Hello again, trouble signing in with email on solo app.

That sucks about your eBay problem.

I actually bought my Nexus to run autonomous missions with Tower. Don't know if I would have bought it just for Solex- maybe.
Interesting about all the possibilities of using androids with the solo. I haven't dabbled in that yet for the different programs that can be ran from it. Sounds very interesting what you can do.
Interesting about all the possibilities of using androids with the solo. I haven't dabbled in that yet for the different programs that can be ran from it. Sounds very interesting what you can do.

Tower is great for autonomous missions. Also, guided missions, where you just arm and select a location for the vehicle to fly to by tapping on the map where you want it to go. But don't just install it and do it; read up on it first. I also believe there are some videos that help.
Tower is great for autonomous missions. Also, guided missions, where you just arm and select a location for the vehicle to fly to by tapping on the map where you want it to go. But don't just install it and do it; read up on it first. I also believe there are some videos that help.
Sounds good, I will eventually get into that. Maybe if I find a used tablet or something that is compatible. That mission planner sounds awesome!!
Sounds good, I will eventually get into that. Maybe if I find a used tablet or something that is compatible. That mission planner sounds awesome!!

Mission Planner requiresr Windows to run; I've never heard of anyone getting it to run on Android. I have a little HP Spectre touch screen notebook I use specifically for that when I'm flying my DIY rig. While Mission Planner is probably the most extensive GCS in the Pixhawk group, there are others that run great for that need. QGroundControl is another to look at that I've been tinkering with.
Does it matter which model Nexus 7 you use. Such as a Phantom you need to use the google nexus 7 2013

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