Does any de-fisheye software run with 3GB of RAM?

Nov 20, 2015
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Silverado, California
32-bit Windows 7 is limited to a maximum of 3GB of RAM, so that's what my computer has. But both GoPro Studio and ProDrenalin require 4GB of RAM to run (according to their respective websites). GoPro Studio installed on my computer but refuses to even start (insufficient RAM, I suppose). I don't want to buy ProDrenalin and have the same frustrating failure. Is there ANY de-fisheye software that is known to work with just 3GB of RAM? Thanks in advance, especially if this was already answered elsewhere (my search came up dry).
If your going to do any "Normal" amount of editing your GoPro footage, your going to need to use a good Video editor.
There are some free one's out there, but to do what most people do with their Drone footage, your going to have to invest in a good computer/Laptop. & video editor.

I use Adobe Premiere & my Computer has 16 gig of fast ram, CPU @ 4500 Mhz. My system still bogs down when i'm doing lot's of 4K video.
I'm just telling you all this so you know what to expect.

You hardly have a ram left over, after your OS starts, your only working with about 1 meg of ram.
But just for time being & to help your present situation, just replace your ram with at lease 8 gig.

Hope this helps
... to do what most people do with their Drone footage, your going to have to invest in a good computer/Laptop. & video editor. ... But just for time being & to help your present situation, just replace your ram with at lease 8 gig.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I should have mentioned that upgrading my hardware is currently not an option. Installing more RAM in my computer would do nothing, since it has a 32-bit OS, and I cannot change its OS (it's a company computer with lots of other people's software on it). Therefore, my question is not "How can I make my computer do what yours does?" but rather "What video editing software runs under 32-bit Windows 7 (which is inherently limited to a maximum of 3GB of RAM) and offers de-fisheye functionality?"

I already bought the "MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2015" software, which offers a 32-bit version, but it has no de-fisheye function.
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Thanks, SteveReno, but as I said, it's not my computer, so I can't patch the operating system, especially if doing so causes a major speed loss, like the PAE patch does. Forgive me for repeating myself, but my question is not "How can I change my computer to make it work better", but rather "What video editing software runs under 32-bit Windows 7 with 3GB of RAM and offers de-fisheye functionality?"
Video editing is very processor and memory intensive, especially as the resolution rises (2.7k, 4k, etc). You just can't get around that.

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