Drone hovers right above jet landing at Las Vegas airport

The video that includes the launch makes me wonder. But it is also only 360P, horrid quality video. The video is incomplete and wreaks of something fake of staged.
The video that includes the launch makes me wonder. But it is also only 360P, horrid quality video. The video is incomplete and wreaks of something fake of staged.
I totally agree but seem some "fake news"? May have leaked into the mix?
The video that includes the launch makes me wonder. But it is also only 360P, horrid quality video. The video is incomplete and wreaks of something fake of staged.
I'm not sure. I have video on YouTube of 5.8 FPV coming to a DVR and it shows up as 480 I think. I will link it here. The 360P could be from a bad FPV cam. This was from my 3+ black I think.

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Look, we can back and forth it all day, but in all seriousness, there's an even worse clip making the rounds...
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Pretty sure this dude was only only flying over 400 ft, but was in the direct path of an airport approach, flew over vehicles on a busy highway and actually caused several road accidents...
Pretty sure this dude was only only flying over 400 ft, but was in the direct path of an airport approach, flew over vehicles on a busy highway and actually caused several road accidents...
Get real...that's clearly fake...no way a dragon that small could knock over a 18-wheeler.
At that point in the approach it's usually 130-135kts ground speed and 3300 feet for that Arbus.

Edit: this was based on checking a few Frontier Airline approaches, other aircraft came in hotter, with a Spirit Airlines A321 being the fastest at 175kts.
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For those that say it looks too real...
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The wing-tip collision video. Proven fake a couple days after the incident. The video quality is usually "dumbed down" to hide FX artifacts, but this one looks real too. There was a subsequent video that actually showed how the wing-tip impact FX was constructed.
For those that say it looks too real...
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The wing-tip collision video. Proven fake a couple days after the incident. The video quality is usually "dumbed down" to hide FX artifacts, but this one looks real too. There was a subsequent video that actually showed how the wing-tip impact FX was constructed.

That one looks real fake.

There are elements of this new one that look like they could be real and elements that look suspicious. It wouldn't be *that* hard to fly the route with no air traffic and then add the plane after rendering it in a modern flight simulator with the right camera angle, lighting, elevation,etc. I think it would be hard to reproduce the jello and distortion from the wide angle lens, but the intentionally high compression makes it difficult to discern if it matches up right.

I guess we'll find out soon enough.
Couple things stand out to me.

1. There are two fairly large shopping centers in the video. There appear to be ZERO vehicles in the parking lot. It looks like a smooth expanse of black.

2. The purported aircraft is approaching from the east with the sun going down. Yet there are *no* car headlights glinting, no street lights, no glare at all in fact until the camera faces directly into the sun. According to the flight schedule I saw, this is either a 343pm flight (from Austin), 512 pm (Madison) or 521 (Cincinnati). This is purportedly Las Vegas, a major city with rush hour. Yet the brief view of the interstate looks essentially empty.

3. The plane covers a distance of approximately 4 miles in 15 seconds of video. Obviously there is some video twiddling going on here with the slowdown, but I don't see any of the normal artifacts you get when speeding up a video 4x.

Of course, almost all of these could be the poor quality of the video. But my gut is leaning toward fancy editing.

As to the thread with facts... uh, my read is more that this is more speculation. There is a lot of "this was done but taken down quickly" and a lot of links that are dead, videos that don't exist or are unavailable. Kinda shaky as evidence and facts. But just my .02

I too am fervently hoping it is a fake. Which is almost certainly coloring my viewing of the video
Let's do the for's and against...

For me it actually seems real for just a few reasons.
1: The distortion of the lens for that extra wide fisheye view, with most faked video's using FS or similar, they don't tend to add the fisheye effect.
2: The visual tearing looks more like something created by a camera that can't keep up with the movement of the drone, it doesn't look like a poor rendering rate. The added pieces of jello effect caused by vibration also adds to the realism.
3: It does look like an FPV racer filming this from the characteristics of the turn as it flies over the jet and keeps it in frame during the turn.
4: The artifacts on the lens as it faces the sun after the plane passes. Again, something not everyone would think of adding.

For me it actually seems fake for the following reasons.
1: During the "slo mo" of the plane passing underneath, the image turns smooth. Have to think that if this was a captured video feed it would still look rough with artifacts. However if it was pulled off the SD card...... why isn't there a high quality version for the entire flight? Sure it's possible that a frame smoothing effect was added in post but kinda just doesn't ring true for me. It's almost like a glaring inconsistency.
2: We all know that with a wide angle lens, you have to get very close to an object to make it fill the frame. Even with full flaps and slowing down, shouldn't the wake from the plane knock an FPV racer right out of the sky? I mean, it would have had to have been quite close.
3: Where did the footage originate from? As far as I know it was a news channel exclusive.. So someone filmed themselves doing something highly illegal and sent it into the news channel? Doesn't make sense. If this was something that was uploaded to social media and the news people got a copy of it, there would be hundreds of video's by now saying "here's the guy/girl (hey, let's not be sexist, women can be dumb too!) who posted it, here's their ass being hauled off to jail. Instead just a few copies of the same crappy clip and everyone scratching their heads.

