Drone dangers rising, FAA says

Jul 15, 2015
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August 14, 2015, USA Today.......fellow pilots, this is the kind of stupid stuff going on out there. Who are these morons?? When one one of these jerks brings down an airliner our piloting days will be over. Is there any way to stop these idiots before hundreds of people die. One drone sucked into a jet engine and we are all toast in my opinion. Any ideas?
We need a reasonable licensing method. Not onerous exceptions. People do stupid stuff in cars every day.
True, but society has become tone deaf when it comes to bad driving. The prospect of bringing down an airliner and causing the death of hundreds of humans is still a big deal to most, especially polititions and law enforcement. I wonder if the AMA is working on this problem. I'm going to check.
True, but society has become tone deaf when it comes to bad driving. The prospect of bringing down an airliner and causing the death of hundreds of humans is still a big deal to most, especially polititions and law enforcement. I wonder if the AMA is working on this problem. I'm going to check.

In my opinion the AMA is not backing multi-rotors according to a article from the WSJ (RGGroups as the full article).

Like a FPV plane cannot have a camera....Really.
One thought I had, not new I've seen it elsewhere, is to have a required training course before the software will allow the motors to be armed.

Like defensive driving. You take the course online and upon completion you get a code. Then you take that code and enter it into the software for your specific craft thereby allowing full access to the functionality. The training could be provided by each manufacturer allowing for mfr. specific topics, but must include the mandated core safety topics.

Can't come soon enough afaic.
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I agree with all of the above and I don't think anyone should be allowed to fly in any automated mode until they prove they can fly manually. More fly always happen because the pilot doesn't know what to do when automation fails. and the multirotor comes falling down like an angry blender
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One thought I had, not new I've seen it elsewhere, is to have a required training course before the software will allow the motors to be armed.

Like defensive driving. You take the course online and upon completion you get a code. Then you take that code and enter it into the software for your specific craft thereby allowing full access to the functionality. The training could be provided by each manufacturer allowing for mfr. specific topics, but must include the mandated core safety topics.

Can't come soon enough afaic.

I think some type of class as well as a license is a must, I've posted it before, just add this to our current license rx number like a class D for motorcycles. Then the only way this matters is linking our rx numbers with the crafts we fly through the Fc or gps, I'm not an expert at all but would assume with the tech we have it's easy enough to have a scanner of some sort, gps or radar that can transmit our license numbers. This way you want to be a moron you personally get to face the music, not our hobby/businesses as a whole.

It'd be great if we could fly unrestricted or with few restrictions like it is now but if people were smart enough to police themselves than our police force,courts, and jails wouldn't be overcrowded or big businesses like they've become. If we don't get this moving soon I agree we will all be grounded or held back to 100ft limitations in the next couple years, its almost a guarantee. So if I have to jump through a hoop or two to fly long term and keep others safe I'm happy to do it. I personally think it's nearly impossible that any of these hobby grade solo or p3 sized copters could ever take down a manned craft beside maybe an ultralight. Fact is the media is convincing the masses otherwise so we got to act fast and I don't want to learn the hard way I'm wrong and .oooo1% of the time it could cause a crash.

Please if anyone has anything like this in the works and needs it I'd be more than happy to assist in any way I can just contact me here or at [email protected]

If we don't take the first steps fixing all these issues the government will and it will be bad for all of us. Seems there's at least one of these idiots caught and reported on every week and I promise you there's plenty not reported or with little attention too. We have to at least try and "fix stupid" or were all going to suffer for the few morons in our hobby. This may not end idiots but if a license is required to buy or fly one of these things at least it will cut down on fools getting their hands on them and make people debate if it's worth the legal issues to be an idiot.
I think some type of class as well as a license is a must, I've posted it before, just add this to our current license rx number like a class D for motorcycles. Then the only way this matters is linking our rx numbers with the crafts we fly through the Fc or gps, I'm not an expert at all but would assume with the tech we have it's easy enough to have a scanner of some sort, gps or radar that can transmit our license numbers. This way you want to be a moron you personally get to face the music, not our hobby/businesses as a whole.

It'd be great if we could fly unrestricted or with few restrictions like it is now but if people were smart enough to police themselves than our police force,courts, and jails wouldn't be overcrowded or big businesses like they've become. If we don't get this moving soon I agree we will all be grounded or held back to 100ft limitations in the next couple years, its almost a guarantee. So if I have to jump through a hoop or two to fly long term and keep others safe I'm happy to do it. I personally think it's nearly impossible that any of these hobby grade solo or p3 sized copters could ever take down a manned craft beside maybe an ultralight. Fact is the media is convincing the masses otherwise so we got to act fast and I don't want to learn the hard way I'm wrong and .oooo1% of the time it could cause a crash.

Please if anyone has anything like this in the works and needs it I'd be more than happy to assist in any way I can just contact me here or at [email protected]

If we don't take the first steps fixing all these issues the government will and it will be bad for all of us. Seems there's at least one of these idiots caught and reported on every week and I promise you there's plenty not reported or with little attention too. We have to at least try and "fix stupid" or were all going to suffer for the few morons in our hobby. This may not end idiots but if a license is required to buy or fly one of these things at least it will cut down on fools getting their hands on them and make people debate if it's worth the legal issues to be an idiot.
I agree and would be happy to help with any initiative that could help us out in the long run. As you said, if we don't do something ourselves, it will be done to us for sure.
It makes me wonder if these Quad Copter stories portrayed in the media are true or not? Overall I really believe it is hype.
It makes me wonder if these Quad Copter stories portrayed in the media are true or not? Overall I really believe it is hype.

The number one job of any media is to get you to watch/listen to their product. Just the word "drone" can make that happen so they will use that tool every chance they get. Remember the media is trying to get the attention of people that look up at the screen when they hear "Kardashian".

Your best response to the stories is to be sure when you are out in public you are safe and responsible. Appearances matter (we are dealing with humans). Look responsible and professional. Piles of beer cans around your launch site is not good. Don't fly in your neighborhood. The sound of these things is annoying. Keep that sound out of your neighborhood.

Our best hope is that given enough time people become numb to the stories and we can fade away. I'm not optimistic. Only a month ago I joined the AMA. I will watch closely to see if that was a good decision.

The biggest problem we all will have is unilateral bans of our activities by city/county councils and governing boards. Remember, their #1 job is getting re-elected so they can cash in on their perceived power.
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It makes me wonder if these Quad Copter stories portrayed in the media are true or not? Overall I really believe it is hype.

So, when the media plays the actual recordings of pilots reporting "drone sightings"-- they're just making that up?
Not every story, but let's face it the media makes stuff up all the time. They love hype and negativity. They are looking for stories 24/7. JohnSal's advice is the best direction for all of us to fly if we are to have an impact on public opinion.
The AMA is all over this issue. In fact the president of the AMA is into FPV race quads. So Join the AMA, happily pay you dues, they are diligently working with the FAA.

Hmm, I was looking into joining the AMA but after looking at what "club fields" in my area none of the mention allowing quadcopters.

Also reading the the statement from a AMA member it appears they want to separate themselves from "untrained drone operators". What about those that use "Drones" safely.
One thought I had, not new I've seen it elsewhere, is to have a required training course before the software will allow the motors to be armed.

Like defensive driving. You take the course online and upon completion you get a code. Then you take that code and enter it into the software for your specific craft thereby allowing full access to the functionality. The training could be provided by each manufacturer allowing for mfr. specific topics, but must include the mandated core safety topics.

Can't come soon enough afaic.
You said armed! AAAAHHHhhhhhh
Sorry had to first thing that came to my mind was rifling a AGM from your UAS.

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