Forced return to home 2 times - No controller loss, no low battery

Sep 11, 2016
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I had my Solo forcibly go into RTH twice today. It landed fine each time... but I'm not sure why it happened.

I never had a signal on the controller indicating comm loss. It was only 35 feet away and 35 feet up. Battery was 39%. GPS good.

The telemetry logs seem to be lacking for some details. Is there another utility that reads them well? 3DR was able to see when I hit pause buttons and a few other things I don't know how to view in MissionPlanner. Any tips?
Not sure I follow you... are you saying 3DR had already looked at your logs?
Not sure I follow you... are you saying 3DR had already looked at your logs?
They had for another issue a week ago. Some of there feedback indicated they can see more detail than I can. They could tell when I pulled on the sticks, when I hit the pause button. They also weren't the greatest at looking at the obvious things.. but they obviously can see more than what I know how to view in missionplanner
More info is needed. What did you do to try stopping the RTH? It does sound like a signal loss, but you say signal was strong...
I had an issue similar to this on my first solo. it did the RTH twice, unprompted. I sent logs to 3DR and they had me do a factory reset then a mag. cal..
The next flight I was flying it. Got it abt 150 feet away and manually hit RTH. It took off on its own and crashed abt 200 feet away.
I sent the logs again and they replaced the Solo. Been fine ever since.
I did notice the buttons on the controller were sticking at times.
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