Forbes article on the downfall of 3DR

I'm curious about this statement by Colin Guinn:
"What we realized is that it’s just going to be inherently much more difficult for a Silicon Valley-based, software-focused company to compete against vertically integrated powerhouse manufacturing company in China,”

I thought 3DR manufactured everything except the camera. Is that what he's referring to? With the exception of the camera, I was under the assumption they were as "vertically integrated" as DJI.

He also made this comment:
"Making the gimbal was harder than making the drone.”

Making a gimbal is a hard thing but I don't know that I would call it the *hardest* thing about making a drone. This statement makes me think the company was (unknowingly?) reliant on already-developed technology and didn't have an appreciation for the effort a new development would require.
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I'm curious about this statement by Colin Guinn:
I thought 3DR manufactured everything except the camera. Is that what he's referring to? With the exception of the camera, I was under the assumption they were as "vertically integrated" as DJI.

I think I answered my own question :"3D Robotics also couldn’t pay contract manufacturer PCH " Apparently they weren't the manufacturers. I thought that's what they were doing in TJ and San Diego but I guess not.
3DR contracted with a company in China to make everything there. DJI owns their manufacturing plant, thus they rely on nobody else to make anything for them.

Since 3DR was started by and comprised mostly of software engineers, I can see how they had no idea how to make a gimbal (hardware).
On a positive note at least Solo seems to have attracted a decent set of users on Facebook and this forum so there's not the level of doom and gloom you'd normally expect and people do seem to be thinking positively of how we collectively support Solo going forward. I do hope the efforts to get Arducopter Master on Solo deliver then there really will be light at the end of the tunnel.
On a positive note at least Solo seems to have attracted a decent set of users on Facebook and this forum so there's not the level of doom and gloom you'd normally expect and people do seem to be thinking positively of how we collectively support Solo going forward. I do hope the efforts to get Arducopter Master on Solo deliver then there really will be light at the end of the tunnel.
seems the master rebase is only really part of the equation.
that takes care of the flight controller, but without the access to the code that makes the dual computers and tx work. apps are stuck
plus with no way to develop apps for ph2 it could put a damper on that party
Wonder where all the unsold Solo's are?...
If a group of people could buy a bunch of them...hmm...
I joined the 3DR Webinar yesterday, it was 100% devoted to SiteScan field experience with Solo ; interesting although not awesome.
Somehow, it means (ideally) that even though Solo production is discontinued, 3DR will still support Solo pro users.
Now, what is a pro user ? Mandatorily tied with SiteScan ? Or just a commercial business Co. Using 3DR Solo ? Not a clear answer yet...
so we now sort of have confirmation that they deceived us with ****** GPS units and denied it until just a few months ago.

if you're someone that still defends 3DR, give your heads a shake.

In retrospect, all the trolls at RC Group was actually doing all of us a favor.

I hope SiteScan falls flat its face, American or not, they deserve to close all its doors by the end of this quarter.
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Steve...when the 3DR CEO refers to his customers in a congressional hearing with the term " mass jackassery" then the investor's should have taken notice and gotten an aerospace-type CEO who knew supply chain, quality manufacturing, logistics, and requirements-driven product development. And then let Guinn run trade shows while a real marketing team sells the machines to hobby and box stores. There, I said it.
so we now sort of have confirmation that they deceived us with shitty GPS units and denied it until just a few months ago.

if you're someone that still defends 3DR, give your heads a shake.

In retrospect, all the trolls at RC Group was actually doing all of us a favor.

I hope SiteScan falls flat its face, American or not, they deserve to close all its doors by the end of this quarter.
And a crappy over priced gimbal.
I too went to 3DR webinar, I posted a question of course they didn't answer. It was "If 3DR is pushing Site Scan and it was built and sold with Solo, and 3DR is not going to manufacture anymore Solo's well what platforms will it work on now?
pyrate I just bought one for a spare. With tax, and BB coupon I spent $84. I do like the Solo and there is still many options for it. Maybe with luck another manufacture will pick it up.
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Keep this civil & on topic or we'll be forced to close it up.

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