Drone Pilots need to be concerned!

Jul 15, 2015
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I really don't want to sound like Chicken Little, with that whole "Sky is Falling Thing", but a day does not go by without several articles about the "Threat of Drones". It's way past the point of BS now. There are really powerful individuals and groups out there working right now to eliminate us. They're focus is the "Danger of Drones". The concerns are privacy, human deaths and property damage. Some of the hysteria is being driven by the Insurance Industry and the Airline Pilots Associations. They are saying those who fly out of the pilots sight and higher than 500 ft. are being irresponsible with lives and property and should be shut down immediately. In USA Today, TODAY!! there is an article titled "5 Factors that could ground the drone economy". READ IT. It's just one of many. UAV pilots are becoming outlaws fast. If you even mention drones to the average citizen you get a bad look. I have no answers only caution. I'm just one pilot. One piece of advice is I would no longer post evidence on this forum that as a pilot you are going beyond FAA recommendations or 3DR recommendations or modifying anything. All of our posts, I believe, will soon be evidence in a law suite of some kind. I think caution should be high on every pilots priority list. I'm just saying.
Like you say, all this bragging about how far we can fly and how high will come back to haunt us someday. Legal or not, I fear more and more cities will flat out ban drone use.
We should be more self policing before it's too late.
I agree with self-policing. Don't be jackasses, people, and you should have nothing to worry about. If you see someone doing something stupid, then stop them.

Also, stop calling them "drones", as this term carries a negative connotation. Use a name that makes them sound like simple, harmless toys, like "copters". Nobody gives grief to people who fly R/C helicopters or airplanes... and those have been around for decades.
I'm with you on the "drone" label. I say UAV or most often Quad Copter. The reality you can't duck, however, is that the Media and literally billions of non-pilots the world over call them DRONES. And I'm afraid that's not going away. It's way too late, unfortunately.
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and the next time you see an airplane flying over your property under 500', close enough to read the N number, call it in and report it.
Some of these pilots are totally against drones as well. We own the first 400'. They have 500' and above.
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Totally agreed we gota do something maybe it starts here in the forums, it's obvious self policing isn't working we need some sort of licensing required at purchase. I flipped past the news before and that was the first story I saw tonight was example after example a drone dropping drugs into Mansfield prison causing a big fight etc. etc. and these were all in the last couple weeks in Ohio alone and honestly their not even that big around here yet. I get all great comments and feedback when I fly both because of luck so far and common sense where and how I fly places.

Try to educate instead of argue, if they aren't upset show them your feed if possible so they see you only see dots not nudes in windows, they don't know so we need to teach folks before it's too late. In the past week alone I've introduced at least 15 to 20 people to my solo that had never seen one before and all have loved it. If we go about it right it's possible to change the public perception but it has to happen now and we all need to make the effort to take some time to be social and not hide off in a corner avoiding the situation, like sometimes I'd rather do but that's part of why they are scared. It's become an epidemic latley every week they have more bad stories we need to start putting up good ones and fast like 3dr is trying to do in their news.

Post on Facebook or other sites positive stories not record distance or just go talk to neighbors or people in general near where we are flying. I try at very least to be polite and approachable as possible and so far it's been going great. Just started going out of my way consciously to try this the past week and I've had nothing but good experiences and even skeptics at first have come around after five or ten minutes.

Fly safe hope everybody is enjoying their gimbals please jump on board and make an effort to show folks were not the enemy.
That happens thousands of times a day on approach to run ways all over the world. They have a free pass to do whatever they want. Especially military aircraft which happen to fall out of the sky regularly.
That happens thousands of times a day on approach to run ways all over the world. They have a free pass to do whatever they want. Especially military aircraft which happen to fall out of the sky regularly.
That's in an airport zone as well. They can do that. We should not be flying near airports.
I agree with the negative connotations of the word "drone", kind of like how the media demonizes all AR-15 style rifles as "assault weapons", regardless of their use or intended purpose.

That being said, it's a bit of an upward battle to shed this connotation when the manufacturer of our beloved Solo describes the quad as "The World's First Smart Drone".
I agree with the negative connotations of the word "drone", kind of like how the media demonizes all AR-15 style rifles as "assault weapons", regardless of their use or intended purpose.

That being said, it's a bit of an upward battle to shed this connotation when the manufacturer of our beloved Solo describes the quad as "The World's First Smart Drone".
Exactly!!.....a gun is a gun no matter how it looks. What's bad is the public buys it.
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I agree with the negative connotations of the word "drone", kind of like how the media demonizes all AR-15 style rifles as "assault weapons", regardless of their use or intended purpose.

That being said, it's a bit of an upward battle to shed this connotation when the manufacturer of our beloved Solo describes the quad as "The World's First Smart Drone".
Yup drone was used much less before our beloved solo unfortunatley marketing kinda shot us in the foot to make a few more bucks.
Exactly!!.....a gun is a gun no matter how it looks. What's bad is the public buys it.

Hell at least you can see the ar coming like the story in Paris that the Americans stopped if he'd of started with a pistol they probably wouldn't have noticed until a few were dead.
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Hell at least you can see the ar coming like the story in Paris that the Americans stopped if he'd of started with a pistol they probably wouldn't have noticed until a few were dead.
That was an awesome story. They said the French were scattering like scared sheep. The 2 guys noticed he was having trouble charging his AK so the rushed him and beat the crap out of him....with the butt of his own AK...:D
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That was an awesome story. They said the French were scattering like scared sheep. The 2 guys noticed he was having trouble charging his AK so the rushed him and beat the crap out of him....with the butt of his own AK...:D

Couldn't have been in a better country with the stereotypes that follow France anyway huh lol. Sorry if anybodies French but I thought it a bit amusing the American college kids had to save the day. Really was an awsome story now if we could just have someone flying a solo thwart a terror plot maybe wel have some good publicity. Jk obviously
Yeah all these people not flying with common sense is gonna get in trouble. Kinda sucks, does it feel like we can't fly anywhere? Feels limited as is already
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I have to say that the use of drones, like many other potentially dangerous activities, is in danger of being ruined for all of us by a handful of irresponsible users. I can't believe how many people, upon getting their drone delivered to them, immediately take it out to see how high and how far away from them they can fly it. Or, they switch it straight into acro mode to see how fast they can fly it. Usually this results in a high speed crash into someone else's property. I'm amazed that there haven't been severe injuries and deaths from the idiotic use of drones. But there will be. It's inevitable. And then all of us will have our use restricted further and further. I am actually looking forward to tighter regulation by the FAA. I would welcome mandatory training, insurance and licensing, and a substantial fee to obtain the license. This would really help to weed out the idiots and hold violators of common sense safety responsible without all of us losing our right to fly safely and intelligently.
Try to educate instead of argue, if they aren't upset show them your feed if possible so they see you only see dots not nudes in windows, they don't know so we need to teach folks before it's too late. In the past week alone I've introduced at least 15 to 20 people to my solo that had never seen one before and all have loved it.

Post on Facebook or other sites positive stories not record distance or just go talk to neighbors or people in general near where we are flying. I try at very least to be polite and approachable as possible and so far it's been going great. Just started going out of my way consciously to try this the past week and I've had nothing but good experiences and even skeptics at first have come around after five or ten minutes.

The problem is, for every one of you, there are 100 guys that fly around just to annoy and aggravate...

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