Half throttle optimized for Gimbal performance?

May 4, 2015
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Frisco Texas
What is your take on the performance settings in solo now suggesting the most optimal settings for best gimbal performance is half way between turtle and rabbit.
I always though slower was better for the gimbal.
is this for both pan and movement speed?

BTW what does pan speed even mean? I thought yaw speed is part of the solo movement speed...so where does pan come in? (Not tilt either because that speed is the preset shoulder button)
pan speed is rotation left and right on the left stick. the solo calls that pan because that is how it moves the camera
The Pan speed is refering to the Yaw function of the UAV. It has nothing to do with the gimbal. Yaw is rotation of the bird with the left stick (unless you reverse the stick funtions) as Pyrate stated above.

The third axsis of the gibal (pan) is the smooth out any jerky Yaw movements of the bird.
Alrighty then, I guess I'll be flying on Medium from here on out... The smart guys in San Diego or Tijuana must know something.... Hope Tower likes the settings.
not sure what even means. Thinking about writing support and asking
I went ahead and left mine there but have not been able to fly the new update its windy as heck here
The Pan speed is refering to the Yaw function of the UAV. It has nothing to do with the gimbal. Yaw is rotation of the bird with the left stick (unless you reverse the stick funtions) as Pyrate stated above.

The third axsis of the gibal (pan) is the smooth out any jerky Yaw movements of the bird.
Has a lot to do with gimbal, the gimbal still stabilizes on that axis and the speed at which you yaw will impact that ability

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