Drone Pilots need to be concerned!

One question about AMA. Other quad owners have told me they joined because of the insurance. To me it is unclear whether the insurance covers anywhere you fly or only at a sanctioned field. Also I assume it wouldn't cover any flying for commercial purposes.
No does not cover commercially.
I just want to clarify to everyone that reads this post.

I don't work for the AMA.

I am a member and have been for over 40 years and once you join you are a Representative of this organization and it gives you the RIGHT and the Responsibility to make sure others are following the rules and guidelines to keep it safe..

It is also your Responsibility to teach them right from wrong and to save this hobby for now and for the future of my children and yours. Also if you see people that are doing something wrong and they don't listen TURN THEM IN.

Its our responsibility to keep this hobby alive and to fight for what we have but you need a voice and that voice in the USA is the AMA and has been for over 70 years..

Problems don't solve themselves and when its all taken away the only person to blame is yourself for not fighting and standing for what you believe in and enjoy.

This truly is a great hobby and a sport and most of all its family.
When I was young my two older brothers were doing drugs and causing and creating problems for themselves and others.
I myself was building and flying but most of all I learned something and I have passed down what I have learned for years to my kids and yours.

We who have children all have the same argument in the towns we live in, There is nothing for our kids to do,, So,,, they get in trouble,, Give them something to do,, Teach them to have fun and give them something that will last a lifetime.

Take a kid flying, learn safe, teach safe and be safe and that will make them a responsible pilot and not one of the people what are causing the problems we face today.

Its my opinion like it or not.. if you disagree your just as wrong as the people causing the problem today.

This is personal and it should be because others are screwing up what I love.

Great post and advice honestly for whatever reason partially boredom, I myself followed a rough path until about ten years ago now. Doesn't seem that long ago but that's a huge part of why I had to find hobbies when I had kids, ones that they could be involved in and love like I do. Started initially into surface Rc and built or bought everything I could and still enjoy it then moved on to aerial rc and photography. All three of my kids love both aspects of Rc and I couldn't be happier about it. Sure there's sports but that's not for every kid so now with rc,motorcycles,sports and even safely using firearms my kids can each find at least one that best suits them and holds their interest if nothing else stands out to them early on. Safest bet being RC obviously so honestly I'm kinda pushing for this one but wel see what they choose, now they all are still fairly young and enjoy each since I do.

I hope this keeps them from the things I was way too smart to get myself into but did anyway, being stubborn and wanting fast money rather than thinking long term. Even my youngest my son is never nearly as exited as he gets when I get out my cars/quadcopter. He literally can't contain himself and my daughters both show a lot more interest as they grow up. So this hobby is great and is doing great things that help better our families even if these things don't make the news.
All this said I fully plan to educate and do what I can to make sure we keep this going well into the future and hope to spark interest in as many folks here locally as I can. More than anything after safety just have fun that's why we're all here,whether with solo or whatever competitor these are truly amazing and fun machines.
Great post and advice honestly for whatever reason partially boredom,

As you had said "Boredom" is what got you and gets most all our kids in trouble.
This hobby teaches so much, Building,electronics, wiring, soldering and much more depending on what direction you want to take it.. As its said,, the sky is the limit and it truly is.

There were a few people that I once knew years ago that went to work for NASA and other companies because of there interest in RC that got them going in that direction.
But first you have to be introduced and without the introduction you have nothing.

Glad that your kids are on the right track,, its good to hear.
As for AMA,
This applies to all and I personally jumped at the offer..
Ask yourself why the cost of membership went up.. I would say because the cost of lawyers and fighting for our rights come with a price..

passing on and email I received awhile back.

We have a special membership offer if you renew now. You may have heard the Open membership dues will increase to $75 on September 15.

Our special membership offer allows you to lock-in at your current dues rate of $58 by renewing now or before September 14. And you have a choice to lock-in your dues for two years at $113 and save an additional $3.00

With this you get insurance, up to a million dollars and more.
You get the monthly magazine to let you know what going on in the world of RC and the AMA.
Please take the time to look and learn.. it will do you more good then not..

I personally don't belong to any RC club and haven't for many years,, But I still go visit all the time and to fly at a AMA field you don't have to be a member you just have to have AMA.
So if the day comes that you are on a trip and pull into a club field Show your AMA and ask about the club rules and they will be more then happy to let you fly at there field.

