How Change the satélite View (google maps)

Aug 26, 2016
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Hi, I need your help, how i can change the satélite view in the solo app, i want to use google maps but the app use maps app.

I have a iPhone 6

I don't have iOS, but this part should be the same as Android:

Open Solo App
At bottom of screen - tap Settings
At left-screen menu selections - tap Map Tile Provider
At the next screen - select Google
back out of Settings

Is that what you mean?
The solo app has two different map screens, the initial map from the home screen, which allows you to change the map filter from standard to satellite. The second is in the fly mode screen, this is always in satetille mode, and is visible by swiping from right to left. Please note this second satellite screen is slow to update, just give it a few seconds to update.

Be safe and happy landing......

Ps. I use a iPad mini2 and a iPhone 6.
I have an iPad mini2 and my app version is 2.4.0.
When I go to
Open Solo App - Settings
in the left-screen menu selections - I do not have a selection for "Map Tile Provider"
How do I get that selection to show up in my software?
map tile provider is only an option for android devices. it allows android users to use another map tile provider, mapbox, which allows them to manually download map tiles.

in the solo app, you can't choose your map style in the map view. it defaults to satellite and will display map tiles if you have internets. if you don't have internets and have not cached your map, it will display nothing.

to cache your map, make sure you are connected to the internets and simply open up map view in the solo app and pan to the area you want to cache by moving the map and zooming in/out. the map tiles are cached automagically.

the funny thing is, 'plan your flight' supports standard, satellite and hybrid map views. i don't know why 3DR couldn't be bothered to add standard or hybrid to the map view.

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