Had a Crash this afternoon, and I bought a new Solo from B&H - $399.99

Mar 10, 2016
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That includes the gimbals too.

My crash has to be GPS related. I was at maximum altitude, and told it to return to home. Lots of battery worth - 40%.

It started to come down really really fast, then about 20 feet from the ground, it started to spin. It was going to crash about 15 feet behind me on concrete, so i hit the controls to move it over the grass.

It landed, flipped over, and eventually shut down.I broke 2 of the 4 extended landing gears - the Polar Pro ones, but it looks OK.

I also had an issue with no video on my screen. I flew it blind because I knew the location really well. It did not record the crash.

If someone would look at the logs, and tell me how to capture them and post them, I'd be greatly happy.

At the end of the day, buying a new one doesn't mean this one is toast, but realistically, I can't afford to buy the latest and greatest, and I generally trust the Solo with the experience, and now spare parts I have hanging around.

Kind of crash did I have?
Likely an out of power crash.... Max Altitude = 400', assumed based on your comment
Max descent rate is 2.5m/s, under manual control
RTH descent rate is likely less, 1 m/s in RTH
400' = 121.92m @ 1 m/s rate 2 minutes to descend from max. alt.
40% battery is not linear for time remaining, age of battery, battery charge at start, additional wind loading, distance to RTH....can effect what 40% battery means....in the real world.
Very similar event happened to me... ended up being the now known bad Firmware... Is yours up to date?

No, it's the last one. It wanted me to do the upgrade, but I was uncomfortable. I'll do it and launch again. I cancelled the order with B&H, figuring I can repair it again. Bought a gimbal for my iPhone instead. I really am impressed with its quality and abilities
Sounds like motor failure to me.. If it was loss of power the drone will drop like a stone (it happened to me). If you can upload the logs I'll take a look for you..

Look here to how you can get the logs off

I'll interpret logs

Thanks. I'll take a look tomorrow. I didn't like the sound of the motors when it was coming down.
A motor failure would cause it to flip. More likely to be a power problem as it would effect all 4 motors and control ability.
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It landed and then flipped, not flip in flight. Without logs, it's mainly conjecture until people can look at the data.
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Without logs, it's mainly conjecture until people can look at the data.
Tends to be the case here, as many tell the story and leave it open or fail to tell everything. Log files have the answers. It's up to the user to post the data, but in the mean time we feel the need to interpret, just like the user felt the need to tell a story with a lot of open questions.

You'd have to have been here over the last year to understand. There really is an effort to tarnish any platform competing in the market. The current example is at RCG with Karma.... This is the internet, everyone is an expert and a highly qualified pilot.
Understood. Haven't been around the Solo too long but been on RCG for over 10 years now and worked with the original ArduPilot with thermopiles so I've seen a lot over the years. Logs have been good for me to see what I did wrong as most of my crashes ended up being my fault. It's too bad people feel a need to put one platform down as most generally have good points to them.
Solo is nice but it is quite of a change for me as it feels much more simplified compared to my other quads I've built over the years but for good reason. It's nice to just go fly now instead of tinker so much.
I will get the logs this afternoon.

Thanks everyone for helping

I tried to follow the video guide to getting my logs, and I know the fellow went through a tremendous amount of work to prepare it, but it was still to complicated for me.

I did spend every day with some communication with 3DR, and it appears my bird is dead. It's disappointing right now. I could order another from B&H, but I live in Canada, and we'be been promised a rougher than normal winter, so I guess I'll wait until the spring. It will either be a Solo, or whatever new Drone has shown The most promise.
If you live near the border, go to best buy and get yourself a Solo bundle for 399.
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Well, I have some great news.

3DR took a look at my logs, asked some questions, and I am now doing an exchange with them for a new Solo and Gimbal.

Seems the issue was a dying motor, which explains the flat spin in the air and the turn over when landing.

With all the trouble this company has had, I give them 100% credit for maintaining their original sales promise.

These are a solid bunch of guys. Keep backing them where and when you can.
Well, I have some great news.

3DR took a look at my logs, asked some questions, and I am now doing an exchange with them for a new Solo and Gimbal.

Seems the issue was a dying motor, which explains the flat spin in the air and the turn over when landing.

With all the trouble this company has had, I give them 100% credit for maintaining their original sales promise.

These are a solid bunch of guys. Keep backing them where and when you can.
That's great! Thanks for letting us know about the great tech support and cause of the crash.

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