Expert cited in "Solo NoGo" blog, says it's "DJI propaganda" & "A disservice to the UAV community"

May 5, 2015
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There's been a blog doing the rounds from Craigiri who's been consistently trolling the Solo despite not owning one. One user he cited as being an expert has come out and distanced himself from the article agreeing that it's "horse shit" and "A disservice to the UAV community" so it just goes to show that it was little more than click bait and trolling.

That's Jerry, my friend from S.D. he's a good fellow. We talked quite a bit prior to ordering my Solo. He posted that at about the time I quit going there. We still talk every now and then. If there was ever anyone willing to bend over backwards to help you out, it's Jerry.
There's been a blog doing the rounds from Craigiri who's been consistently trolling the Solo despite not owning one. One user he cited as being an expert has come out and distanced himself from the article agreeing that it's "horse shit" and "A disservice to the UAV community" so it just goes to show that it was little more than click bait and trolling.

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Yes I did post that reply to him, and I stand behind what I said. My Solo is doing everything I hoped for even though I did have some initial concerns. Many flights in with my Solo and all my concerns are gone, it is an excellent UAV.

I have since made my home here and hope to be able to help as much as I can.
Yes I did post that reply to him, and I stand behind what I said. My Solo is doing everything I hoped for even though I did have some initial concerns. Many flights in with my Solo and all my concerns are gone, it is an excellent UAV.

I have since made my home here and hope to be able to help as much as I can.
Welcome Ice! We look forward to seeing you around here. Where are you at in AZ? Moved to TN. after 13 years in Glendale.
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Look at that, he pulled my post from his site, and I am no longer a member there (account locked out).......just goes to prove that if anyone disagrees with him he will turn into an _______________ (fill in the blank).

Only person he is hurting is himself and I find it funny as least the post is here and everyone can still see it.
Look at that, he pulled my post from his site, and I am no longer a member there (account locked out).......just goes to prove that if anyone disagrees with him he will turn into an _______________ (fill in the blank).

Only person he is hurting is himself and I find it funny as least the post is here and everyone can still see it.
He is a tough one to figure out sometimes. I just don't understand some of the stuff that comes out of his mouth(fingers). He sure is good at making enemies, even among some of the DJI supporters.
Honestly, I am sure it has something to do with the days his mom picks out the wrong pair of slacks for him.
You may be right. Did you see his post where he said that as a teenager he bought what he thought was MJ (true story!), but was instead dog poop. Smoking that may have had a lasting effect as well.
LOL. yea that might kill off some good brain cells.

Course Jub, you are old enough to remember the Labrador MJ from the movie. Yea man..

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