Flying manual

Jul 3, 2016
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Was wondering if anyone has had this problem, I was flying my 3dr tonight and all of a sudden it said flying manual and I lost control, the drone went into high speed and crashed landed luckily the drone was ok just a few propellers.

I just don't understand why it happened. Any suggestions?

Page 26 of the Solo User Manual: "If satellite coverage drops beneath a reliable threshold during flight, Solo will automatically switch to Fly:Manual mode. This mode does not provide the flight-stabilizing GPS functionality, but it still lets you control Solo."

The User Manual is your friend.
And then, go out into a huge field and practice flying in manual mode. You WILL need it when you least expect it. Best to be prepared when the training wheels (GPS) comes off and know how to handle it.
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And then, go out into a huge field and practice flying in manual mode. You WILL need it when you least expect it. Best to be prepared when the training wheels (GPS) comes off and know how to handle it.
Thanks for the info.
Page 26 of the Solo User Manual: "If satellite coverage drops beneath a reliable threshold during flight, Solo will automatically switch to Fly:Manual mode. This mode does not provide the flight-stabilizing GPS functionality, but it still lets you control Solo."

The User Manual is your friend.
Thanks Joe
Was wondering if anyone has had this problem, I was flying my 3dr tonight and all of a sudden it said flying manual and I lost control, the drone went into high speed and crashed landed luckily the drone was ok just a few propellers.

I just don't understand why it happened. Any suggestions?

It happens to me sometimes, when i loose gps signal or app gets disconected, my advice is to master flying solo in acro mode, in that why you can controll solo and manually land as auto pilot is not always realiable.
It happens to me sometimes, when i loose gps signal or app gets disconected, my advice is to master flying solo in acro mode, in that why you can controll solo and manually land as auto pilot is not always realiable.
I hope you meant to say Manual mode instead of Acro. That would be a little much and not necessary since it is Manual Mode that Solo reverts to with loss of GPS.
I have been using Fly:Manual (I set it to the B button) and find that it is very much affected by winds aloft. Also, it seems erratic in that mode when the battery is under 15%. Is this just my imagination?

I agree that it is worth practicing. But, it raises your heart rate.
I had a friend who owned one of thes 100 dollar hobby drones that has no GPS
he got it up high enough that the wind got it, and it was flying away.
He shoved the sticks into my hand and said save it.
Was pretty sure that thing was a goner as it had flown out of line of site behind trees we were next to.
I just throttled all the way up hoping I could gain enough altitude to see the dang thing.
time went by and hopes were fading when I saw it pop up.
totally disoriented, no fpv

So I just started doing circles until I could figure out which way it was going.
Got it half way pointed our way and hit full forward while bringing it down.
Still to this day do not know how and the heck we saved that thing.

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