You don't drive a car without insurance you should not fly without it either.
For the ones that think " nothing will happen to me"" think again..
accidents happen every day..

Also when the day comes that you get questioned or have to take a test to fly..
Show that your a member of AMA.. let them know that your not one of the ones causing issues your trying to solve the issues.

Even at $75.00 per year that's .20 cents a day for piece of mind..
Its better to have it and not use it.. Then to really need it and not have it if you hurt someone,, and as long as I have been doing this I have seen some injuries and AMA had covered the doctor bills.. And one I remember was very bad... SO ask yourself if its worth it..
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As for AMA,
This applies to all and I personally jumped at the offer..
Ask yourself why the cost of membership went up.. I would say because the cost of lawyers and fighting for our rights come with a price..

passing on and email I received awhile back.

We have a special membership offer if you renew now. You may have heard the Open membership dues will increase to $75 on September 15.

Our special membership offer allows you to lock-in at your current dues rate of $58 by renewing now or before September 14. And you have a choice to lock-in your dues for two years at $113 and save an additional $3.00

With this you get insurance, up to a million dollars and more.
You get the monthly magazine to let you know what going on in the world of RC and the AMA.
Please take the time to look and learn.. it will do you more good then not..

I personally don't belong to any RC club and haven't for many years,, But I still go visit all the time and to fly at a AMA field you don't have to be a member you just have to have AMA.
So if the day comes that you are on a trip and pull into a club field Show your AMA and ask about the club rules and they will be more then happy to let you fly at there field.

You don't drive a car without insurance you should not fly without it either.
For the ones that think " nothing will happen to me"" think again..
accidents happen every day..

Also when the day comes that you get questioned or have to take a test to fly..
Show that your a member of AMA.. let them know that your not one of the ones causing issues your trying to solve the issues.

Even at $75.00 per year that's .20 cents a day for piece of mind..
Its better to have it and not use it.. Then to really need it and not have it if you hurt someone,, and as long as I have been doing this I have seen some injuries and AMA had covered the doctor bills.. And one I remember was very bad... SO ask yourself if its worth it..

I have been a AMA member for nearly 40 years and I purchased a lifetime membership decades ago before they did away with them in the early 90s.. They are great organization for those in the R/C hobby However, their "flight" insurance sucks. Despite what most think their insurance policy is not a real liability policy. It has many restrictions and guidelines you follow to the letter and even then you must be able to prove with either electronic telemetry or eye witnesses that you are in compliance to file a claim. Even with a valid claim they only pay legal fees if yo are proven innocent of any civil charges. The do not pay judgements.
The AMA is a great organization and the benefits they offer members significantly outweigh their dues However, anyone using the AMA's flight insurance as their primary liability coverage is just fooling themselves
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I have been a AMA member for nearly 40 years and I purchased a lifetime membership decades ago before they did away with them in the early 90s.. They are great organization for those in the R/C hobby However, their "flight" insurance sucks. Despite what most think their insurance policy is not a real liability policy. It has many restrictions and guidelines you follow to the letter and even then you must be able to prove with either electronic telemetry or eye witnesses that you are in compliance to file a claim. Even with a valid claim they only pay legal fees if yo are proven innocent of any civil charges. The do not pay judgements.
The AMA is a great organization and the benefits they offer members significantly outweigh their dues However, anyone using the AMA's flight insurance as their primary liability coverage is just fooling themselves

I guess the AMA insurance has had its changes over the years also,, I know years ago it wasn't a problem,,, well that sucks..

Can we blame Obama Care :)
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Said it before but it's worth another run,

Sites like this should be the first thing people should do even before buying or flying anything, this needs to be at least very highly encouraged to anyone coming in to this hobby. I'm sure my AMA membership will be a useful tool in my pouch but I've gained more knowledge and experience in the months here than the years I've spent in this or any hobby. Yes experience is great and needed for sure but learning everything from so many different experience levels, age groups and points of view is the best thing anyone could do to fly safe and prevent problems. There's not many groups of people doing any hobby I've seen so willing to help new folks or pass on their experience. How could any class or manual even compare to what's discussed here every day of the week, it would take forever to cram the countless years of experience here into either. Not to mention it brings every age group imaginable together to learn all this together.

