GoPro Running on Green Cube

Jul 12, 2016
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Tunkhannock, PA
I recently installed the Green Cube in my Solo. During my shake down flight I clipped a tree at about 6' up which sent the Solo into the grass. Thanks to the low altitude and speed there was no damage. The gimble opperates normally and I have all GP funtions and control on my Solex app.

I'm on v3.0 to maintain the auto on feature. Since my GC install I notice that in the Solo boot up the gimble engages and turns on both my H4B and H4S then at the end of the Solo boot up just when the Pod LEDs switch to flight mode the gimble goes limp and reengages. A quick down and back up. Additionally now neither of my GPs power off when the Solo powers down.

As this was my first GC flight I'm not sure if what I described above is the 'new' normal for the Green Cube or a result of my crash?
the solo gimbal resetting would not bother me, though I cannot remember if it has done that since moving to master.
As for powering off the gopro mine still does that.

Are you sure your flash was all successful? have you confirmed the firmware on Mission Planner?
Thanks for your reply! I'm with you on the reset. I made that observation as a possible clue to the power off failure. My MP expertise from 1-10 is maybe a 3+ but I'm learning everyday. At 67 this old dog has to work a bit harder to learn new tricks. I see the Solo owners club as completely unique populated with an amazing array of members ranging from almost clueless to what I think of as the Smart Guys. I guess I'm at least a little above average in that mix.

I flashed my FW and set params via Solex. As simple as that is I screwed up and didn't run the IMX file before yanking the 2.0 and had to replace it, reset, and start over. I mention this because that might be what got me in trouble with the GP.

I have to confess that I have no idea how to confirm the flash was successful. Assuming the IMX flash was successful do I dare overwrite the the FW by rerunning them with Solex?

As you may have picked up on FB I made a fool of myself with a post over what seems to be nothing more than my pure ignorance. Good news I am slowly getting less stupid every day! By all indication except for the GP not powering off I seem to have a fully functional machine. I posted crash and post crash logs in that mess I put up on FB but I think being so convoluted it was rightfully ignored by the Smart Guys. Truth be known I'm pretty embarrassed about the whole mess which is why I moved over to this forum. To save face I want to pull them off but didn't because there was some excellent advice that might keep others on the straight and narrow.

You guys have done an amazing job putting the Here and GC into a PnP environment which I realize is crucial to it getting it out beyond a small group of modders.
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I'm not running the Green Cube, but my GP still finds a way to go stupid once in a while. If I pull the GP battery and force it to reset it usually helps.
Thanks for your reply! Yup, I find my GPs (Both H4B and S) get stupid once in a while on or off the Solo which is usually remedied by yanking the battery. From posts in FB there might be a few minor glitches in the current FW package for the GC but I suggest you keep track of the progress as the GC is really the future of our Solos. It picks up where 3DR left off by fixing important flaws and adds an incredible host of advancements which will only improve over time. With Solex it's a very easy PnP upgrade. You might be totally aware of this but It's a great plug for any following this thread that are on the fence.
If you fire up your computer, and connect to sololink wifi
then just fire up mission planner
after it reads the parameters your firmware will show on the top of the window
version of Mission Planner, - version of firmware
should be 3.5 something
What you're seeing is normal and expected behavior. The auto-on and auto-off of the GoPro does not work in ArduCopter 3.5.
Thanks for your reply! This is the answer I was hoping for in that it implies my GC upgrade is not flawed. That said, there's going to be lots of dead GP batteries until this gets patched. One thing the GP not powering on. That becomes pretty apparent. Forgetting to turn the GP off before packing it up, not so much. BTW, for whatever reason my GPs are still turning on.
If you fire up your computer, and connect to sololink wifi
then just fire up mission planner
after it reads the parameters your firmware will show on the top of the window
version of Mission Planner, - version of firmware
should be 3.5 something
Got it! I have noticed the version listing in the top margin. I thought that was MP not the Ardu version. Mine shows I'm running 3.5.0. Another reminder of my ignorance.

Side note- When MP boots up and connects it announces a new Copter version is available. I have both clicked out of the box and accepted the upgrade with no apparent effect. More confusion. Ahhhh the trials and tribulations of cutting edge technology. ;-)

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