business in federal taxes alone. Forced to pay 30k for medical insurance annually, super high deductibles of course. I stopped flying my flag, nobody is looking out for me.

I worked my ass off, served my country for six years and all I get for it is a never ending tax bill. Taxes on every single thing I chose to do. This isn't what I spent six years of my life for; I thought I was protecting my own. I thought I was making things better. I just gave them what they wanted, service for nothing. I've got absolutely nothing to show for my service. I've got Brothers that no longer have limbs, families destroyed and broken. I've got nothing but the earth beneath me.

Cherish it. Before long you'll realize that's all you've got as well.

Sorry if I rained on any parades, it's my birthday Man! It is what it is, I only know truth as I see it. Sorry fella's, I had to get it out of my system. Back to birds!

No one will ever take your service and your memories away from you. Happy Pre Veterans Day.

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Thank you very, very much for your courage and sacrifice. Never doubt for a moment it's guys like you that keep this country free. We all are in your debt.
Air Force here, not as long as your years of service though!
Keep on keepin' on!
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I must come clean. I was Army but I spent a lot of time with Marines. Those are the guys you want next to you in a fire fight.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
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Thank you very, very much for your courage and sacrifice. Never doubt for a moment it's guys like you that keep this country free. We all are in your debt.
Air Force here, not as long as your years of service though!
Keep on keepin' on!


I wondered why you had so many likes, now I know. Thank you for your service. The Air Force Brothers always brought us home. On time, every time!

I must come clean. I was Army but I spent a lot of time with Marines. Those are the guys you want next to you in a fire fight.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk


Had a friend many years ago. Army logistics, pushed a pen. Stepped out with him on more than one occasion. One of the baddest MF's I ever met! Doesn't matter what you did or who you were if you chose to serve. We did it as one. All for one, one for all. Never leave a Brother behind.

Glad I opened a separate thread for this instead of dicing up an important one.

Happy birthday and many thanks for your service! If you have too much time on your hands, perhaps you need a hobby? Get a Solo or something? lol ;)
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Retired. All you guys are working and I'm celebrating the Marine Corps Birthday. I put 38 years into working everyday just to enjoy this moment. Six years of active service in the USMC. Went in on my 17th birthday, came out a Man. Learned a lot. Mostly, how the other half lives. No running water, no toilet, no sink and certainly no TV or internet. Wow, how the world has changed! Be happy folks. The world is a better place but always be cautious of comfort.

I've been digging the heck out of this Solo. It's not quite there yet but it's getting close. We'll all keep working at it and we will make it better. It's places like this that bring things to fruition. People like you and me that actually force change. Maybe that is the new world order, force change.

I want every one to leave me alone in my little space in this world. Far removed from everyone else. Retired. Paying out 35-40% of what I'm supposed to get from the sale of my business in federal taxes alone. Forced to pay 30k for medical insurance annually, super high deductibles of course. I stopped flying my flag, nobody is looking out for me.

I worked my ass off, served my country for six years and all I get for it is a never ending tax bill. Taxes on every single thing I chose to do. This isn't what I spent six years of my life for; I thought I was protecting my own. I thought I was making things better. I just gave them what they wanted, service for nothing. I've got absolutely nothing to show for my service. I've got Brothers that no longer have limbs, families destroyed and broken. I've got nothing but the earth beneath me.

Cherish it. Before long you'll realize that's all you've got as well.

Sorry if I rained on any parades, it's my birthday Man! It is what it is, I only know truth as I see it. Sorry fella's, I had to get it out of my system. Back to birds!

J R, thank you for your service again. I think you and me chatted about our service before on this forum. I trained with Marines in AIT(I was Army) in 1980, great bunch, nothing but respect for you guys. I to am counting down to retirement, three and a half years left to do, that will make forty years. I am more than ready.
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J R, thank you for your service again. I think you and me chatted about our service before on this forum. I trained with Marines in AIT(I was Army) in 1980, great bunch, nothing but respect for you guys. I to am counting down to retirement, three and a half years left to do, that will make forty years. I am more than ready.

Big Sky,

Nothing but respect Brother. We disagreed on an issue but I retracted. I did so due to my respect for your service. Nobody will have my back but a Brother in Arms and I'll always have yours. That's what makes us "special". Short bus riders!

Forty f'ng years? Service years? Hope not!

Big Sky,

Nothing but respect Brother. We disagreed on an issue but I retracted. I did so due to my respect for your service. Nobody will have my back but a Brother in Arms and I'll always have yours. That's what makes us "special". Short bus riders!

Forty f'ng years? Service years? Hope not!

No. Forty years working, only six in the military. That is what's nice about our generation, we can agree to disagree without getting butt hurt about it. I don't think I could have done more in the Army than six years, very political.
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Big Sky,

Nothing but respect Brother. We disagreed on an issue but I retracted. I did so due to my respect for your service. Nobody will have my back but a Brother in Arms and I'll always have yours. That's what makes us "special". Short bus riders!

Forty f'ng years? Service years? Hope not!

Jerry, where the heck is Boonies S.D., I'm in Whitehall, MT, SW part of MT.
No. Forty years working, only six in the military. That is what's nice about our generation, we can agree to disagree without getting butt hurt about it. I don't think I could have done more in the Army than six years, very political.

Thank God! Forty would have been a kick and then some. Yeah, no politics here. Some people just plain don't like me. Say it as I see it and I don't see it like a lot of others these days.

Just like our first dust up. Respect, agree to disagree and move the "F" on. I guess sometimes it takes the connection of Service to get it.

Don't get so anxious for retirement, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Remember, (at least in my case) none of your buddies are retired. If you like to do a lot alone, you're good to go. If you want a Brother along, they're are still trying to make pay. Might be able to hook up on the weekend if the old lady doesn't "b" about it. Just sayin"...

Thanks much for your service Sky. I'm getting a bit misty eyed thinking back to those days. They weren't pretty but they were pretty special...

Thank you very, very much for your courage and sacrifice. Never doubt for a moment it's guys like you that keep this country free. We all are in your debt.
Air Force here, not as long as your years of service though!
Keep on keepin' on!


I went back to read my birthday posts. This one sticks with me. Remember I'm celebrating...no courage here Brother...fear drove me. Nothing but fear and the instinct to survive. Most of the population will never understand, nor admit but fear drives everything.

I see the stickers on the back of pick-ups; "No Fear". Wow, I wish I had the balls that they do. Fear of failure in any endevour just drives me. It doesn't control me but it keeps me awake at the switch.

Courage is a whole different thing. Courage is giving your life, your very life, for your Brother. That's f'ng courage. I've known some very courageous men, I don't measure up to that status.. The pain inflicted on Families. I've already said, I just want to be real. No politics, no bullshit.

I served my time, I'm proud of it but I'm not courageous. I'm just another Brother trying to survive.

To all of my real Brothers, this one is for you...RESPECT! Happy Birthday! I'll see you on the other side.


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