Firmware update greyed out

Mar 4, 2019
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OK, trying to get Open Solo via Solex app on a Android tablet, but the option for "Firmware Update" is greyed out. I did get it to show up a time or 2 by switching from USB to Wifi connection a few times, but as soon as I switched to my router wifi to download the firmware, the option greys out again. I know there is a way to do an sd card image install, but that's a bit of a hassle to pull the cards....especially out of the copter!.....Ideas much appreciated!
OK, trying to get Open Solo via Solex app on a Android tablet, but the option for "Firmware Update" is greyed out. I did get it to show up a time or 2 by switching from USB to Wifi connection a few times, but as soon as I switched to my router wifi to download the firmware, the option greys out again. I know there is a way to do an sd card image install, but that's a bit of a hassle to pull the cards....especially out of the copter!.....Ideas much appreciated!
Enable advanced options in setup.
Thanks, fvincent...not getting email reply notifications on this forum, so just saw your reply. I have "advanced options" enabled,.......... the firmware update option appears, but it is greyed out....can't select it!
Well, I managed to get Open Solo installed via the sd card image transfer, but the Firmware Updates option
is still greyed out, and cannot be selected. Anyone have some experience with this issue, I'd love to hear about it, as we'd like to give the Arducopter 3.7 dev beta a shot.....I'm stuck here!
If you have a "flight profile" enabled in solex, FW updates will be greyed out.
If you have a "flight profile" enabled in solex, FW updates will be greyed out.
No profiles loaded/enabled.....If I am connected to sololink, and wait for params to load firmware update appears in white, and can be selected, but as soon as I switch to the internet wifi to download, the update option disappears totally.
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Since I can"t seem to get this done through Solex, ...wondering if anyone has done an Ardupilot firmware update using FileZilla or WinSCP as described here(post #9):
Since I can"t seem to get this done through Solex, ...wondering if anyone has done an Ardupilot firmware update using FileZilla or WinSCP as described here(post #9):
OK, so it appears this would update the Arducopter F/W, but we'd still be missing the Controller update package, so I am back to square 1!

Amazing, almost 400 views of this post, and the only suggestions I've received are from folks who apparently think I am not reading the well written instructions on this. I guess it's just me, but if I were a developer, I'd be intensely interested in issues users were having with my app.


Guess I'll try downloading Sidepilot on my wife's iphone, and see how it goes with that app.........;)
Got Sidepilot loaded on wife's iphone, and was able to download/upload Arducopter 3.7 Dev beta to the Solo, and was pretty the disco lights...waited a few minutes and then re-booted. Reset essential params, max speed, rtl alt, ect....Vehicle settings show Arducopter 3.7, etc, then the controller squaks compass calibration as expected, so executed that and I got zip! Cannot connect via Solex/Solo/MP....GPS has plenty of sats, but when I hit Fly.......copter beeps, but nothing motor start....goporo stays on after shutdown, but I do see the new traditional aviation nav light display...sorry to say I am worse off than when I started....much more of this and she's gonna wind up in the dumpster in the alley....sorry, this is turning into a 1 man journal....I guess I am spoiled coming over from RC Groups where you post a question in the morning, and by the same afternoon you've got 6 answers to your problem.....if there was another forum for solo users, I'd be there in a New York minute......too bad.
May be too simple but Make sure to hold FLY until the bar goes across the screen. It should be working.
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May be too simple but Make sure to hold FLY until the bar goes across the screen. It should be working.
Thanks very much, Wetstone.....I'm off this thing til tomorrow, and in frustration, I could have easily made that mistake last night......I am still very new to Solo.
OK, so it appears this would update the Arducopter F/W, but we'd still be missing the Controller update package, so I am back to square 1!

Amazing, almost 400 views of this post, and the only suggestions I've received are from folks who apparently think I am not reading the well written instructions on this. I guess it's just me, but if I were a developer, I'd be intensely interested in issues users were having with my app.


Guess I'll try downloading Sidepilot on my wife's iphone, and see how it goes with that app.........;)

I'm right there with you. The instructions are not very well written. Well, they are not very well written for people that arn't used to this sort of thing. I got my drone working again by using an old phone that worked with the 3DR software, and then switched back to my new phone using Solex.
Interesting. The masses of general users that "aren't used to this sort of thing" doing it for the first time seem to have no problem following the step by step detailed instructions. Perhaps the instructions are fine and the user needs to do a better job following them?
Or maybe it's because the instructions are correct, and the application works fine, and it's the user making a complete mess of everything every single time? That's not something a developer can fix, nor should they feel compelled to try.

Interesting. The masses of general users that "aren't used to this sort of thing" doing it for the first time seem to have no problem following the step by step detailed instructions. Perhaps the instructions are fine and the user needs to do a better job following them?

Sounds good. Nobody else I have asked to read the instructions gets it either. That's OK, the drone works for now so I don't need to worry about it. You can look at my reply in the other thread and chose to reply or not. I don't want to waist any more of your time since the instructions are already well written. I did not realize this forum was for advanced users only.

It seems to me the fact that the firmware update option is greyed out is the 'elephant in the room' here, until you resolve that, there is no point trying to move/read on or question other steps. (I'm not suggesting you don't read the whole process first, just can't expect everything will make complete sense until you are actually in the menus and seeing all the buttons and options)

Like many documented procedures, steps are sequential, with each step typically being dependant on the successful completion of the previous one - Fix the greyed (grayed) out firmware update option and the subsequent steps will be crystal clear IMHO

Hope this makes sense, am defiantly not trying to 'stir this pot' any further, is just my thoughts :)

Happy flying ^-^

It seems to me the fact that the firmware update option is greyed out is the 'elephant in the room' here, until you resolve that, there is no point trying to move/read on or question other steps. (I'm not suggesting you don't read the whole process first, just can't expect everything will make complete sense until you are actually in the menus and seeing all the buttons and options)

Like many documented procedures, steps are sequential, with each step typically being dependant on the successful completion of the previous one - Fix the greyed (grayed) out firmware update option and the subsequent steps will be crystal clear IMHO

Hope this makes sense, am defiantly not trying to 'stir this pot' any further, is just my thoughts :)

Happy flying ^-^

Thanks. That is actually useful information. I'm sure others will benefit from that as well.
I responded to your other post. But I will say it again here. You are not capable of using or installing Open Solo and I recommend you do not try.

Again with the insults. Makes for a great learning experience. Yes you are correct, I could not install open solo, and I'm not going to try because when I mess up there won't be any help.
I hesitate to respond here, but it is irksome when people mis-read what I said. I stated in my post #8 that the instructions were well written ! In fact, they are's not the instructions that I have a problem with.

I successfully installed 3.7 dev beta using Side Pilot, and except for a minor issue with the gopro not shutting down, (I've gone elsewhere to sort that out) it works well so far. I will simply use Solex as my main app, and use Side Pilot when it is time to update firmware.
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I hesitate to respond here, but it is irksome when people mis-read what I said. I stated in my post #8 that the instructions were well written ! In fact, they are's not the instructions that I have a problem with.

I successfully installed 3.7 dev beta using Side Pilot, and except for a minor issue with the gopro not shutting down, (I've gone elsewhere to sort that out) it works well so far. I will simply use Solex as my main app, and use Side Pilot when it is time to update firmware.

I hesitate to respond as well, but just to be clear, my post was intended for Lovesdunes (hence the @Lovesdunes at the start) I probably should have made that clearer by quoting one of his posts.

Agree the doco is great, Open Solo is awesome, and I’m very appreciative of all the work @Pedals2Paddles and the rest of the contributors put in to this fantastic project.
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