May 8, 2017
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Portland Oregon
Does anyone know the status of the HERE GPS system being sold by Jesters Drones (I don't use bookface). Last time I checked on the website he was saying there was a delay due to needing new drivers (chip revision issue). Anyone perchance know a timeline on this?
If you're using the stock cube, the old version of ArduCopter does not have the driver for the new version of the HERE, and it never will. So for the time being, stock cubes will require the older version of the HERE. If you're running Open Solo on the green cube, you have ArduCopter 3.5.4, and it has the driver for the new version of the HERE already. But, you would need to manually change the COMPASS_ORIENT parameter to something else since it is not 0 anymore. ArduCopter 3.5.5 has recently been released, and has that orientation fix baked into it, meaning the COMPASS_ORIENT parameter should be 0 again. This is **not** baked into Open Solo, and I haven't put 3.5.5 up on Solex or SidePilot yet. I'll make a point of doing that this weekend. I have a new HERE for testing and will be poking around to make sure it works as expected this weekend too

That said, the required slew rate protection will *probably* be added to ArduCopter master in the near future. That would allow everyone, stock or green, to run ArduCopter master and solve all our worldly problems. There is no date, but it's been discussed and likely to happen.
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Groovy, appreciate the update! I'd only be using the HERE system on the Green Cube birds, not in a rush, just a "nice to have" option at the moment.
P2P, Has the slow looping errors been discussed any further? Is it just something not to be to concerned about.
P2P, Has the slow looping errors been discussed any further? Is it just something not to be to concerned about.
It is what it is, no way to make it perform better within reason in the current design. However, the new ChibiOS RTOS that will be replacing the old Nutxx RTOS soon fixes it completely.

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