Thanks to all the guys passing down the good, the bad, and the ugly to us that haven't been flying forever. 3drpilots has become an amazing place to come learn any and everything related to this hobby and more. Thanks
Said it before but it's worth another run,

Sites like this should be the first thing people should do even before buying or flying anything, this needs to be at least very highly encouraged to anyone coming in to this hobby. I'm sure my AMA membership will be a useful tool in my pouch but I've gained more knowledge and experience in the months here than the years I've spent in this or any hobby. Yes experience is great and needed for sure but learning everything from so many different experience levels, age groups and points of view is the best thing anyone could do to fly safe and prevent problems. There's not many groups of people doing any hobby I've seen so willing to help new folks or pass on their experience. How could any class or manual even compare to what's discussed here every day of the week, it would take forever to cram the countless years of experience here into either. Not to mention it brings every age group imaginable together to learn all this together.

Thanks to all the guys passing down the good, the bad, and the ugly to us that haven't been flying forever. 3drpilots has become an amazing place to come learn any and everything related to this hobby and more. Thanks

I'm not just speaking for this forum,, I speak and say this for all RC forums and the people that enjoy every aspect of the RC hobby as a whole...

Like I said before,,
We are all a Family,, We don't always get along and sometimes we fight but I know for a fact you put everyone of us on a field together and we will all have fun. Because everyone is different and no mater what everyone contributes to this hobby.

It doesn't matter what your age, skin color or how long your hair is,, Mine is shaved and smother then a baby's butt,, but that's not the point,,,

The RC community is very small, it's made up of generally very good people and I have yet to find anyone that I have had any real issue with in the time I have been doing this..
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Totally agreed we gota do something maybe it starts here in the forums, it's obvious self policing isn't working we need some sort of licensing required at purchase. I flipped past the news before and that was the first story I saw tonight was example after example a drone dropping drugs into Mansfield prison causing a big fight etc. etc. and these were all in the last couple weeks in Ohio alone and honestly their not even that big around here yet. I get all great comments and feedback when I fly both because of luck so far and common sense where and how I fly places.

Try to educate instead of argue, if they aren't upset show them your feed if possible so they see you only see dots not nudes in windows, they don't know so we need to teach folks before it's too late. In the past week alone I've introduced at least 15 to 20 people to my solo that had never seen one before and all have loved it. If we go about it right it's possible to change the public perception but it has to happen now and we all need to make the effort to take some time to be social and not hide off in a corner avoiding the situation, like sometimes I'd rather do but that's part of why they are scared. It's become an epidemic latley every week they have more bad stories we need to start putting up good ones and fast like 3dr is trying to do in their news.

Post on Facebook or other sites positive stories not record distance or just go talk to neighbors or people in general near where we are flying. I try at very least to be polite and approachable as possible and so far it's been going great. Just started going out of my way consciously to try this the past week and I've had nothing but good experiences and even skeptics at first have come around after five or ten minutes.

Fly safe hope everybody is enjoying their gimbals please jump on board and make an effort to show folks were not the enemy.
YOUR POST IS REALLY INTERESTING I BEEN DOING THE SAME THING IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD TEACHING KIDS AND ADULTS WHAT A DRONE IS ACTUALLY FOR, i took videos and pics of big group of kids and family picnics to explain the real good side of drone interacting with the comunity, there was this old lady from my comunity that is kind of harsh and strick when it comes to what we believe as evil character and when i approach this lady the other sunday after church i walk her home to later on showing her how smart is solo when you are respectful of the FAA regulations and the use of common sense, since that day Ms anderson ask about my drone constantly and next weekend we going to check her house roof to see if its on need of maintenance, IS UP TO US THE PILOTS TO CHANGE COMUNITY PERSPECTIVES ABOUT DRONES., thank you so much for your post and keep it up I REALLY HOPE OTHER PILOTS TAKES A FEW SECONDS TO READ THIS AND MAKE SOMETHING POSITIVE OUT OF DRONE IDEOLOGY NOWADAYS IN COMUNITIES
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Yup I honestly had no idea who even lived over there and it's close. If it wasn't for my quads I'd still have no idea and think they were just odd, now I know they're just not out due to his conditions. I did get to go over and show them all about it finally and both the older woman and her husband loved it, then their kids which are or were all in the Air Force showed up and had the same views. I'm waiting to see their kids or even them over there flying new solos anytime as interested as they were. So there as well as a bunch of folks at a lake I visited and others since have all had overwhelmingly posiotive reactions and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if a few found a new hobby or interest in the groups. Ill post if and when I have any negative situations but in the lil over a year so far it's been consistently good encounters and I hope others have the same experience. Great to hear you too are having great encounters latley as well, keep up the good work.
You forgot one small difference between a frozen turkey and a copter.
.Turkeys don't have 4,6 or 8 metal motors including steel screws nuts and bolts and aluminum. Ask anyone that has a A&P about what FODING a turbine with metal parts will do to turbine blades ..
yes there is big money in the DRONE business but we as hobbyist are becoming outnumbered and are small pickings compared to were this concept is headed.