I really do think that this could go either way, with the quality of the clip available, I don't think we can make a solid determination. However I do think that we can all agree that if this is real, the idiot should be hauled away by someone and be given a good solid beating. If it's fake, the exact same should happen due to the fact they've drawn the ire of the public and placed even more seeds of fear and distrust in the drone flying community.

So yes folks, lets grab our pitch forks and torches, go to Vegas and beat the snot out of some moron there....... only I'm driving there, I'm not risking flying... too many idiots with drones in the area apparently...
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I agree with all your points. This whole fiasco makes no sense due to these inconsistencies and contradictions and could go either way

But, lets also add some additional known factors:
  • Extensive history of this not happening. Despite the media hype about drones interfering with planes, history and reality show it is nothing but fabricated hype.
  • Extensive history of people with the skill and equipment to do this also having the brains not to do it.
  • Extensive history of social media attention whores fabricating stuff for hit counts that hoards of people believe because it's on the internet.
  • Extensive history of the media reporting whatever marginally believable click bait will get them the most hits on advertising banners.
Given all of this, I personally say fake until proven otherwise with actual facts that explain the problems and outweigh the history.
Yup, lots of people have been fabricating this, some with evil intentions, some out of boredom but the end result has been just to cause panic and distrust. However this is easy to do because of all the dumb decisions that we've seen people make. Whether it be flying and crashing a 3DR solo at a tennis match, having a phantom pro fall out of the sky and hit someone on the head, or someone trying to fly their drone alongside the Presidents motorcade. All stories which made headlines and all plain bad decisions.
Problem is that years back, a good drone would cost more than most people could afford. So the only ones that got to use them were professionals who had to study, take the time to learn to fly them and were so damn responsible because they knew how expensive it was to crash the damn things.
However as drones became more advanced and cheaper to buy, suddenly they fell into the hands of anyone who could pony up a couple hundred dollars (or even less). So now the unskilled, irresponsible and non comprehending masses have their hands on drones.
So sure, history may have shown us that video clips like this were faked, people had the brains not to even try something like this, but unfortunately the future is completely different than the history. The everyday ownership and attitude is changing and unfortunately it's not a matter of "if" but "when".
Meanwhile those of us that are responsible, those of us who do fly safely, those of us that abide by the rules are going to be the ones who end up suffering as a result.
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As someone who's worked in computer graphics for the past 2 decades, I have to say I very much doubt that the source video is fake or from a flight simulator. The lens distortions, the jittery movement, the jello in the footage, the slight lens flare... that would all be really, really difficult to simulate. So I think the footage is real.

Now, what I can't say for sure is if the airliner is real. It would be pretty easy to render a CG plane into real footage, and the low resolution and compression is a classic way to mask a too-clean render. It's obviously on-board video from a camera, not transmitted FPV video, and what on-board camera would take such low res video or compress it so badly? And who would pull a stunt like this and not get the best footage they could. A few things bother me:

-The plane is covering a lot of ground each frame as soon as it becomes visible, but conveniently appears much slower for the close up. The opposite should be true - it should appear slower as it approaches and then scream by. Let's say the plane is traveling at 150 mph, which is in the general range of an approach. Divide by 60 twice and you get 220 feet per second. At 30 frames per second, that's over 7 feet per frame. Yet there's no motion blur on the plane. Stand on a highway overpass and see if you can capture a car passing at 65 mph with no motion blur, panning with it perfectly, and that's only half the speed of the plane.

-There would be a very large wake/vortex behind that plane, but the drone seems entirely unaffected as it drops down behind it. The ending roll looks like the typical FPV freestyle snap roll vs. being caught in major turbulence.

-There is no heat distortion behind the engines. Hard to see because of the low res and the compression, but if you look frame by frame of the houses on the left and the road on the right, as the plane passes, there is no distortion at all.

If it is real, the pilot is either extraordinarily good or extraordinarily lucky to nail that timing and pan perfectly. And if he was that good, why would they only capture or post such shitty quality footage?

I'm not putting it passed some idiot to try to do something like this, and I reserve the right to change my mind if better quality footage shows up, but if I had to place a bet, I'd say it's a CG plane.
Some more drone footage and I’m sure it’s fake
But I’ll let you seasoned forum members decide since I’m just a greenie
Let's face it, the only reason drone videos shoot to the top of the news is because of the public's mistrust of drones and distrust of drone operators...

This is how the public see's drones:

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Let's face it, the only reason drone videos shoot to the top of the news is because of the public's mistrust of drones and distrust of drone operators...

This is how the public see's drones:

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I nominate this as 2018 post of the year!!!! this is the best
Drone hovers right above jet landing at Las Vegas airport

Don't be the guy who flew a drone over a jet landing at Las Vegas airport

Shared from my Google feed

Yeah is not the average hobbyist that commits this acts and if it is, they need to be put in jail, but the one that goes buys a drone to take pictures, videos and doesn't care to know that there are safety regulations and operational regulations to avoid harm with these types of equipment that could get out of control without warning.

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