Hello 3Dr Pilots.

Sep 9, 2018
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Gday 3drPilots. Just got the bug . Enjoying the whole experience and look foward to having a chat with you all soon. Does anyone know of some polar pro prop guards that they want to sell or donate. Not that i intend to crash but its on the cards .Cheers guys n girls
Oh yeah. I m in S.A. Seems to be a few people getting rid of their solo's down there.
What a shame we aren’t in the same state, would have been fun to have a fly together.
Back to the OP. Very few use the guards. They have proven to be counterproductive. They add weight and the slightest bump will bring the guard into the props which has resulted in crashes. Training wheels at best and dangerous ones at that.
I'm in the UK and have a set but really wouldn't recommend them. They really act as a sail in any kind if cross wind and make the Solo constantly drift and correct.

It makes the a/c very twitchy to fly even in FLY mode.

I only use them if there is a risk that absolutely requires them and even then only on very calm days.

Hope this is useful info.
I'm in the DJMC and Mike camp on this....those things suk big time. I got a pair with one of my purchases and thought, " Whoa...these look bad ass! " Trust me, that's all they're good for.
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I'm with the guys saying those prop guards are absolute garbage.

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