Just because the police can use them or the Military or industry doesn't give us the right to use them...

People might think you have the right but the Government and or the FAA can very easy take away that right. If you don't think so, , Take your copter into the State Parks and exercise your right to fly in a State Park.. See how well your rights hold up..

The sky is falling,,, but only for us hobbyist and there are going to be so many regulations that the only place we will be flying is private property or AMA fields.

Again,, I hate to say it.. But 3DR, DJI and all the others that had jumped on the DRONE band wagon shot everyone in the foot..

I Personally believe that if all of these companies would have sent there copters out in a kit and people had to learn how to build and fly other then unbox and fly things would be different.

IT would separate the serious from the ignorant. The people that really want to fly would purchase and learn how to setup and program there aircraft.

The Ignorant would look at the box of parts after opening there package and walk to the fridge, , Open another beer and sell it on Ebay...

But since this has not happened you can still drink beer and fly your DRONE over the neighbors nude wife in the backyard and fly next to the airports or fly well over 400 feet.. but then again if you only have a 3rd grade education I can see how 400 can be misinterpreted for 4000 feet..

When you're ignorant there are no rules when flying anything RC... If I'm wrong we wouldn't be reading about stupid people doing stupid shit everyday.

These people are not pilot's nor are they hobbyist,, there untrained and ignorant and think just because they purchased a "Drone" it gives them the OK and the rights to do everything and anything they please and We are the ones that will pay for it in the end.

Its going to get worse before it gets better. And even with all the regs and licence that we will have to have to fly we will be VERY limited to where we can fly...
Many countries have outlawed them all together.

Some US cities have outlawed them already.. one day it will be like the days of Prohibition...You will have dry counties and will have to go over state lines just to fly... Probably get shot for transporting home built copters...LOL

Like I said before.. If the ones on this forum that fly don't have AMA you should because they are our voice and it takes all of us to fight and we are greatly outnumbered 10 to1.

You can compare this issue to gun owners like myself and the fight we are involved with everyday.. I can tell you this.. there are more gun owners fighting for the right of gun ownership then there are hobbyist fighting for drone ownership.
Most gun owners look at Drones as target practice.

i completely agree.

the big problem is in today's Youtube age, every hobbyist wants to look commercial.
the big problem is in today's selfie age, every one wants altitude without a care for the rules.

when you combine the want for professionalism and constant bragging rights for those online, it becomes narcissism behind the wheels. At least drivers are licensed, but with RC basic piloting has been taken to a much broader level. many don't believe a drone/quadcopter can down a plane or a helicopter until it happens, then will probably not place the blame where it belongs.

just because the industry is growing doesn't give the industry to skirt rules, especially when public safety is involved. DJI had a berth at Comic-Con San Diego this year. the convention hall had already banned drones and the hall itself falls within a 5 mile radius of the airport. and yet DJI decides they still need to fly their product to promote themselves. thats like having the AVNs at the vatican - temptation is def there but completely in the wrong place. To me, that was my last straw with DJI, seeing that the COMPANY selling drones and promoting safety is not even educated enough to realize they're in a no fly zone. in the end, they just used their quads as fans to cool people off.

best thing is when people ask you to fly your quad when they have absolutely no experience. then they get upset when you say no, thinking that you're hogging your toy.

it isn't a toy.
it's a tool.
i completely agree.

the big problem is in today's Youtube age, every hobbyist wants to look commercial.
the big problem is in today's selfie age, every one wants altitude without a care for the rules.

when you combine the want for professionalism and constant bragging rights for those online, it becomes narcissism behind the wheels. At least drivers are licensed, but with RC basic piloting has been taken to a much broader level. many don't believe a drone/quadcopter can down a plane or a helicopter until it happens, then will probably not place the blame where it belongs.

just because the industry is growing doesn't give the industry to skirt rules, especially when public safety is involved. DJI had a berth at Comic-Con San Diego this year. the convention hall had already banned drones and the hall itself falls within a 5 mile radius of the airport. and yet DJI decides they still need to fly their product to promote themselves. thats like having the AVNs at the vatican - temptation is def there but completely in the wrong place. To me, that was my last straw with DJI, seeing that the COMPANY selling drones and promoting safety is not even educated enough to realize they're in a no fly zone. in the end, they just used their quads as fans to cool people off.

best thing is when people ask you to fly your quad when they have absolutely no experience. then they get upset when you say no, thinking that you're hogging your toy.

it isn't a toy.
it's a tool.
I try to keep a small quad with me just for that purpose alone..people think they can fly, , ok show me your stuff...
I also have a small crappy blade CP..

That's for when the totally ignorant ask me to fly the Goblin 770..
I like it when I get the. ...
That looks easy, ,,
Pull out the blade ,,set it on the grass and then let them try it. .

It's on its side before you can blink you're eyes. .
Then you get the, ,,oh its not that easy. .
What will stop them in there tracks is when they ask to fly, tell them that you will let them fly once they give you a $3000.00 down payment...

Then they walk away. .
I try to keep a small quad with me just for that purpose alone..people think they can fly, , ok show me your stuff...
I also have a small crappy blade CP..

That's for when the totally ignorant ask me to fly the Goblin 770..
I like it when I get the. ...
That looks easy, ,,
Pull out the blade ,,set it on the grass and then let them try it. .

It's on its side before you can blink you're eyes. .
Then you get the, ,,oh its not that easy. .
What will stop them in there tracks is when they ask to fly, tell them that you will let them fly once they give you a $3000.00 down payment...

Then they walk away. .
i simply tell them to write me a $20,000 check. that'll cover the fine and any bail.

hate to say it, but that South Park episode "Magic Bush" is the best summation of quad use in today's era. almost want to make it mandatory material to watch before flying:
South Park: The Magic Bush
i simply tell them to write me a $20,000 check. that'll cover the fine and any bail.

hate to say it, but that South Park episode "Magic Bush" is the best summation of quad use in today's era. almost want to make it mandatory material to watch before flying:
South Park: The Magic Bush
That is funny as hell...and yes.. it depicting the deboggle we are in to the T.
Hi guys I got to agree with everything you have said in Australia we are a little behind in what happens there but the threat is here and "Drones" is the word that people relate to, yes we have the idiots here as well who make headline news by crashing into the harbour bridge pylon on a big open day in the harbour in Sydney totally irresponsible behaviour, I am not sure what our CASA your FAA is going to do next but we got to watch it. Thanks for all the good info.
Hi guys I got to agree with everything you have said in Australia we are a little behind in what happens there but the threat is here and "Drones" is the word that people relate to, yes we have the idiots here as well who make headline news by crashing into the harbour bridge pylon on a big open day in the harbour in Sydney totally irresponsible behaviour, I am not sure what our CASA your FAA is going to do next but we got to watch it. Thanks for all the good info.

Welcome to the forum it's great site they have here, I'd love to see some video from down there if ya ever get the chance. Thanks
Hi guys I got to agree with everything you have said in Australia we are a little behind in what happens there but the threat is here and "Drones" is the word that people relate to, yes we have the idiots here as well who make headline news by crashing into the harbour bridge pylon on a big open day in the harbour in Sydney totally irresponsible behaviour, I am not sure what our CASA your FAA is going to do next but we got to watch it. Thanks for all the good info.

One thing is for sure, Its a small world and getting smaller everyday.. With all the space on this planet you think there wouldn't be a problem,, BUT here we are..
One thing is for sure,, Every country is looking at the other seeing how each other is handling the issue.. Some just plain out make NO DRONE LAWS and your done flying.

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